Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, August 12, 2024

Society Board Meeting Minutes
12 Aug 2024

Call to Order Anne Billeter called the meeting to order at 9:30 A quorum was declared. In attendance: Anne Billeter, Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Ros Lyne, Katie Haugse, Ann Baracker, Jeanne Hoadley, Loretta Barker; Guest Bill Mansfield; via Zoom Matt Weismantel; absent Rich Miles, Pam Olsen.

Guest Attorney About Highway Project Bill Mansfield introduced himself and detailed his background and experience handling right-of-way issues. He is doing this work for RVGS pro bono. He has reached out to both the White City and Roseburg offices of ODOT requesting additional information regarding the July 23 “philosophic document”. Neither ODOT office has responded to his query. Anne Billeter stated she had had a separate conversation with Mr. Mansfield about the changes to the  driveway and signage, and those items need to be negotiated. Katie Haugse thanked Karen Asche for her work connecting us with Bill Mansfield.

Approval of July 2024 minutes

2024-57 Frank Marksman moved to approve the July 2024 Minutes with corrections. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Kim Thurman presented the Treasurer’s report. Our recent HVAC replacement costs were covered by Capital Improvement designated funds. She also made a few minor adjustments in previous months’ expenses. The taxes are still under review and expected possibly in September.
Noteworthy Expenses
See July’s Treasurer’s Report
Total Income:                            $   6,930.57
Total Expense                           $ 11,668.85
Net Operating Income            $ - 4,738.28 ($1,686.72 actual excluding HVAC from Capital Improvement)
Net Income                               $ - 4,721.85 ($1,703.15 actual excluding HVAC from Capital Improvement)

2024-58 Katie Haugse moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried

New Business

Donated Gold Pan RVGS recently received a donated gold pan from Bruce McGarvey. Ann Baracker will ask him for a brief history and its provenance. Display options were discussed.

Leon Richardson Estate Leon Richardson has requested RVGS to be the Executor of his estate. Due to possible conflict of interest as RVGS is the beneficiary, it was suggested to seek recommendation from Bill Mansfield for an estate attorney. Frank Marksman recommended we ask Leon if he has a will or trust, and possibly request a copy of it so we can ask informed questions.Matt Weismantel mentioned that he knew of several non-profits who assist other non-profits with planned giving.

Financial Review The Financial Review went well. The reports and detailed minutes were appreciated. It was noted that RVGS may want a second set of eyes in billing. Kim Thurman clarified that most of our bills are routine and on autopay and that the credit cards have limits. Frank Marksman recommended that we not pay contractors until we receive the W9. A full report from the committee is expected in September.

Treasurer’s Position A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of hiring a paid treasurer/bookkeeper and how to fund the position. There may be grants available.  Additionally Kim would be willing to mentor a treasurer for a year to get someone up to speed. Discussion tabled until an October meeting  of Officers and other interested people.
2025 Budget Much discussion ensued regarding the proposed 2025 budget. It is currently tentative and reality-based. There are increases in most of the expense line items while a few of expenses are no longer in use and have been zeroed out. A few items were unable to be estimated due to the changes taking place due to the annexation into the City of Phoenix. Normally a balanced budget is presented to members, but since this is based on “real” expenses, it is a deficit budget. It was agreed that members need to see the deficit budget so they are made aware of how funds for websites, facilities, etc. are allocated. A five-to-ten-year plan was discussed with ideas such as partnering with other organizations suggested. Matt Weismantel mentioned Medicare Grouper is allowing folks to join societies that keep them active - that could be promoted, as could the idea for members to donate their IRA required minimum distribution to RVGS if they do not need those funds. The budget may be presented to the membership as early as September’s Member Meeting and eNews with a vote anticipated in October. Kim Thurman will also write an article for the eNews outlining other options such as increasing dues or reducing website subscriptions.

Unfinished Business

Revised Fund and Investment Policy Much discussion ensued as to updating the verbiage in this policy. Per OCF we are permitted to take an appropriate percentage of the fair market value of interest from the Endowment Fund, which at this point is $4159. The Board will discuss whether to pull out distributions to fund operations. It requires ¾ of the vote of the Board  to meet the guidelines outlined in Section 5 of the Guidelines.

2024-59 Kim Thurman moved and Frank Marksman seconded to update the text of Section B, Paragraph 4 in the Fund and Investment Policy (revision March 2021) to match the text of the RVGS Bylaws, Article XV, Section 3. Updated text: Gifts for which no designation has been made by the donor, may be credited to the endowment fund at the discretion of the Board. Additions may also be made to the endowment fund from operating funds or special projects by action of the Board. Motion carried.
2026-60 Frank Marksman moved and Kim Thurman seconded to replace Bylaws Article XV, Section 4 with new language: The Board will annually review the available distribution amount identified by OCF and vote whether or not to withdraw a distribution up to the maximum available for society use as described in Section 4 of the OCF Endowment Fund Agreement. Motion carried.
2024-61 Kim Thurman moved and Frank Marksman seconded to move old Bylaws Article XV, Section 4 to Section 5 (new) with new language: Withdrawal of additional funds outside of the annual distribution requires a three-fourths vote of the Board and must meet the guidelines outlined in Section 5 of the OCF Endowment Fund Agreement. Motion carried.

Volunteer Report Ann Baracker reported that we now have 15 or 16 Genies to support our new members. Chloe Sternola is coordinating the Genies. The Genies kick-off is anticipated at the beginning of September.

Vice President Frank Marksman submitted a grant of $23,000 for a solar upgrade. About $10,000 of the cost will need to come from our Capital Fund.

NGO Matt Weismantel brought to the Board’s attention that the NGO has a “train the trainer in AI” event coming up. Jeanne Hoadley expressed interest as something useful for education.

President Anne Billeter presented our Phoenix Chamber of Commerce sticker and the Board approved its placement on RVGS’ door.

Adjourned  1:21 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich

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