Society Board Meeting Minutes
13 May 2024
Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:33 a.m. by President Anne Billeter. A quorum was declared. In attendance: Anne Billeter, Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich, Laurie Gallo, Katie Haugse, Ann Baracker, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles, Pam Olsen; via Zoom: Pat Jenkins, Matt Weismantel; absent: Ros Lyne
Approval of April 2024 minutes
2024-29 Laurie Gallo moved to approve the April 2024 Minutes as written. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
- Quilt Documentation was higher at ($70.00)
- In Kind Donations totaled ($629.00)
Noteworthy Expenses
- Web Subscriptions for My Heritage for the year ($1880.00)
Total Income: $ 2766.40
Total Expense $ 4,989.52
Net Operating Income $-2223.12
Net Income $-2208.23
Laurie informed the board that the in-kind donation for April was the new map case base. She also noted that our taxes are being prepared. Discussion ensued on commencing our annual fund drive, which is for our operating expenses. Our HVAC upgrade may be able to be funded through the Horton Foundation grant. The quilt book project will require separate tracking that is not a line item. Laurie will continue to investigate the exorbitant expense for color copies.
2024-30 Rich moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report pending updates regarding copies. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Reimbursement for Board Retreat
Since there will be no volunteer recognition luncheon in 2024, funds from the Volunteer Recognition Expense line item will be used to reimburse Katie Haugse for the cost of the Board Retreat lunch..
2024-31 Frank Marksman moved to use the Volunteer Recognition Expense funds to reimburse Katie Haugse in the amount of $271.72 for the Board Retreat luncheon. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Non-Cash Donation Pink Forms
Anne Billeter suggested that a bookplate option be placed on the Non-Cash Donation pink forms for those donating books to the library. The labels can be printed on an as-needed basis.
2024-32 Katie Haugse moved to add bookplate verbiage to the pink forms as new ones are printed. Laurie Gallo seconded. Motion carried.
Phoenix Annexation
The City of Phoenix annexed the property where RVGS is located into the city proper under “Urban Growth Boundary” adjustments. No prior warning was given to those affected as per Oregon Statutes. RVGS is required to have a business license from the City of Phoenix, but RVGS is a non-profit. Katie Haugse is in contact with Bonnie Pickett at the City. Katie explained that RVGS will need to file the application for a business license, but as a non-profit, Bonnie Pickett will waive the $84 fee. Discussion ensued about taxes and address change with the incorporation in the City of Phoenix. Frank Marksman will follow up with the post office.
Fee Schedule
Katie Haugse presented the updated fee schedule. Patrons will be charged $0.10 per page of digitized records if they are printed. It will remain free if the patron desires to download to a flash drive. Discussion ensued on how to assess fees for property deeds obtained from Jackson County.
2024-33 Loretta Barker moved that RVGS charge a $20 fee for deeds secured from Jackson County. Laurie Gallo seconded. Motion carried.
2024-34 Rich Miles moved to approve the updated fee schedule with the above changes. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
Member Survey
Anne Billeter presented the results of the Member Survey. Discussion ensued as to how best to share these results with members, as well as information regarding our annexation into the City of Phoenix. Loretta Barker, Ann Baracker, Midge Dailey, and Cindi Hobson volunteered to work on a new member process. Genealogy week is proposed to have a new format of a lecture in the morning with a practicum in the afternoon. Some members reported that the eNews is “too long”. A suggestion was made to shorten the eNews and augment it with hyperlinks.
Books from Dumpster
Linda Turner rescued several boxes of new Jackson County Looking Back II by Ben Truwe from a dumpster. Twenty were donated to RVGS. Five will be set aside for door prizes; the remainder will be made available to purchase for $10. It was also suggested to donate one to Sno-Cat as it has information on the Tucker family.
See report
Vice President
Frank Marksman reported that he and his wife, Anne Plummer, got the irrigation system operational. Berry bushes in the ditch may need spraying. Frank will discuss this with handy-man Juan. Frank will also liaise with the planning department about the front easement and investigate the possibility of Knife River paving our lot while they are paving Highway 99. Response from bookkeeping firms has been scant; the one who responded does not have non-profit experience. Karen Asche is researching legal firms in the event representation is needed during the ongoing construction along the highway and the encroachment on the easement.
See Report. A few cells may need reviewing and updating.
Past President
See Report
Ann Baracker reported we are still in need of a maintenance coordinator. The Ashland Chamber of Commerce is looking for hosts. It was suggested that RVGS could host the meeting once a year, with a volunteer from RVGS attending once a month.
Technology and Data Management
Rich Miles reported volunteers have stepped forward for the scanning projects. He stated that the upgrade to Outlook is in process and reminded RVGS Board members to clean out their DreamHost accounts.
Loretta Barker reported that we currently have 671 members.
Pat Jenkins stated that the Education Committee will go over the results of the Member Survey in June, using the data to help begin planning for Genealogy Week.
Pam Olsen shared that there was no Membership/Member Sharing last month. Loretta Barker will contact Leslie Compton to see if she is interested in continuing to write member biographies. Suggestions about ways to shorten the eNews were discussed, such as including S. I.G. information in one spot.
Lynne Hunter is continuing to place information in the local papers.
Anne Billeter shared that we have a new librarian, Josie Baker.
Matt Wiesmantel reported that the National Archives and the National Park Service are collaborating on transcribing the case files of the Pension and Bounty-Land Warrants based on the Revolutionary War Service. Volunteers are needed.
Anne Billeter adjourned the meeting at 11:37 am.
Respectively submitted,
Cathy Ullrich