Rouge Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: March 9, 2020
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:310am, JCGL building. Quorum was declared. Those present were: Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman (on phone), Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Karen Asche, Julie Goodwine, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, Rich Miles, and Terrie McCoy. Guest present was Stephen Kazar.
Motion 2020-14. Anne Billeter moved that the Minutes be approved as corrected. Barbara Shrewsberry seconded. Motion passed.
There was no correspondence.
Motion 2020-15. Rich Miles moved that we approve the January 2020 Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
General Income 7,648.00
Program Income 1,886.46
Net Income 9,534.46
General Expense 2,757.64
Program Expense 314.80
Net Expense 3,072.44
Interest 5.43
Endowment Donations 20.00
Rewards Income 95.72
Gross $ 6,583.17
Motion 2020-16. Rich Miles moved that we approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Karen Asche seconded. Motion passed.
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that the $5,000 from the Horton Family Trust had been received. She also noted that she had transferred $3,000 from the Money Market account into the Banner Bank checking account as approved last month. There was a discussion about into which fund the Horton Family Trust money should be placed.
Motion 2020-17. Karen Asche moved that we put the Horton funds into our Capital Income and pay the sign installation costs out of that fund. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion passed.
Website. Rich Miles announced that our new website went live on March 4. Most all of the website bugs were fixed on the first day. Rich reviewed the website with the Board.
Volunteer Emergency List. Terrie McCoy stated that she had not started gathering emergency contact information from our volunteers yet. It was noted that Rene Forncrook has a list of all volunteers—we need to know how to reach their family members in case of an emergency. Anne Billeter suggested that Terri write down what information she needs from each volunteer and then ask Rene to email it out.
Sign Update. Jack Patterson reported that the sign has arrived and is much heavier than expected. He would like to move ahead with the installation using Signs Now. They are giving us a 15% discount for being a non-profit organization.
Motion 2020-18. Anne Billeter moved that we authorize Jack to hire Signs Now to install our sign. Terrie McCoy seconded. Motion passed.
Motion 2020-19. Anne Billeter moved that we authorize Jack to get a bid for painting the sign posts. Barbara Shrewsberry seconded. Motion passed.
Coronavirus Pandemic Response Plan. Anne Billeter reviewed the draft of this plan with the Board and went over the steps to be aware of. She requested Board members to review this and send her any suggestions. If we do need to close the Library, Rich Miles will be contacted and he will post the information on our website and Facebook. Katie Haugse and Anne Billeter will make the decision whether to close the library and then they will email the members. Rich will send some suggestions to Anne to update this response plan. There will be an article for the eNews. Rich will check on the procedure to change the voicemail on the library telephones. When finished this plan should go out to all volunteers.
Annual Fund. Katie Haugse suggested that the letter going out to members list some of the large items, with their cost, that need to be done here at the library.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
1. President – Katie stated that we need updated organization charts and contact information. She would like to have this information on the desktop of the Librarians computer so all Librarians have access to it. Katie, Rich, and Karen watched the ORS webinar and discovered that the changes are not urgent for us. By-Laws will need to be revised. She asked everyone to start thinking Budget! Coming up – we need to review the 2020 Strategic Plan and check off items that have been accomplished. We will review the 2020 Budget next month to see if changes are needed.
2. Vice President - Kim is reviewing our fee schedule and expects to have it ready for the Board to review at the April Board meeting The new schedule will encompass all fees, including fees used for online record orders.
3. Finance—this position remains open.
4. Trustee—Charlotte Wirfs submitted her report in her absence. Margaret Clark-Mayfield will forward total number of members to Charlotte for her report each month.
5. Past President—Karen Asche and her committee are working on the By-Laws and will make them more flexible.
B. Directors
1. Volunteer—Terrie McCoy submitted her report. She has the Volunteer Binder organized. There was some confusion about the volunteer form; there are two that she has found. She also stated that once all the books have been shelved, we will need a new map of the library for our volunteers.
2. Library—Anne Billeter reported that Bruce McGarvey is working with some Boy Scouts on a Genealogy Badge. Maureen Battistella is working on an LSTA grant for digitizing old newspapers. Jacksonville papers will be covered by grants and Medford is working to get grants also.
3. Education—Julie Goodwine stated that Jennifer Bryant will be here on the 17th to present the Irish program at our General Meeting. If the meeting is to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus, please let her and Rich Miles know so the cancellation can be advertised.
4. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield submitted her report.
5. Technology and Data Management—Rich Miles advised by that Skeeter Ramirez was in this morning and changed out a couple of monitors Rich and Skeeter have finally finished the inventory and are only missing three items: a copier, a GPS, and a photo viewer.
5. Volunteer—Terrie McCoy is continuing the eNews feature of a Volunteer Spotlight. She has recently received three new volunteer requests. Per Rene’s report the total volunteer hours for 2019 were 12,839.
C. Committee Reports
1. Publicity—Anne showed us the Grants Pass Genealogical Society’s newsletter and the very large and nice advertisement that they included for our upcoming Seminar. The Native American sash that was donated to us will be added to our permanent collection. Tom Smith is a very private person and does not want any publicity regarding the sash. He will be back to speak to us again next year. Karen would rather acknowledge his gift when he is here next. Karen will respond to Pam’s email.
2. Maintenance—Jack Patterson is on the job regarding the fan in the men’s restroom.
3. Editors:
eNews (due the 20th of each month)
Rogue Digger, Cara Davis-Jacobson thinks the next issue will be Jan/Feb 2020.
4. Scholarship—Marilyn Ayres announced that the Scholarship Committee had met and selected a winner. Her name is Isabelle Collmann-Williams and she will be attending one of our General Meetings soon.
5. Quilts—Karen Asche stated that starting in September this program series will be referred to as Heirlooms and Genealogy. Pat Harper and Tom Smith will be back for two programs. They will also be doing documentation of quilts again. Karen also noted that the Quilt committee brings in money but spends very little of it.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary