Society Board Meeting Minutes
8 April 2024
Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Anne Billeter. A quorum was declared. In attendance: Anne Billeter, Cathy Ullrich, Laurie Gallo, Ros Lyne, Katie Haugse, Ann Baracker, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles; guests: Marilyn Ayres; via Zoom: Matt Weismantel. Absent: Frank Marksman, Pat Jenkins, Pam Olsen
Approval of March 2024 minutes
2024-25 Loretta Barker moved to approve the March 2024 minutes. Ros Lyne seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
- Online research was higher at $90
Noteworthy Expense
- Accounting fees at $1031.15
- Printing costs $535.89
Total income: $ 2429.20
Total expense: $ 3024.97
Net operating income: $- 175.97
Net income: $- 159.60
Laurie will check on the printing expenses as they seem a bit higher than usual.
2024-26 Ann Baracker moved to approve the March 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Ros Lyne seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Scholarship Winner - Marilyn Ayres presented our 2024 Scholarship winner: He is Fugui Slawta, a senior at Ashland High School. He is very involved in school sports, is an active volunteer in the community, and plans to attend U of O and major in business with a focus on finance and economy. Anne Billeter thanked Marilyn for her continued support and leadership on the Scholarship committee.
NGS - See report. The NGS logo is now added to the RVGS website. Matt requested permission to share the information we send to new RVGS members with NGS Delegates.
Quilt Committee Proposal - Anne Billeter representing the Quilt Committee discussed the request by Sandra Sider to use photos of 2 of the RVGS quilts in her book and to lend one for an exhibit at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts. Anne also presented the long-time dream of the Quilt Committee to publish a book about our quilts. Discussion ensued about obtaining funds to bring this to fruition. Katie Haugse will explore grants from the Oregon Community Foundation.
2024-27 Rich Miles moved to dedicate funds from the 2024 and 2025 raffle quilts and other quilt related income (line items 4465, 4465-2, and 4465-3) to publication costs to complete the RVGS quilt book per. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Officer Installation Anne Billeter brought to the floor a question regarding the Standing Rules for officer installation. Discussion ensued.
2024-28 Rich Miles moved to amend Standing Rule #8 to install new officers at a member meeting prior to the first of the following year if possible. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
Fee Schedule Katie Haugse presented the updated fee schedule. Discussion ensued about the format and additions. Tabled until May
Member Survey Anne Billeter reminded the Board of our Board Retreat May 7 from 10-4. Katie will explore options for food from Mountain Mike’s Pizza; Ann Baracker will pick it up. Also discussed was additional members to include in the Board Retreat. Anne will send out an email and request an RSVP. The agenda will be reviewing the survey.
Executive Reports
President - see report. Anne Billeter reported that our new map case is installed and thanked member Deborah Sanford and her son, Craig Sanford, for their contributions.
Vice President - none
Trustee - see report.
Past President - see Fee Schedule
Volunteer and Outreach - see report. Ann Baracker summarized the results of the Senior Fair. Zoom hosts and a scheduler are still desperately needed. Discussion ensued about how to facilitate more interest in interest groups.
Technology and Data Management - See report. Rich Miles updated us that there are still issues with the server and reminded librarians to let him know if the librarian/office computers are off in the morning. This does not apply to patron computers, but indicates a power outage, and the server must be reset.
Membership - see report. Loretta Barker stated that our current membership is at 674 and will update the report to reflect that. There are issues when one member of a family membership chooses not to renew their membership.. Loretta will work with Terry Fischer to clarify the procedure for recording this change.
Education - none
Publication - none. Short discussion was held about the length of the eNews. Some members felt it was too long and were not reading because of that.
Committees and Coordinators
Publicity - none
Library - none. Anne Billeter did emphasize the continued need for librarians
NGS Delegate- see report
eNews (due 20th of each month)
Rogue Digger (deadline May 1)
Adjourned President Anne Billeter adjourned the meeting at 11:59 am
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich