Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, March 11, 2024

Society Board Meeting Minutes
            11 Mar 2024

Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m. by President Anne Billeter. A quorum was declared.  In attendance: Anne Billeter, Cathy Ullrich, Laurie Gallo, Ros Lyne, Katie Haugse, Ann Baracker, Pat Jenkins, Loretta Barker, Pam Olsen, Dennis Stevens; via Zoom: Kim Thurman, Matt Weismantel; absent: Frank Marksman, Rich Miles, Cindi Hobson

Approval of February 2024 minutes
2024-16 Katie Haugse moved to approve the February 2024 minutes with corrections. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
  • Class registration was $510
Noteworthy Expense
  • Technology switches $836.99
  • Total Technology Program $1853.88
Total income:                            $ 3076.67
Total expense:                          $ 4179.62
Net operating income:           $-1102.95
Net income:                             $-1088.49
Discussion ensued about moving line item 6600 of $126.25 from “no” category to Xerox rental 6614, 7771 of $150 for speaker to 7771-1, $50 from the annual fund should be allotted to 4465 for the quilt project. A quote to eventually move our sign with the road construction is $35,000. The Statement of Financial Position has been tabled.
2024-17 Loretta Barker moved to approve the February 2024 Treasurer’s Report with adjustments. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Foyer Boards - Kim Thurman will update the three boards in the foyer. The three boards will be allocated to 2023 memorials; Board/Committee/SIG group leaders; acknowledgement of 2023 donors.
2024-18 Katie Haugse moved to approve the use of the foyer boards to honor our members. Ann Baracker seconded. Motion carried.
Membership Record Cards - Loretta Barker brought to the Board the need for additional membership record cards. It is not in the budget as an office expense, so discussion was more for clarification.
2024-19 Loretta moved to purchase 500 membership record cards for the cost of $48.17. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Advertisement in Siskiyou Singers Brochure Loretta Barker shared an advertising option in the Siskiyou Singers bulletin at $60 for a business card promotion. Katie will check the format of the Soroptimist Garden Tour submission and get it to Loretta.. Funds from the marketing line item.
2024-20  Katie Haugse moved to spend $60 to place an ad in the Siskiyou Singers bulletin. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Officer Installation Anne Billeter recommended that Officers continue to be elected at the November Member Meeting. Instead of installing them at the December holiday luncheon, immediately install the newly elected Officers at the member meeting. This would ease transition by allowing an extra month.
2024-21 Katie Haugse moved to change the Officer installation from December to November. Laurie Gallo seconded. Motion carried.
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon Discussion ensued to move the Volunteer Recognition to January 11, 2025, with the thought that December is busy. The budget will need to be adjusted to reflect this moving forward. There are funds in the 2024 budget for the luncheon that can be carried over for this time.
2024-22 Ann Baracker moved to change the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon to January going forward. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Spark Good Ann Baracker brought to the Board’s attention Spark Good, a program for non-profits underwritten by the WalMart Foundation. Spark Good may be used to obtain table supplies for upcoming events. Ann will coordinate with Rich Miles. The grant must be applied for quarterly. It was recommended that businesses that support RVGS be honored in the eNews and/or on our website.
2024-23 Ann Baracker moved to open a Spark Goods account with the Walmart Foundation and apply for a grant for paper goods for the July Ice Cream Social, “Chasing Freedom.” Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
Back Issues of Rogue Digger Anne Billeter suggested that our already-digitized editions of the “Rogue Digger” be made available for only members to view. Non-members will still need to pay for articles.
2024-24 Pat Jenkins moved to make digitized Rogue Digger newsletters available only to members. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Senior Fair RVGS has obtained a booth at the upcoming Medford Senior Fair free of charge thanks to Midge Daily’s efforts. Pat Jenkins has volunteered to help Midge at the booth. A list of items to include in a Starter Folder was discussed, including a free day pass. It was suggested to offer a year pass as a prize for Bingo.

Unfinished Business
  • Fee Schedule Tabled until April.
  • Member Survey The deadline is extended until March 24. A sign at the Reception Desk will remind members to respond. Results will be shared in eNews and at the June Member Meeting. A tentative Board Retreat is scheduled May 7, 10-4,  for strategic planning based on input from the survey
President - Anne Billeter reminded the Board of the upcoming OLLI classes. See Report for details
Vice President  - none
Trustee - Ros Lyne stated that one group is still not reporting their numbers. Katie will look into it. New member and librarian Dennis Stevens has grant writing experience and will utilize the trustee reports to do so.
Past President - none
Volunteer - Ann Baracker will attend the Rogue Valley Manor genealogy group to reach out. She will
 follow up on volunteers who are not reporting their hours to Rene. RVGS still needs a Zoom/Owl Host coordinator. A discussion of an Outreach Coordinator was tabled until April.
Tech and Data Management  - See report
Education - A discussion was held regarding the discrepancies in class attendance. It was suggested that classes adopt a hands-on portion format following the lecture to encourage in-person attendance.
Membership - Loretta Barker reported 668 total members. Numbers are still off, but she and Terry Fischer continue to work on it.
Publications - March 20 is the deadline for the eNews. Pam is able to accommodate late submissions if she knows ahead. The Rogue Digger deadline is May 1 for the next issue. RVGS now has a Publications Committee consisting of Pam Olsen, Cindi Hobson and Lynn Leissler.
Publicity - none
Library none
NGS Delegate- see report
Adjourned President Anne Billeter adjourned the meeting at 12:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Cathy Ullrich

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