Society Board Meeting Minutes
12 Feb 2024
Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:31 by President Anne Billeter. A quorum was established. In attendance: Anne Billeter, Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich, Laurie Gallo, Ros Lyne, Katie Haugse, Ann Baracker, Pat Jenkins, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles, Pam Olsen; via Zoom Matt Weismantel
Approval of January 2024 minutes
2024-8 Frank Marksman moved to approve the 8 Jan 2024 minutes as written. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
• Received Horton Grant for ($5000)
• One Lifetime Membership from Dave Horton
• Dues received ($3080)
Noteworthy Expense
• Postage was higher than usual as 300 stamps were bought just before the postal increase at ($197)
• Accounting fees & PP&L did not reflect the increases as they will show in next month's bill
• Total expenses were lower than last month by almost $3000
Total income: $9374.83
Total expense: $3,838.39
Net operating income: $5536.44
Net income: $6073.97
2024-9 Rich Miles moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a correction on the final page of the net operating percentage. Loretta seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Fee Schedule Katie Haugse presented our fee schedule that was last reviewed in April 2023. Costs for court records are not included. Katie Haugse, KimThurman, and Chris Galligan will confer and adjust.
2024-10 Frank Marksman made a motion to table the fee schedule until March’s Board Meeting after the information has been adjusted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Rich stated that once the fees are adjusted, he will update them on RVGS’ website.
Member Policy Due to ongoing confusion with member codes, Katie Haugse and Loretta Barker streamlined and defined them. Discussion ensued as to how to delineate a “family” membership with adjustments to follow.
2024-11 Laurie Gallo made a motion to approve the membership policy with minor adjustments to codes. Ann Baracker seconded. Motion carried.
Soroptomist Ad Proposal Katie Haugse presented the opportunity to place business-card-sized ad in the Soroptimist Garden Tour brochure.
2024-12 Frank Marksman made a motion to pay $50 to put an ad in the Soroptomists’ brochure not to exceed $50. Laurie Gallo seconded. Motion carried.
Deep Freeze Rich Miles updated us on Deep Freeze. Kinks are continuing to be worked out. An iMac computer has been added to our patron computers, and it will need to be hooked to Deep Freeze for the one-time cost of $78.37. The iMac will then renew with the other computers. The reception computers will not be linked to Deep Freeze because there is a legitimate need for librarians to save files to the computers. Anne Billeter will remind librarians to save their personal searches and files to a thumb drive or email home, and then delete. Library business may be left on the reception computers.
Network Equipment Rich Miles also brought us up to date on our WiFi connections. RVGS is not getting the full benefit of WiFi due to outdated equipment. Tech consultant Jeff Bales recommended that we need to replace our two switches with one new switch at a cost of about $850.
2024-13 Loretta Barker moved to approve the purchase of recommended network switches not to exceed $900. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
Access Points Rich Miles discussed the need to split the guest network and the Society network for security. Per Jeff Bales, three or four access points would be required at the cost of about $450 each. There is money in the budget for a new server that could be used. Rich will work with Jeff Bales as to whether the server or the access points are more critical. Topic will be revisited further into the year when information is available.
Unfinished Business
Publications Director
2024-14 Anne Billeter appointed Pamela Olsen as Publications Director by email 14 January 2024. Frank Marksman moved to approve the appointment. Cathy Ullrich seconded. Motion carried by the following Board votes: Anne Billeter, Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich and Ros Lyne.
Accounting Firm Search
2024-15 Anne Billeter moved to authorize the Accounting Search Committee (Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Frank Marksman and Anne Billeter) to decide, based on response to the RFP (Request for Prices) which accounting firm to engage. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Member Survey Discussion ensued about clarifying some concerns about subscription websites accessed from home vs at RVGS. Pat Jenkins asked for an item regarding how members would prefer to attend classes. NGS representative Matt Weismantel suggested adding some more open-ended questions. A Board Consensus was reached to continue on the member survey.
President - Anne Billeter encouraged Board Members to read her detailed report. She also shared with us the “History Lives Here” brochure prepared by the Jackson County Heritage Association. Anne also reported that the Fourth Edition of Edition Evidence Explained has arrived for our collection. An incident report was received due to a librarian’s tumble in the parking lot, and Anne reported that the librarian was fine.
Vice President Frank Marksman reported that he continues to work on the inventory, and he will be heading up the March meeting in Anne’s absence.
Trustee Ros Lyne mentioned that attendance is picking up, but she is not getting attendance numbers for the Irish Interest Group in a timely manner.
Past President detailed above in Fee Schedule and Membership Policy
Volunteer Ann Baracker is working on a list of volunteers for specific tasks such as translation. An Ice Cream Social with the theme of Freedom and Independence is scheduled for 20 July 2024. Ann and Pat Jenkins will coordinate on an outreach team, and VP Frank Marksman volunteered to speak to any group anywhere on the topic of genealogy and RVGS.
Bottle Drop Ron Baracker has stepped up to coordinate the Bottle Drop. He proposed some ideas for streamlining, accessing, and publicizing the Bottle Drop.
Technology Event schedulers must be filled out for Rich to publish events on the website. Jeff Bales has corrected glitches on Constant Contact and the new Microsoft update has been ironed out. My Heritage use is up due to the recent librarians’ class.
Membership Loretta Barker reported that our only “courtesy” members are those from Grants Pass. The numbers in her report are still not reflecting reality. She will continue to work on that. Ann Baracker will look into volunteers to call lapsed members. Loretta asked that if we see members’ obituaries to inform her so they can be dropped.
Education Pat Jenkins continues to seek Zoom hosts, and someone to coordinate the hosts. We may not be able to present hybrid meetings if we don’t find hosts/coordinators. We are offering two classes per month. Laurie Gallo will investigate if her son may be able to help us.
eNews Pam Olsen encouraged members to keep articles coming. There is a new membership column in eNews. Loretta will contact Lesley Compton about continuing the biographies on members.
Publicity Anne Billeter reported that Lynne Hunter has placed ads in the Grants Pass Daily Courier.
Library no report
NGS Matt Weismantel stated that delegates are talking more about emergency preparedness. The American Institute for Conservation is available to provide immediate assistance in disaster situations. age-responders The Preserve the Pensions program continues, and Matt will let us know when he has updates. SLAM is available for highlighting our society’s work. Anne Billeter suggested following up with Kim Thurman and Katie Haugse.The Family History Guide is now part of NGS and will be a benefit to organizations and info can be found at . Vivid-Pix’s Rick Voight is planning an information tour that might include Oregon, would this be something RVGS might be interested in? Matt will be facilitating the Excellence in Genealogical Organizations Task Force for the Delegates and shared the draft standards that the task will be editing and asked for any feedback or suggestions from RVGS board. Information about the recent “victory” of Records Not Revenue in holding down and reducing USCIS Genealogical Program fees were shared and will be considered for sharing with membership.
Demonstrations Rich Miles provided an informative mini-class for Board members in using our various Google tools .
Adjourned President Anne Billeter adjourned the meeting at 12:38 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Cathy Ullrich