Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, January 08, 2024

Society Board Meeting Minutes
8 Jan 2024

Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:32 by President Anne Billeter; a quorum was established. In attendance: Anne Billeter, Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich, Laurie Gallo, Ros Lyne, Ann Baracker, Pat Jenkins, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles; guests: Kim Thurman, Cindi Hobson, Pam Olsen; via Zoom: Matt Weismantel, Lynne Hunter, Katie Haugse

Approval of December 2023 minutes
2024-1 Pat Jenkins moved to approve the 11 Dec 2023  minutes as written. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
  • In-kind contributions included a donation of an IMAC computer to be used in the Library ($500)
  • Received two Life Memberships at the end of the month
  • Received Rewards from Bottle Drop & Credit Cards $431.61
Noteworthy Expense
  • Xerox charged an additional fee of $45.62 for property tax that I (Laurie) will investigate
  • Value of donated IMAC Expense was recognized under Technology Equipment ($500)
  • Renewal of 2 subscription websites
  • While the bottom line looks dire, we are still awaiting final numbers for 2023, and RVGS’ funding remains stable.
Total income:                            $2625.40
Total expense:                          $6942.50
Net operating income:           -$3942.50
Net income:                             -$2997.55
2024-2  Loretta Barker moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Our accountant, Cramer and Associates, merged with Capstone CPAs, and their monthly fee is $700 to Cramer’s $375, with an additional 12% for Capstone to prepare taxes. Discussion ensued about how best to move forward. It was decided to remain with Capstone through the preparation of 2023’s taxes, with the formation of a sub-committee consisting of Frank Marksman, Katie Haugse and Kim Thurman to explore other options. The Board approved the formation of this sub-committee. Kim Thurman will serve as Chair.
Kim Thurman reported that prior year-end  financial reports are now in a binder in the research room.
2024-3 Frank Marksman moved to approve RVGS’ signatories for the Banner Bank accounts to Anne Billeter, Rich Miles, Laurie Gallo, Katie Haugse and Kim Thurman. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Appointment of Board Directors
2024-4 Anne Billeter  as President made the appointments for Coordinator, Committee Chairs, and Editors. Katie Haugse seconded. Appointments approved.
            Lynne Hunter, Publicity Coordinator
            Marilyn Ayres, Scholarship Committee Chair
            Karen Asche, Quilt Committee Chair
            Anne Billeter, Book Committee Chair
            Pam Olsen, eNews editor
            Cindi Hobson, Rogue Digger editor
2024-5 Anne Billeter as President made the following appointments for Directors. Katie Haugse seconded. Voted on by Elected Officers:  Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich, Laurie Gallo and Ros Lyne.
            Katie Haugse, Past President
            Rich Miles, Technology and Data Management Director
            Pat Jenkins, Education Director
            Loretta Barker, Membership Director
            Ann Baracker, Volunteer Director

Conflict of Interest Policy
Past President Katie Haugse reminded Directors and Officers to sign and return the Conflict of Interest form.

Member Survey President Anne Billeter recommended we do a member survey. Our last one was in 2019 prior to the new website, the pandemic and the Almeda Fire. Concerns are how offering so much remotely is affecting us, what members desire, and how to attract younger members. Pat Jenkins, Katie Haugse, and Anne Billeter, with the possible inclusion of Barbara Northrop and Grace D’Antonio, will hammer out the survey.

NGS Virtual Family History Conference
Matt Weismantel updated information on the NGS Virtual Family History Conference to take place in late May. Early registration by 31 Jan 2024 allows the option for three members to participate at $225 per person. Focus on Genealogy is a pre-workshop for Genealogy Societies.Three or more members may attend that workshop for $40 per person, if registered by 31 Jan 2024. Anne Billeter expressed interest in attending the Focus Workshop, and recommended that some of our regular instructors may be interested in attending the Conference.
2024-6 Katie Hause moved to approve utilizing monies in the Connie Miller Memorial Fund to allow attendance of the FOCUS portion of the NGS Virtual Family History Conference in May 2024. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Anne Billeter appointed Kim Thurman to be our NGS administrator.
2026-7 Frank Marksman moved to appoint Kim Thurman as RVGS’ NGS administrator. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business

GPGS - Anne Billeter updated the Board that Grants Pass Genealogical Society has officially been dissolved, with 16 members expressing interest in joining RVGS. Anne Billeter has drafted a letter to be mailed to invite them to join RVGS for a year’s “free” membership.

President Anne Billeter expressed concern about the increasing costs of Constant Contact, our email distribution program. A brief discussion followed on perhaps trying another service, but the decision reached was to remain with Constant Contact. Publicity was also discussed, with Lynne Hunter and Ann Baracker working together to promote RVGS’ activities and classes.

Vice President  Frank Marksman will be reaching out to members to form a long range planning task force.

Trustee Ros Lyne reported that the data collected is to track trends at RVGS.

Past President - no report

Volunteer Ann Baracker reported no new volunteers in December. The volunteer luncheon had 51 attendees. Ann stated that she, Mary Robsman and Mary Tsui have ideas in the pipeline for future social activities.

Technology Rich Miles mentioned that our reader board has attracted people. He also reported that some of our patron computers are randomly shutting down, and he hopes that a Deep Freeze update may help. Access to the American Ancestors site is now working.. Jeff Bales is doing an excellent job keeping our technology up to date, and additionally, Jeff has adjusted the read/write access to the server to select users. A backup Owl person is needed to set up for Board meetings. A Zoom host scheduler is needed as well.

Membership Loretta Barker stated that her member numbers match for December. A discussion followed on how to determine a complimentary membership. Katie Haugse and Loretta Barker will draft a policy for such.

Education Pat Jenkins reported that the German Research Drop-In Help Session was a phenomenal success, with 17 attendees. In addition, Barbara Northrop is offering an Organizing Your Files Drop-In Session.  She has also added a new Genealogy Newbies In Person Interest Group.. Zoom hosts are still needed. Our seminar is set for 26 October with Diana Elder, with the topic to be DNA.
Library Anne Billeter shared that our collection has grown to 26,465 items, with 465 added this year and 94 discards. Inventory went very smoothly.

NGS Matt Weismantel reported that digitization will continue on the Veteran’s Bounty and Pension records, Phase II. Pat Jenkins will look into coordinating a program to dovetail with this research in November.

Editors Anne welcomed new eNews editor Pam Olsen. Rogue Digger editor Cindi Hobson said she anticipates a Spring 2024 release.

Adjourned: 11:55 by President Anne Billeter.
Upcoming meetings: 
            Membership Meeting, Tuesday, January 16 at 1:30 pm
            Board Meeting, Monday, February 12 at 9:30 am

Respectfully submitted
Cathy Ullrich

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