Society Board Meeting Minutes
11 Dec 2023
Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:36 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Anne Billeter, Pat Jenkins, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles; guests: Frank Marksman, Laurie Gallo, Ros Lyne; via Zoom: Chris Mason, Matt Weismantel. Absent: Lynne Hunter
Approval of November 2023 minutes
2023-62 Anne Billeter moved to approve the 13 November 2023 minutes as written. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
- Total of $410 for Membership Assistance Fund (Memorial Funds in P&L) included in November’s report due to journal entries to reclassify in QuickBooks. The total will be included in the Connie Miller Fund.
- Received $2000 donation for future building expansion (earmarked for Capital under Designated Funds)
- Received income from Fall Festival raffle ($387)
- Online research request continue 3-month low rate ($40)
- In Kind contributions included materials and labor for quilt rack ($598.69)
Noteworthy Expense
- Utilities lower than normal due to no Pacific Power bill ($495.69)
- Facility maintenance total of $331.68 includes the donated quilt rack material expenses
- Hospitality consists of reimbursement for Fall Festival expenses ($120.37)
- Fold3 subscription renewed ($1702)
- Education class expense for two speakers ($150)
- Seminar expense is for Facebook advertising of seminar in October ($50)
Total income: $5,356.14
Total expense: $4,454.37
Net operating income: $ 901.77
Net income: $2,506.11
It was suggested to remove the Membership Assistance verbiage from the renewal form as that campaign is well-funded.
2023-63 Loretta Barker moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Heritage Tourism and Economic Development
The Heritage Development Day is 17 Jan 2024 from 10 to 4 at the Talent Community Center. There will be a speaker from Independence, Oregon. Anne Billeter will attend to promote RVGS in the Travel Southern Oregon publication.
Veterans’ Bounty Land Records
Matt Weismantel reported that funding is required to continue digitizing Veteran's Bounty and Pension records. The Civil War records are nearly complete, with the War of 1812 upcoming. Matt stated that some societies are asking members for an extra $1.00 in dues toward this endeavor; the Board was not in favor of this. Discussion ensued about placing an article in the eNews after the new year and maybe placing the link to the project on our website. Perhaps a class can be scheduled in November in conjunction with Veteran’s Day to support NGS. Matt was unsure if the Revolutionary War documents will be digitized.
Yakima Valley Genealogical Society
Anne Billeter reported that Yakima Valley contacted us to offer to exchange surplus books.The exchange will be arranged in the spring.
2023 64 Rich Miles moved to allow Anne Billeter to exchange books with the Yakima Society. Kim Thurman seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
Grants Pass Genealogical Society Update
The Grants Pass Board voted that RVGS would receive their assets. GPGS memberswill be offered 1 year free membership in RVGS if they are not already members. December 16 is the deadline to get their list of members to us so we can reach out and invite them. They will need to respond affirmatively to be added to our membership.
Outgoing President Katie Haugse thanked the Board for their diligent service and reminded incoming Directors and Officers to sign and return the Conflict of Interest form found on our website under the “About” tab on the website.
Vice President
No report - Chris Mason thanked the Board.
See report -- Chris Galligan will train incoming Trustee, Ros Lyne. Chris also reported that research requests are down and reminded librarians to remember to endorse checks, sign yellow sheets and daily cash summaries, and double check calculations on them.
Past President
See report. Anne Billeter reviewed the information about Travel Southern Oregon.
Director Reports
Technology and Data Management
See report - Rich Miles reported that the Zoom links for 2024 have been updated.Video should now embed on the web pages.
See report - Katie Haugse reported in absentia for Lynne Hunter. We have no new volunteers. Ann Baracker is planning at the time of the Board meeting for 44 attendees at the Volunteer Luncheon. Ruth Wade is scheduled to install officers.
See report - Anne Billeter shared that Rich Cunningham will be bringing books from the GFOacquired during the NGS “Giving Day.” Seventy to 80 books are expected.
See report - Pat Jenkins stated that the 2024 schedule is nearly complete. Rich Cunningham has stepped up as our SIG liaison to coordinate reporting. Pat noted that the class focus for 2024 will be on using our subscription websites. A DNA seminar is proposed with Diana Elder as instructor on 26 Oct 2024 at a cost of $750.
2023-65 Kim Thurman moved that we spend $750 to fund the DNA seminar with Diana Elder. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
See report - Loretta Barker noted that the numbers on the Membership Report are still off by 1. A discussion ensued as to how to reflect members’ status if they have a Family Membership and one of the parties dies or leaves the society.
Finance - open
Committee Reports
See report - Matt Wiesmantel gave a brief synopsis of his report. Kim Thurman suggested RVGS form a subcommittee for disaster preparedness. Matt suggested a contact - Melissa Barker. The NGS reviewed our bylaws some years ago.
Maintenance open
RVGS enews - Pam Olsenis our eNews coordinator. Rich Miles thanked her for taking on this task. by December 20th.
Rogue Digger - Cindi Hobson is proposing an edition out in the Spring of 2024.
- Kim Thurman will update the names in the foyer.
- Meetings
- Next Board Meeting - January 8, 2024 @ 9:30 AM, library
- Membership Meeting and Volunteer Luncheon - December 16, 2023, library
- Adjourned
- President Katie Haugse adjourned the meeting at 11:06 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich