Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: January 13, 2020
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:30 am, JCGL building. Quorum was declared. Those present were: Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Julie Goodwine, Anne Billeter, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Rich Miles, Terrie McCoy, and Karen Asche. Guest present was Pat Jenkins.
President Katie Haugse presented the following slate of Directors to the Board for approval: Library, Anne Billeter; Education, Julie Goodwine; Membership, Margaret Clark-Mayfield; Technology & Data Management, Rich Miles; and Volunteer, Terrie McCoy. She noted that the position of Finance Director is still vacant.
MOTION 2020-01. Kim Thurman moved that the Directors named above be approved. Karen Asche seconded. Motion passed.
President Katie Haugse presented the following slate of Coordinators and Editors to the Board for approval: Publications: Digger: Cara Davis-Jacobson; eNews: Kat Guyot; Projects, Chloe Sternola; Maintenance, Jack Patterson; Outreach: Ruth Wade, Mary Robsman, and Dorothy Cotton; Special Projects: Ann Baracker; Grant Writer; Barbara MacMillen; Books, Anne Billeter; Quilts, Karen Asche; Mentoring, Ruth Wade; Publicity Coordinator, Pam Sasseen; and Technology Manager, Skeeter Ramirez.
There was a discussion about the necessity of an Interest Group Coordinator. There was a consensus to remove this position at this time.
MOTION 2020-02. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the Coordinators and Editors listed above. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
Motion 2020-03. Anne Billeter moved that the Minutes be approved as printed. Charlotte Wirfs seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
General Income - 4,380.00
Program Income - 1,488.26
In-Kind Contributions - 62.98
Net Income - 5,931.24
General Expense 2,968.59
Program Expense 2,645.87
In-Kind Expenditures 62.98
Net Expense 5,677.44
Interest 7.84
Endowment Donations 200.00
Life Membership 500.00
Total $ 961.64
Motion 2020-04. Kim Thurman moved that we accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
There was a discussion about funds given in honor of someone and how the family members were being notified of these donations. Loretta Barker stated that when she was notified of such a donation, she would send a notice to the family stating the names and addresses of those who had donated in honor of their family member. Barbara Shrewsberry will talk to Char, the cashier, to make sure she places a copy of the receipt in Loretta’s box.
Approval of Change of Signature Cards on bank forms
Barbara Shrewsberry noted the following motions were needed to get the signature cards up to date at Banner Bank.
Motion 2020-05. Charlotte Wirfs moved Katie Haugse, President, and Kimberly Thurman, Vice President, be authorized to sign checks on behalf of Rogue Valley Genealogical Society, Inc., on its bank account with Banner Bank. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion passed.
Motion 2020-06. Terrie McCoy moved that Betty Miller, former Trustee, be removed as a check signer on Rogue Valley Genealogical Society, Inc.’s bank account with Banner Bank. Charlotte Wirfs seconded. Motion passed.
Note: The following will remain as signers: Barbara J. Shrewsberry, Anne Billeter, Richard J. Miles, and Karen Asche.
There was no unfinished business.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Karen Asche stressed how important this form is. We could lose our non-profit status if we are found in non-compliance. Karen went over each question with the Board as they completed their forms. The records were then collected by Vice President Thurman; they will be scanned and put on the server. Originals are kept in the file cabinet.
Copier – Pacific Office Tech
Kim Thurman said she had received a request from Pacific Office Tech to submit a bid for a new copier. After discussion it was agreed that we would not pursue this offer.
Proposal to add additional shelving
Anne Billeter discussed the proposed changes for additional library shelving. She showed a slide indicating where the new bookcases could be added for an estimated price of $2,000.
MOTION 2020-07. Karen Asche moved that we approve $2,000 for new library shelving. Terrie McCoy seconded. Motion passed.
Request for Education speaker funds
Julie Goodwine said the Education Committee had booked Kate Eakman for May 19 & 20, 2020, for a cost of $350. The Fall Seminar, which will conclude Genealogy Week, will cost $250. She requested additional funds for the Education Committee.
MOTION 2020-08. Rich Miles moved that we approve the request of the Education Committee for additional speaker fees and expenses in the amount of $600. Anne Billeter seconded the motion. Motion passed.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
1. President – Katie Haugse noted that Tracy Baird dropped off eight Norman Rockwell signed prints and also some antique bottles. She said she was donating these to us for an auction or sale. After a discussion about these items, it was determined that we should not accept items that have no genealogical value. Katie will contact Tracy about picking up these items.
MOTION 2020-09. Karen Asche moved to reject these donated Norman Rockwell prints and the antique bottles. Kim Thurman seconded. Motion passed.
Karen Asche also requested that Anne Billeter advise the librarians that we do not accept non-genealogical items.
2. Vice President--Kim Thurman discussed the Asset Report that she submitted and stated that next year she will add approximate cost to each item. She would like to review the level of annual dues paid by our members. She plans to check with other Societies in Southern Oregon and Northern California to see what they charge. James Williams has asked to step down as an hourly researcher. She is looking for a replacement.
3. Finance—this position remains open. Rich Miles received an email from Craig Horton on behalf of the Horton Faily Foundation asking us to submit a letter requesting the annual donation and advising where we would like these funds to go. After a discussion it was decided to request these funds be submitted to our Operations and Capital Improvements funds. Rich will write to Craig with this request. Note: It was suggested that we could use these funds for Newspaperscom.
4. Trustee—Charlotte Wirfs noted that she had received a thumb drive from Kim Thurman containing video of the inside and outside of our library. She will keep this drive at home.
5. Past President—Karen Asche advised us that at each Board meeting she will discuss one policy that we can review and then update if necessary.
B. Directors
1. Education—See report submitted by Julie Goodwine.
2. Library—Anne Billeter discussed the library inventory and the need for placing a value on the collection.
MOTION: Anne Billeter moved that we pay $900 to the Genealogical Society of Douglas County for the 900 books we purchased from them. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
3. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield noted that she has sent out notices of renewals. It was brought to our attention that Rich and Nancy Aubin won a year membership at the Railroad Show. They are already members, so they will use this for their 2020 membership.
4. Public Relations—Pam Sasseen sent in her report. It was noted that RVGS member Celeste Guillory has included the Seminar in the Grants Pass Genealogical Society newsletter and is happy to receive the list of our classes for the GPGS monthly newsletter
5. Technology—Rich Miles noted that we are getting close to getting the new website up and running. Rene Forncrook will be doing work on the indexes and will begin with the Cemetery records. He noted that members will be able to view Society policies on any computer. On the new website there is a Staff Directory; Rich will start entering information from the business cards we have at the front desk. Skeeter is working on changing the routers to a mesh wifi system. At a future meeting Rich will be making a recommendation for cloud back-up of our data. Rich discussed the tech inventory with us which will be completed soon. Rich, Skeeter, Terrie McCoy and Dave Horton will also be trained to program our new electronic sign.
5. Volunteer—Terrie McCoy is continuing the eNews feature of a Volunteer Spotlight. She has recently received three new volunteer requests. Per Rene’s report the total volunteer hours for 2019 were 12,839.
C. Committee Reports
1. Research—Charlotte Wirfs has received a report from Joy which she will forward to the Board.
2. Maintenance—Jack Patterson has been measuring the new shelving for the library. Jack, Terry Fischer, and Alan Marion have keys to our building to used in an emergency. The Board agreed we will leave this list as it is. We had an overnight visitor on the north side of our building who damaged our trees and turned a light out. Anne Billeter called the Sheriff’s Department and they have agreed to make more visits to our property during the night. Andrea Patterson said she knows someone who could install video monitors for about $500. We agreed not to pursue video monitors at this time. The electronic sign should be here shortly. It’s being delivered to Jack’ss home. Katie Haugse said she had nephews and their friends who will be able to help with the installation.
3. Editors:
ENews (due the 20th of each month
Rogue Digger, Cara Davis-Jacobson thinks the next issue will be Jan/Feb 2020.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary