Society Board Meeting Minutes
13 Nov 2023
Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:35 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Chris Mason, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Anne Billeter, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles and guests Cindi Hobson, Frank Marksman and Laurie Gallo.
Approval of October 2023 minutes
2023-53 Lynne Hunter moved to approve the 9 October 2023 minutes as written. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
A sympathy card was circulated and signed for the family of volunteer Wendy Purslow.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
•Membership payments remain active ($2,030)
•Received a large single Annual Fund Drive contribution of $5k ($5,587.50)
•Received quilt documentation income ($70)
•In Kind contributions included labor for technology support, technology equipment, and postage ($195.89)
•Received Quarterly Oregon Bottle Drop check of $223.56
Noteworthy Expense
•Xerox copier printing fee higher than average ($145.64)
•Replaced kitchen microwave and rug under Small Tools & Equipment ($79.98) •NewspaperArchive subscription renewed ($1,933)
•Technology Equipment account was negative due to return of projector mount (not needed for installation ($-97.18)
Total income: $9,266.23
Total expense: $6.067.77
Net operating income: $3,198.46
Net income: $3,435.31
2023-54 Lynne Hunter moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
A discussion ensued about the use of the Membership Assistance Fund. $400 has been donated and placed in the Connie Miller Fund. Kim Thurman recommended removing verbiage for the Membership Assistance Fund from the renewal letter and freezing the account until our new treasurer has been on board for a while. Board members concurred.
Kim also presented the updated class income spreadsheet. Kim will advise the Education Committee on how to prepare this spreadsheet. Question was raised on how to track paid attendees who register, do not attend in person, and watch the video presentation later.
New Business
Horton Family Foundation Grant
The Horton Family Foundation has requested RVGS apply for the $5000 grant from their fund. Possible uses are to replace the A/C on the front of the building. This is targeted as a capital expense, but only $1000 had been earmarked. The estimate for replacement is about $4500. Katie will follow up with a letter to the Horton Family Foundation.
Grants Pass Genealogical Society
A discussion was held regarding how to support the GPGS following their decision to close. Anne Billeter will meet with them via Zoom 14 Nov and address this issue and verify closing.
2023-55 Anne Billeter moved to give GPGS Society members a one year free membership to RVGS if they are not already members with a deadline of February 1, 2024. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried with 1 opposed.
Katie will obtain a list of GPGS members to follow up.
Officer Installation
Officer installation will be 16 Dec 2023 at 1:30 pm. Ruth Wade will be asked to do the installation.There will be no silent auction or raffle. The member luncheon will be open to volunteers, major donors, and a +1. Ann Baracker will coordinate the food portion of the luncheon with a budget of $600. Anne Billeter will put an announcement in the eNews. Set up on 14 Dec 2023. Members’ RSVP sign up sheet at the front desk.
Gate Repair Quote
Kim Thurman presented a quote for repair of the back gate and the irrigation hose running beneath. Quote for work is from Walter Robertson, for $160.00; labor $120, materials $40.
2023-56 Rich Miles moved to approve $160 for gate/irrigation repair. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
Chamber of Commerce
The Medford Chamber of Commerce is not sending us stats about who accesses RVGS through their website. Invoices have not been timely. It was discussed using the $395 fee to target other advertising.
2023-57 Anne Billeter moved to discontinue our Medford Chamber of Commerce subscription. Kim Thurman seconded. Motion carried.
Genealogy Week
Genealogy week is scheduled for the week of 14 - 20 September 2024.
2023-58 Lynne Hunter moved to approve the scheduling of Genealogy Week. Chris Galligan seconded. Motion carried.
Holiday Schedule
The library will be closed 16 December - 26 December 2023 for the holidays and annual inventory. Anne Billeter proposed to start inventory as early as the week of 11 December. The library will be open the week following Christmas, closed New Year’s Day, and reopening 2 January 2024.
Unfinished Business
Board Nominations
The Board nominations are as follows:
Anne Billeter - president
Frank Marksman - vice president
Laurie Gallo - treasurer
Cathy Ullrich - secretary
Ros Lyne - trustee
Frank and Laurie will be nominated during the member meeting prior to the vote.
Ad Proposal
The business card size ad went into the Rogue Valley Symphonic Band spring concert brochure. If folks bring in the ad, they will receive a free day pass. Librarians will have a sheet for this at the reception desk. This same ad may be added to the Rogue Valley Symphony’s bulletin, which is issued for a full year.
Salem Trip Postponed
The trip to Salem to scan Jackson County birth and death records has been postponed.
Executive Reports
President - none
Vice President - Chris Mason reported that the grant report is in progress.
Trustee - Chris Galligan reiterated that people are not entering items in the Cozi Calendar nor are they recording the numbers attending classes and SIG groups in the Education Calendar.
Past President - Anne Billeter presented for review the Non-Discrimination and Safety Policy along with an Incident Report.
2023-59 Chris Mason moved to approve the Non-Discrimination Policy as amended. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried
2023-60 Pat Jenkins moved to approve the Safety Policy as amended. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried
2023-61 Anne Billeter moved to approve the Incident Report form as amended. Loretta Barker seconded. Motion carried.
All policies with the exception of the Conflict of Interest Policy have been reviewed. Conflict of Interest will be reviewed in 2024.
Directors Reports
Technology and Data Management - see report
Volunteer - Lynne Hunter updated the stats on the Fall Festival. Fifteen non-members attended and several joined. Mary Tsui, Mary Robsman and Ann Baracker would like the profits from the Fall Festival earmarked for future events, and would like to perhaps do an extra event in 2024. Per Katie’s SOS, we have more librarians volunteering and Rich Miles reports Pam Olsen will be taking on the eNews. Sasha Weber has volunteered to work on the Cemetery Project.
Library - see report
Education - It was reported that some classes have had issues with on-line attendees receiving the Zoom link. Both Zoom and Owl hosts are needed. The Education committee is welcoming new members as several folks are stepping down. It was discussed to have members do classes on using our websites. It was also noted that Registration will become its own position. SIG groups have had some hiccups in scheduling - it was confirmed that SIG groups meet the 2nd assigned day of the month, not the 2nd week.
Membership - Loretta Barker brought to the Board’s attention that there are discrepancies in calculating membership numbers. Discussion followed on how to correctly encode members’ status.Loretta also prepared a written job description of the Membership Coordinator. Definition of Life Benefactor vs Honorary Member was discussed, and Loretta will rework the definitions. She will also look into who still needs plaques on our wall.
Finance - open
Committee Reports
NGS - None
Maintenance - open
RVGS deadline, 20th November eNews,
The Rogue Digger - Cindi Hobson - next edition Spring 2024
Next Board Meeting - 11 Dec 2023 @ 9:30 am
Volunteer Recognition Lunch and Member Meeting - 16 December 2023
12:25 by President Katie Haugse
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich