Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, October 09, 2023

Society Board Meeting Minutes
9 Oct 2023
Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:35 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Chris Mason, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Gallgan, Anne Billeter, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles; via Zoom Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Matt Weismantel; guests Chloe Sternola, Cindi Hobson. No absences.
Approval of September 2023 minutes 
2023-48  Anne Billeter moved to approve the 11 September 2023  minutes as written. Chris Mason seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Noteworthy Income
  • Membership payments received were very active ($2,170).
  • Received a large single Annual Fund Drive contribution of $1k, favorably increasing the   month's overall total ($2,235). We are now at 97.68% of the goal for the year.
  • Research income bounced back ($250).
  • The fall book sale brought in $185 in September.
Noteworthy Expense
  • Utilities within normal range ($847.56), Pacific Power still high due to temperatures ($369.01)
  • Facility maintenance total higher than normal due to Baumer Heating & Air semi-annual service, purchase of air filters for closet and replacing numerous exterior light bulbs ($226.65)
  • Small Tools & Equipment includes a typewriter repair ($200)
  • Accounting & Taxes of $1,836 includes 2022 OR CT-12 fee ($111) and 2022 tax preparation charge from Cramer ($1,350)
  • Collections Development total of $222.21 included renewal of the ASG The Genealogist subscription for 2024 & 2025 ($45), and the purchase of seven new books. 
Total income:                      $ 5,326.54
Total Expense:                     $ 4,295.52
Net Operating income         $1,031.02
Net income                            $1,045.90
2023-49 Rich Miles moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried. 
New Business
Ad Proposal - Kim Thurman brought a program from the Rogue Valley Symphonic Band as a potential way for RVGS to advertise. Cost is $60 to $100 depending on size and number of ads.
Discussion ensued about various other artistic groups and museums for publicity. Loretta Barker will check with Siskiyou Singers to see about their brochure’s advertising.
Rich Miles will update the membership form with a check-box indicating the brochure as an option. Lynne Hunter suggested a free day pass for people who bring in the brochure with the ad.
2023-50 Loretta Barker moved to approve placing an ad in the Rogue Valley Symphonic Band program not to exceed $100. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Scholarship - Chloe Sternola presented the timeline for the Scholarship Committee. Anne Billeter praised the timeline’s concise organization.
Term Length - The Board discussed the pros and cons of term lengths for RVGS Board Officers. Katie Haugse recommended a two-year term. Kim Thurman mentioned that it would be beneficial to have staggered two-year terms to ease transition and lend stability. Rich Miles expressed concern that we are having difficulty finding Officers willing to serve even one year. Chris Mason recommended that the discussion on term-limits be conveyed to the 2024 Board for review. Matt Weismantel informed the Board that the “rule of thumb” for non-profit organizations of over 300 members is to hire an operations manager to support the day-to-day administration. He will supply some contacts. Katie and Kim will write a proposal/job description for an “Executive Director.”
Quilt Storage - Anne Billeter obtained a proposal for adding additional space for quilt storage. She volunteered to fund the materials. In addition, the board at the top that creates an awkward shadow will be removed.
2023-51 Rich Miles proposed we accept Anne Billeter’s proposal to fund Charles Street’s upgrade of the quilt storage. Chris Mason seconded. Motion carried.
Rich Miles mentioned that a Medford History Facebook group recently posted a story about John and Maryum McKee and the Logtown Rose. He was able to supply a photo of the Maryum’s Yellow Rose quilt which created some conversation in the post.
Projects - Chloe Sternola brought the Board up-to-date on the current and proposed indexing projects: Obituaries, Births, and 100 Year Birthdays, Weddings and Special Anniversaries; Table Rock Sentinel; Southern Oregon Mineral Wealth. Volunteer Sasha Weber has expressed an interest in updating the Cemetery Book to bring it current.
The Salem Trip to the State Archives is scheduled for October 25-27. Chloe, Terry Fisher and Barbara Grimes will be scanning the 50 year death certificates (1967-1972) and the 100 year birth certificates (1917-1922.)
2023-52 Rich Miles made a proposal to authorize funds from line 7702 be used for Records Development not to exceed $800. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Chloe also proposed we use heavy folders to bind the records as book binders are no longer available.
Salt Lake City - The dates are set. See attached report.
Unfinished Business
Genealogy Week Stats - Katie Haugse presented a summary of Genealogy Week. Member Cindi Hobson, who was in attendance, stated a correction on Friday, 22 September. She served as co-host, not Christy Austermann.
Board Nominations - Ron Baracker has expressed interest in becoming Treasurer. He and current Treasurer Kim Thurman met and discussed the position. Ros Lyne is considering running for Trustee. Katie Haugse has called numerous members to see if there is any interest in running for President or Vice President, and has not been successful. Anne Billeter reported that Janet Read may take over as Library Scheduler, freeing Anne for a possible Board position.
Executive Reports
President - Katie Haugse said she received a number of compliments from members in appreciation of Kim Thurman’s Treasurer’s report. Chris Galligan will be taking over for Barbara Shrewsberry as cashier until Barbara is recovered and able to return.Our new projector is performing well!
Vice President - Chris Mason presented a concise job description for Vice President.She also included the costs for an Operations Manager, and what his/her role might entail.
Trustee - Chris Galligan reported that she amended reports from previous months. She stated that more people are coming into RVGS, but reiterated that SIG leaders/class leaders need to update attendance on the calendar. Rich Miles volunteered to make adjustments to the Trustee form for 2024 if they are needed.
Past President - Anne Billeter brought the Non-Discrimination to the Board for review. It was deemed best to split it into two policies: Non-Discrimination and Safety. Katie Haugse inquired about an incident report for any hazards/accidents that occur at RVGS. Chris Mason located one online and forwarded it to the Board via Google Docs. Discussion will follow at the November meeting.
Director Reports
Technology and Data Management - Rich Miles reported that our IT facilitator is out temporarily due to surgery. Rich requested that items for the enews be emailed to him by October 15th this month.
Volunteer - Lynne Hunter is working with Ann Baracker on publicity. Katie requested the Board consider vacancies at RVGS and who might help. Also, an inventory is needed for which volunteers are doing what jobs. It was also discussed changing the “librarian” list to “volunteer” so all volunteers have access to the website. Lynne suggested handing out volunteer forms at the Holiday Luncheon and at our upcoming Harvest Festival with job descriptions.Pat Jenkins suggested we look into college interns to help fill vacancies.
Library - Anne Billeter stated that there is one potential new librarian. Book sale items are now half price.
Education - Katie Haugse stated the most recent Education meeting was productive, though there has been a decline in class attendance. There was discussion about perhaps limiting the number of classes and going for quality rather than quantity. Katie recommended that we provide classes on using the websites available at RVGS and try using our own members more frequently as presenters. Additionally, fewer classes would help with acquiring Zoom and Owl hosts. SIG groups would continue.
The pros and cons of continuing our affiliation with OR-CAL was discussed. Registration is a bit challenging. Rich Miles suggested that if RVGS is planning on presenting one class per month, that sharing the expense with other OR-CAL members may be beneficial. Cindi Hobson entertained the idea that if we are doing the registration, that perhaps RVGS’ share of monetary contributions could be waived in exchange for administration. In addition, other organizations have expressed an interest in joining OR-CAL.
Membership -Loretta Barker presented updated membership reports. Kim Thurman will follow up on Courtesy/Honorary members who don’t interact with the Society.
Finance - open
Committee Reports
Public Relations - Open
NGS Delegate - Matt Weismantel recommended a webmaster Facebook site to Rich for excellent information
Maintenance - open
Editors - Deadline is 15th of the month OCTOBER ONLY - to Rich Miles
The Rogue Digger - May be back in production beginning of 2024.
  • Next board meeting - November 13, 9:30 am, in the library.
  • Next program and member meeting - October 17, 2023 - budget review and program, 1:30 pm
Adjourned - 11:45 am by President Katie Haugse
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich, Secretary

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