Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, September 11, 2023

Society Board Meeting Minutes
11 Sep 2023
Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:35 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Chris Mason, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Anne Billeter, Pat Jenkins, Rich Miles and via Zoom, Lynne Hunter and Matt Weismantel. Not attending: Chris Galligan and Margaret Clark-Mayfield.
Approval of August 2023 Minutes
2023-44 Kim Thurman moved to approve the 24 August 2023  minutes as written. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Secretary Cathy Ullrich will send a sympathy card to Barbara Basden’s family and a thinking of you card to Nancy Roberts.
Treasurer’s Report
Kim Thurman reported notable income for September included dues from new and returning members, a large Annual Fund Drive contribution of $5000 and the fees from the Digital Scrapbooking Class.
Noteworthy expenses were two power bills due to the billing cycle, the payment of Diya Patel’s scholarship to University of Oregon, and the ordering of a new Panasonic projector. Copy fees were also higher due to OLLI.
Total income:                       $ 7821.60
Total Expense:                     $ 9926.54
Net Operating income       $-2104.94
Net income                          $-2091.57

While the bottom line looks bleak, Kim noted she transferred funds from Designated Savings to offset project expenses from Records Development, Scholarships, and Technology in the amount of $5085.65. Donations in remembrance of Colleen Eccleston and Marie Fulbright have been placed in the non-specified budget line item.
2023-45 Anne Billeter moved to approve the August Treasurer’s Report. Chris Mason seconded. Motion carried.
Kim also brought to the Board’s attention a letter from our CPA Cramer and Associates that they have rebranded as Capstone. Staff and services will remain the same. Kim will follow up about whether signing a new contract is necessary.
Kim also reported that the 2022 taxes have been filed, and that she has distributed Genealogy Week flyers to senior residences. There was an interest expressed in RVGS teaching classes in their facility.
New Business
Rogue Digger - Discussion ensued as to whether this is a good time to be starting another publication  and its sustainability.  Rich Mies is willing to train Cindi Hobson, the new editor, on layout. Publication may begin in early 2024 on an irregular basis.This may be an outreach opportunity for those members who are homebound or distant to contribute articles. Katie will follow up with Cindi.
Salt Lake City - Anne Billeter brought to our attention the recent email from Ann Baracker about proposed dates for our annual 2024 research trip. The Board’s consensus was the mid-March dates (17-24) were best.
Meeting adjourned for Executive Session 10:15
Meeting re-convened  at 10:23

Miscellaneous Updates - Char Henry, our bank cashier, is doing much better, and Barbara Shrewsberry  continues to fill the position intermittently. Kim would be willing to train someone as another backup person and suggested this task could be filled by a librarian during a shift.
Unfinished Business
Genealogy Week - As of September 10, we have 380 people registered. We still need seven Owl/Zoom hosts. Eight folks are attending the training on 14 September and we may be able to schedule volunteers from that. Classes taught by Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Anne Billeter and Rich Miles will be taught in-person; Pat Jenkins will follow up with the other instructors as to Zoom or in-person.The classroom will be set up for Zoom the entire week.
Board Nominations - No one has stepped forward to serve on a nominating committee or to run for President or Treasurer in response to Katie’s article in the e-news. Cathy Ullrich will run for Secretary. Anne Billeter has contacts with members of DAR and will follow up with them. Kim reminded the Board that former members will support any new members. Matt Weismantel, NGS delegate, suggested we have an informal reception to explain roles. Kim and Katie will rewrite the article from the e-news to send out as an email to members.
Records Retention Policy - Suggestion was made to retain hard-copies for two years, and scanned electronic copies for five years. Insurance policies will be retained electronically indefinitely.
2023-46 Rich Miles moved to approve the Retention Policy as amended. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried. 
Executive Reports
President - Katie Haugse requested that we authorize $600 for the Holiday Luncheon in December. 
2023-47 Rich Miles moved to allocate $600 for the Holiday Luncheon. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion ensued about the request from a member that we serve as Executor for his estate. RVGS will decline due to conflict of interest.
Katie thanked Ros Lyne and Midge Dailey for their attendance at the Josephine County Senior Fair. We had a great response. Funeral homes expressed an interest in researching information for death certificates.
Vice President - Chris Mason reported that the strategic planning is tabled. Inventory of objects such as furniture is postponed until 2024. [Library Collection inventory and Tech Equipment will be carried out as usual, in 2023.]
Chris recommended that we may want to investigate hiring a part-time Operations Manager/Coordinator to oversee grant writing, tech support, and strategic operations. The thought is that this person would remain consistent year to year and lend stability while supporting the Board. Kim will talk to NGS about viability. Katie will follow-up with local organizations with this model.
Trustee - Katie will meet with Chris Galligan to adjust the report. SIGs and other groups will be reminded to report their numbers to Chris or Katie, email reception, or add to paper calendar.
Past President - Anne Billeter - no discussion
Director Reports
Technology and Data Management - Rich Miles reported Newspaper Archive well-used and the 2nd highest month.
Volunteer - Lynne Hunter reminder to email Rene Forncrook of hours.We have had volunteers willing to help who are not members. Volunteers will need to be members. Lynne also offered to liaise with the Rogue Valley Times to publicize RVGS events.
Library - Anne Billeter - Our library usage is going up.
Education - Pat Jenkins - next Education meeting 2 Oct at 9:30 am
Membership - President Katie Haugse proposed that Loretta Barker fill Margaret Clark-Mayfield’s Membership Director position for the balance of 2023 and thanked Margaret for her years of dedicated service. Officers Cathy Ullrich, Anne Billeter, Chris Mason and Kim Thurman approved the appointment.
Committee Reports
Public Relations - Open
NGS Delegate - Matt Weismantel discussed the review of the “Preserve the Pensions: Phase II” effort through the NGS. People are needed to assist in local preservations. NGS can provide incentives and speakers to engage people in this project. Pat Jenkins requested RVGS be put on the list for potential speakers and Katie invited Matt to our Member Meeting on 19 October to promote this.
Vivid-Pix Family Matters is up and running on the NGS website to participate:
PBS’ Finding Your Roots is working with NGS to reach out to local stations to promote the next season commencing in January 2024. This season will feature a non-celebrity and may be a springboard to encourage others to do family research. PBS will also have several other upcoming programs that will generate interest in family history.
Maintenance - open
Editors - Deadline is 20th of the month - to Rich Miles
The Rogue Digger - May be back in production beginning of 2024.
Obviously this does not include emergencies, but our meetings/planning will go much more smoothly.
Next board meeting - October 9 @ 9:30 am, in the library.
Next program and member meeting - 19 September 2023, 1:30
Adjourned - 12:19 pm by President Katie Haugse
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich, Secretary

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