Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, July 10, 2023

Society Board Meeting Minutes
10 July 2023

Call to Order
The regular RVGS board meeting was called to order at 9:40 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Rich Miles, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Chris Mason, Pat Jenkins, Lynn Hunter, Margaret Clark-Mayfield. 

Approval of June 2023 Minutes
2023-33 Pat Jenkins moved to approve the 12 June 2023 Board minutes as written. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The notable expenses will be additional tech support for July.
Total income:            $7,297.07
Total Expense:        $3357.34
Net Operating income    $3939.73
Net income            $4258.14
2023-34 Rich Miles moved to approve the June Treasurer’s Report. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
2024 Budget - We need to begin working on the budget and creating a committee. Those who generate/utilize resources would ideally join the committee. Google sheets will be used to distribute for review prior to approval in November. Kim Thurman will chair a Budget Committee meeting prior to the August Board meeting to set a recommended 2024 budget. Participants will include Katie Haugse, Lynne Hunter, Rich Miles, Anne Billeter, and Pat Jenkins.

990 Review - We need extra eyes to review this. If interested, check with Kim Thurman to get access. She would appreciate the input. We have until November 15th to file. Cramer will file it once approval from RVGS is received.

New Business

ODOT Project/Parking Lot Resurface - This is a precursor prior to larger construction. The Project Manager’s contact number has been requested for effective communication. This is to facilitate better access to our parking lot during construction. We’ve been informed that long-term we will need to move our sign and will likely lose use of some portion of the front parking lot. They will provide some compensation, but it’s not anticipated to cover the costs. Based on this news, it’s recommended that we hold off on resurfacing the parking lot as a capital project. 

Board Nominations - President Katie Haugse is requesting nominations for Board of Director positions. Please let Katie know if you are willing to continue serving on the Board of Directors. We may be reaching a point when we need to make critical decisions if these positions cannot be filled.

Unfinished Business

Projects - Chloe Sternola reports that Terry will temporarily not be able to continue his duties due to an injury. Obits are on hold. Librarians will be requested to fill out membership forms on the website, and Rich Miles will update the membership spreadsheet until Terry returns. Chloe, Barbara and Terry will try to make a trip to the archives in September or early October.

OCF grant follow up - projector purchase - A new projector needs to be purchased, including a mount and wireless module. About $3000 cost range. $1000 will be used from the OCF grant with the balance to come from the tech budget. We will wait on the server ($2k - $3k) until next year. Rich will check with Jeff Bales to confirm there are not other issues to consider.

Executive Reports

President - See written report. PR at the Antique Show is a good market for RVGS to attend. We have a banner for events.

Vice President - no report

Trustee - See written report. We need another Librarian training to cover newer expectations along with sustained procedures. Chris had 8 hours of paid research; charge a two hour minimum. She was able to facilitate a cousin reunion.

Past President - Anne Billeter was absent - see written report which Rich reviewed.

Director Reports

Technology and Date Management - Rich Miles - see written report. Rich updated us on video statistics. Facebook shows consistent activity. Instagram is slower. Google stats remain encouraging. We are having some problems with reception computers shutting down. They only need to be turned on again. The class banners for Genealogy week were shared and were deemed very professional and enticing. Hosts and co-hosts are needed.

Volunteer - Lynne Hunter - see written report. December luncheon is not in the budget, approximately $600. There is $150 in the hospitality budget. We will pursue estimates for the Board of Directors vote ASAP. Kim shared that GFO has implemented a volunteer agreement, which may be worth considering ourselves. She will forward a copy to Lynne for review. Discussion ensued regarding confidentiality and sharing member information etc. The Manor on July 19th is scheduled, morning will be new researchers, intermediate in the afternoon. We need more experienced afternoon volunteers to assist researchers. Cap signups for AM/PM to 14, primarily new members.

Library - Anne Billeter - See written report.

Education - Pat Jenkins - see written report. No changes or additions. We need educators for 3 slots during Genealogy Week, specifically Census, Ancestry or other sites that will bring people into the library. Perhaps a DNA class? Dorothy Cotton is not available to teach. Genealogy Week classes will not be recorded. Inhouse speakers are:  Anne, Rich, Barbara N. are willing to participate. Ask for presenters rather than instructors.

July 28th OLLI will have an Open House at Stevenson Union.

Membership - See written report. Membership maintaining a consistent number. Information for librarians to go to Anne B. for distribution.

Committee Reports

Public Relations - Open 

NGS Delegate - NGS report exceptional and will be distributed to the Board of Directors. Individual and group rates are increasing. The 2024 NGS conference will not be in person. Attendance not sufficient to cover costs. Newsletter collaboration for crowdsourcing; nomination of our newsletter and e-news volunteer. Society interest in collaboration.

Maintenance - open

Editors - Deadline is 20th of the month - to Rich Miles

The Rogue Digger - May be back in production by November (call for submissions).

Next board meeting - August 14, 2023 @ 9:30 am, in the library. Katie will have adjusted availability in August.
Next program and member meeting - September 19, 2023
Adjourned - 11:44

Submitted by Cathy Ullrich via Chris Mason’s notes

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