Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, June 12, 2023

Society Board Meeting Minutes
12 June 2023

Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:34 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance (in person): Cathy Ullrich, Anne Billeter, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Rich Miles; (via Zoom) Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman and guest Matt Weismantel.

Approval of May 2023 Minutes
2023-27 Anne Billeter moved to approve the May 2023 minutes as written. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Review and Approve Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Kim Thurman reported that our annual fund drive contributions are increasing in response to the letter. Dues are up also, as are research fees. We received an in-kind donation from Jeff Bales of Garron Lee Sound for five hours of tech support. We did receive an additional payment from Amazon Smile and reward points were cashed out for a closed credit card.

We did have two Pacific Power payments in May due to the billing cycle. Postage costs were higher than usual due to the purchase of stamps and materials for the Annual Fund Drive mailings. Of the thirteen hours provided by Jeff Bales for tech support, we were billed for eight, the balance being donated as in-kind.

Total income:                    $5,721.40
Total expense:                   $4,413.47
Net operating income:    $1,307.47
2023-28 Anne Billeter moved to approve the May 2023 Treasurer’s Report. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.

NGS Delegate
President Katie Haugse appointed Matt Weismantel as our NGS delegate. Officers present approved the appointment. Matt will attend our monthly Board meetings and will be available for questions. Matt will present several upcoming classes including one on Ellis Island and Adoptions. Pat Jenkins will send the Education Minutes to Matt.

Margaret Clark-Mayfield shared her updated Membership-Reminder letter, removing and updating current class policies and member benefits.Loretta Barker will help with Membership duties while Margaret is out.
2023-29 Pat Jenkins moved to approve the changes to the Membership-Reminder letter. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
Margaret also proposed a gift/reward contest for members who refer new members. This is tallied with the online form. Discussion ensued as to how to handle this when people walk in and sign up in person using the Yellow Receipt Form. Margaret will write on the current Yellow Receipt Forms a line indicating such. Awards will be a free class and a mug for first place and a coffee card and a mug for second place. The winners will be announced at the December Members Luncheon.

Green Waste
Tabled until we have a maintenance person.


Chloe Sternola is researching binding for birth/death certificates. Tabled until July.

Policy Review
The Volunteer Policy was reviewed and updated.
2023-30 Anne Billeter moved to approve the changes in the Volunteer Policy. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
The Whistleblower Policy was reviewed and updated.
2023-31 Anne Billeter moved to approve the changes in the Whistleblower Policy. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
After further discussion, additional changes and definitions were made to the Whistleblower Policy.
2023-32 Lynne Hunter made a motion to approve the additional changes to the Whistleblower Policy. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.

Katie Haugse updated the Board on current vacancies. We have openings for Maintenance, Finance and Registrar.

Katie also reminded Board Members to begin thinking about 2024’s budget. Would appreciate recommendations to the 2024 budget by July 10, 2023 Board meeting, with possible budget meeting to follow about July 20th.

Vice President

There is a correction on the number of members/guests attending classes. Katie will follow up with Chris Galligan.

Past President
Anne Billeter reminded Board Members that we will be reviewing the Scholarship Policy and the Record Retention Policy in August.


Technology and Data Management
Rich Miles stated it was a quiet month. Upgrades on the computers continue.

Lynne Hunter reminded Board Members of the upcoming luncheon on June 20th, open to members and guests. Set up to commence at 11:30. Margaret Clark-Mayfield will assist Lynne in setting up.

Lynne will remind Rene Forncrook to update the email list to Board Members.

Anne Billeter reported that overall use of the library was down in May. A new editor for the Rogue Digger may possibly be ready to start this fall.

Pat Jenkins mentioned that our use of Zoom may have reduced class attendance due to burn-out during Covid. Rather than the four hour seminar format, Pat suggested we do two hour workshops instead if using the Zoom platform. Following some discussion, Katie Haugse suggested that we do one longer seminar per year with more advertising.

Rich Cunningham has volunteered to do Genealogy Week September 16 - 22, with publicity included outside of RVGS.

Margaret Clark-Mayfield stated that we currently have 657 individual members.

Kim Thurman mentioned the need for help going through the 990 report.

  • Volunteer Luncheon tentatively set for 16 Dec 2023.
  • A nomination committee will need to be convened to look for new Board Members.
  • Rich Miles will put links to the April Quilt Bed Turning in the next e-news.
  • RVGS e-news deadline 20th month.
  • 15 June, 1:30 - “Hooper Dooms Quilt Story” by Anne Billeter
  • 20 June, noon - Members luncheon prior to 1:30 program “Hidden History of the Civil War in Oregon History” by Randol Fletcher.
  • 10 July, 9:30 - Board Meeting
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:57 by President Katie Haugse.

Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich

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