Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:38 am by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was established. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Anne Billeter, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Margaret Clark-Mayfield and Rich Miles. Absent: Jim Seagraves, Chris Mason.
Approval of April 2023 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Kim Thurman reported that our subscription services have increased in price by about 7% which will need to be accounted for in next year’s budget. In addition, we had a glitch with the janitorial service and paid the last four months of 2022 in 2023. Research fees showed a healthy increase and new memberships rebounded from April. Jeff Bales from Garon Lee Sound, who is helping Rich Miles with tech upgrades, gifted five hours of his time as an in-kind donation.
Technology upgrades contributed to our noteworthy expenses due to the purchase of equipment and consulting fees. Although the income reflects a large deficit, and we are at about 65% of our budget for technology, we remain fiscally secure. Funds could be utilized from the capital improvement monies if required. In addition, Kim will be out of town in June, so Terry Fischer will be scanning the yellow sheets and Kim will leave checks available for the other signers if required during her absence.
Total Income $2,672.20
Total Expense $6,937.71
Net Income $-4,225.93
Kim also prepared a Google spreadsheet for tracking classes and presentations that compute net income and rank the classes by attendance and net income to aid in programming decisions.
Project Coordinator Chloe Sternola, Barbara Grimes and Terry Fischer have plans in the pipe-line to travel to Salem to scan documents and records at the archives. Obituaries are the most requested items for research at RVGS. In addition, Chloe is investigating the cost of binding the records. Discussion ensued on funding per diem for travel expenses as we have no line item for such. Funds could be used from the Connie Miller Memorial Fund. Suggestion to inquire if member Rich Cunningham in Portland may be able to provide the service for us to save travel costs..
Dogs and Side Door
The presence of dogs in RVGS was tabled unless it becomes an issue. Dogs could be tethered on the patio.
The side door may be locked according to the librarians’ discretion. If uncomfortable with a person or situation, call 911 or press the instant call buttons on the alarm pad.
Lynne Hunter secured a $250 grant from Oregon Heritage that must be spent by June 30. Funds earmarked to do a light snack prior to the Member Meeting on June 20th, beginning at noon. Lynne will contact volunteers to issue an invite.
Gift Giving Policy
Changes to the document involve changing our descriptor to “non-profit” vs “not for profit.” Also discussed that tangible donations should be genealogically related. Any non-genealogical items should be sold prior and be cash donations only.
Social Media Policy
Small changes were discussed regarding the Social Media Policy, which heretofore will be titled Social Media and Audio-Visual Event Policy.
Records Retention
Per Kim Thurman, IRS does not have a hard policy on record retention. Per Cramer it’s the same as the IRS, though for insurance “it depends.” A sub committee consisting of Kim, Pat Jenkins and possibly Chris Mason will meet before the August Board Meeting in order to suggest changes to the Records Retention Policy.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich, secretary