Society Board Meeting Minutes
10 April 2023
Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:32 by President Katie Haugse; a quorum was declared. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Chris Mason, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Anne Billeter, Jim Seagraves, Pat Jenkins, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Rich Miles and guests Mary Robsman and Marilyn Ayres.
President Katie Haugse reminded Board members to remember to sign in as a volunteer at the front desk when in the building for Board meetings and to send any additional hours outside of that to Rene Forncrook.She will work on getting an e-list to Rene so she can reach out to Board members. In addition Rene will be working to assemble an emergency contact list.
Approval of March 2023 Minutes
2023-19 Kim Thurman moved to approve the 13 March 2023 Board Minutes as written. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Scholarship Update
Marilyn Ayres of the Scholarship Committee shared that our 8th winner is Diya Patel, a senior at North Medford High School. She has been very active in extracurricular activities during high school. She plans to seek a degree in human physiology with a goal toward becoming a pediatric physician’s assistant. The Scholarship Committee meets four times per year and is seeking new members.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Kim Thurman reported that the March finances show a deficit, primarily due to technology upgrades and an unusual billing cycle for utilities. Our overall cash flow remains stable for now. If any adjustments to finances need to be made, the discussion will follow after all tech upgrades are completed.
2023-20 Rich Miles moved to approve the March Treasurer’s Report. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Coronation Event
Mary Robsman shared about the upcoming Member Open House on April 29th. The British theme will be supported through foods, highlighting of books for the British Isles, with volunteers available to help members in locating reference material. Mary will be attending Interest Groups to promote the festivities. Rich will send out an email to all members through Constant Contact. . This is a Members only affair.
Chamber of Commerce
Jo Seagraves has been attending both the Medford and Ashland Chamber of Commerce Greeters meetings. Different venues host the event each week. While RVGS does not have enough in our Hospitality budget to host a meeting on our own, discussion ensued to partner with another organization for food while we provide the space. It was suggested that our class and event schedule be shared to both Chambers of Commerce.
Genealogy Week
Genealogy Week has been set for September 16-22, 2023. Pat Jenkins stated we have two new members to assist with Genealogy Week. Some logistics need to be ironed out as to presentation: hybrid, zoom, in-person. Pat does need volunteers willing to teach classes of an hour to hour-and-a-half.
Summer Schedule
After much discussion, it was decided to leave the Board Meeting schedule as is, with a quorum set at 7. Anne Billeter will run the June 12 meeting in Katie’s absence. Board Members should have their reports to Katie by June 7 to prepare the agenda.
Member meetings will not occur in July and August.
Policy Review
- Connie Miller Memorial Fund - Changes to the Memorial Fund were discussed. The Connie Miller Fund could be used for member assistance.
2023-21 Anne Billeter moved to approve the Connie Miller Memorial Fund as amended. Kim Thurman seconded. Motion carried.
- Credit Card Policy - Adjustments to issuing of cards was discussed. Kim will ensure that those issued a card will sign off on the policy.
2023-22 Rich Miles moved to approve the Credit Card Policy as amended. Kim Thurman seconded. Motion carried.
In May the Social Media Policy and Giving Gifts and Gift Acceptance Policy will be reviewed. The Records Retention Policy will be reviewed probably in August. Please look over them.
Fee Schedule
A discrepancy in the Fee Schedule draft regarding Life Benefactor was noted.. It states that the payments may be made over a five year period, but the bylaws state it must be paid in full. Also discussed was removing the member benefits from the list as they are available on the rack card. Decisions tabled till May.
Membership Assistance
Availability and use of Membership Assistance was discussed. Connie Miller Memorial Fund might be able to be utilized. Margaret Clark-Mayfield will update membership forms to include an option to donate towards Membership Assistance and bring to the Board in May. Membership Assistance to members will not be advertised and decisions made on a case-by-case basis.
Executive Reports
- Vice President: Chris Mason reported no updates.
- Trustee: Chris Galligan explained that 0’s on the report mean there was no activity while a blank indicates that no information was turned in.
- Past President: Anne Billeter reminded the Board we are reviewing the Social Media Policy in May.
- Technology: Rich Miles reported that he and consultant Jeff Bales are making excellent progress on the computer upgrades. Patron computers 1-3 are working fairly smoothly with Deep Freeze installed..
- Education: Pat Jenkins shared that members have requested classes on writing but the recent Clair Gebbens workshop was attended by only 8 members. Kim reported that most presenters’ contracts have been received. Presenters will need to state upfront if recording their lecture is permitted. That should be indicated in the Event Scheduler.. Pat Jenkins will Carbon Copy the Education Committee the Event Scheduler.
- Volunteer: Six new librarians are trained and ready to go. Anne had such an overwhelming response that the request has been pulled from the website.
- Library: Anne Billeter reminded the Board that the Earth Day BottleDrop Give runs through April 22, and will include an extra 20% for Blue Bags. The Grants Pass newsletter is highlighting events presented by RVGS.
- Finance: Jim Seagraves reported that selection of an accounting firm is ongoing. The Finance Committee is working on an annual fund drive letter and is developing a list of outside donors such as banks and service organizations.
- Membership: Margaret Clark-Mayfield shared that we had 21 new members in March and a new life member, for a net of 17 new members. Margaret will include a schedule of events with membership renewals.
Next Board Meeting - May 8th @ 9:30 am in the library
Next Member Meeting - April 18th @ 1:30 pm in the library and on Zoom
Adjourned 11:53 by President Katie Haugse
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich