Society Board Meeting Minutes
13 Feb 2023
Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by Katie Haugse at 9:38 am; a quorum was declared. In attendance: Katie Haugse, Chris Mason, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Anne Billeter, Jim Seagraves, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, and Margaret Clark-Mayfied (via Zoom.)
Approval of January 2023 Minutes
Motion 2023-7 Pat Jenkins moved to approve the January 9, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes with the following correction - the OLLI class will be using the library computers on Friday from 11 - 12. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Kim Thurman reported a grant from the Horton Family Foundation for $5000 for operating expenses and a thank you card was circulated and signed by Board members. Membership dues received in January were a bit higher than normal due to long-time members renewing on a calendar year schedule. Expenses were inflated due to the renewal of web subscriptions such as Ancestry, Oregon Collection, Fold3 and a late payment for 2022 HistoryGeo.
Total income January $10,237.34
Total expenses January $11,188.35
Net Income ( -397.02)
Motion 2023-8 Anne Billeter moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Chris Mason seconded. Motion carried.
Kim Thurman also presented an updated description of the Treasurer’s responsibilities. Changes discussed were Item 9 regarding administration of credit cards and Board-approved credit limits per new Standing Rule 13 (see following). Regarding Item 14, language regarding “net profit” will be dropped. The Finance Committee will draft a policy to address management of surplus annual funds.
The Board reviewed the Standing Rules of RVGS. Item 13 is proposed to address who would be issued credit cards (in conjunction with proposed Item 9 of Treasurer’s responsibilities). Directors with cards: Treasurer, Technology and Data Management Director, Office Manager, and Book Committee Chair. Cards may be issued to other Directors or Chairs with Board approval.
Motion 2023-9 Pat Jenkins moved that we include new Item 13 in our Standing Rules of RVGS. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Procedure for paying speakers was reviewed. First speakers will receive a contract; next speakers will receive a W9 (if not already on file and current) and the payment form. Kim Thurman will work on this and on issuing payment to presenters.
Motion 2023-10 KimThurman moved that we amend Motion 2023-6 to adjust the manner in which speaker payments are handled. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Kim Thurman gave an informative mini-lesson on the use of Google Docs and Google Sheets. Katie Haugse urged the Board Members to practice using Google at home to become more familiar.
New Business
Yellow Receipts - Kim Thurman asked for clarification of use of Yellow Receipt Forms for sales paid via PayPal. PayPal does not indicate the purpose for a transaction unless it is added in the memo. Discussion tabled and Anne Billeter, Char Henry, and Kim Thurman will meet to discuss potential updates.
Expense and Reimbursement Policy - It was agreed that receipts turned in by members in excess of $50.00 may be paid by the Treasurer if the expense is covered in the current operating budget. Reimbursements without prior approval of a Board member may be brought to the Board for approval at the Treasurer’s discretion. Vendor name stricken from the reimbursement form as it will be noted on the attached receipt.
SWOT - Vice President Chris Mason circulated the SWOT sheet for Board Members to express RVGS’s strengths and weaknesses to prioritize.
Volunteer Report - Lynne Hunter reported that there were no new volunteer applications for January.
Like Group Policy - Suggestions to policy were discussed. Anne Billeter will make a list of “like'' groups who are approved to use RVGS’s facilities. As a non-profit we are unable to rent out the facility due to insurance risks, etc. It was noted that an Event Scheduler Form must be filled out and submitted online. Form will go to Dorothy and reception, and will be added to the Master (paper) calendar. If meetings of “like” groups take place outside normal RVGS hours, a trained RVGS member must be present. This policy requires further review and will carry over to March.
Procedures - Katie Haugse presented an online spreadsheet for Directors to delineate upcoming projects or items to accomplish and a potential timeline for completion. This is a live and evolving document.
Katie also recommended that committee agendas and minutes be entered into a template for ease of interpretation. Chris Mason suggested that each item have a time count and that meetings be held accountable with a timekeeper.
Unfinished Business
Research Rates - Chris Galligan stated that she has heard no negative commentary on the rates charged of $25 per hour for research and $10 for obits. Kim Thurman started a master fee schedule in 2020. She will post the draft to Google Docs and send access to those affected or with knowledge to assist with updating the document. Chris mentioned that some clients still make requests under the archived RVGS website.
Calendars - Anne Billeter confirmed that we will keep both the Cozi calendar and the Master Paper calendars.
President - Katie Hauge reported that the list for SOS alarm has been updated. She also requested Board Members to begin thinking about members who would be a good addition to the Board.
Vice President - Chris Mason recommended additional ways to streamline meetings (in addition to a template for agendas and minutes.) She suggested bringing to meetings final versions of reports so we do not spend too much time on any one item. Board members were urged to read reports ahead of the meeting. Katie Haugse discussed moving the due date for reports back and to share to her as a PDF with a minute count for the agenda. Chris M. recommended any long discussion could be held via email. Kim Thurman volunteered to be the timekeeper; assignment is still open.
Trustee - Chris Galligan summarized the January statistics. Katie Haugse and Chris G. will work to fine-tune the Trustee report.
Past President - Anne Billeter recommended finalizing Like Groups Policy and Expense and Reimbursement Policy in March and reviewing the Credit Card Policy and Connie Miller Memorial Fund Policy in April.
Finance - Jim Seagraves noted RVGS is still planning an RFP for bookkeeping service. Kim Thurman stated RVGS will continue to work with Cramer and Associates. Katie, Chris M., Jim and Kim are collaborating on the RFP project.
Volunteer - Katie Haugse shared the volunteer statistics for January:
937 total hours January
368.75 Board hours for January
69 volunteers
937 total hours to date
Library - Anne Billeter shared that our Book Sale is going well. She proposed that as of 20 Feb 2023, books selling for $1.00 will be free; books under $20 will be half-price; and books over $20 can be sold on eBay, etc.
Motion 2023-11 Chris Mason moved to accept the Book Sale rates as presented. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Education - Pat Jenkins reported that the Great Lakes Area classes begin February 23.
Membership - Margaret Clark-Mayfield stated that our current membership stands at 637 members.
Technology - Kim Thurman reported in absentia for Rich Miles that the Owls are working. The DeepFreeze (program that clears passwords, credit card info, etc.) is not functioning properly. Rich is aware of the issue and working to address it (see his report).
Committee Reports
PR - vacant
Maintenance - vacant
Editors -
RVGS e news - Rich Miles
The Rogue Digger - vacant
Pat Jenkins and Barbara Halvorsen need a few more volunteers to help with Education. It is an important outreach and moneymaker for RVGS.
Lynne Hunter and Katie Haugse urged members to hand out volunteer forms to interested new members when joining. Lynne and Katie also recommended talking to other members about volunteering in new areas. Kim Thurman suggested that the online membership form add a section for new members to check skills, talents and interests. Further discussion at the March Board meeting.
Katie Haugse reminded Board Members of the Quilt Committee using the Meeting Room on Thursday, 16 Feb for quilt documentation There is a bed turning scheduled as a public program 20 April.
Members were also reminded that the 21 Feb Member Meeting will be conducted as a hybrid with Zoom and in-person. The speaker will join us virtually.
April and May Member Meetings are proposed to be hybrid.
A Board decision was made to close RVGS on Tuesday, 14 February, due to the potential of inclement weather.
Meeting adjourned at 12:25 by President Katie Haugse.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich