Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, January 09, 2023

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society 
Board Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2023

Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board Meeting was called to order by Katie Haugse at 9:38 am; a quorum was declared. In attendance: Katie Haugse (via Zoom), Chris Mason, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Chris Galligan, Anne Billeter, Jim Seagraves, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Rich Miles, and guest Rich Cunningham of Portland via Zoom.
Approval of December 2022 minutes
Motion 2023-1 Kim Thurman moved that we approved the December 5, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes with the following corrections - footer reading November 14, 2002 be changed to December 5, 2022 and correction of spelling of Ann Baracker’s name; Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Kim Thurman noted a grant of $1000 from OCF for the hybrid classroom upgrade. Owl fundraiser exceeded the goal and netted $2169.50. In addition, $2200 was received through fund drive donations. Dues brought in an additional $1400 for the month of December. The BottleDrop income in December was $434.40.
Noteworthy expenses were $1300 for 2021 tax preparation by Cramer & Associates.
            Total income December:                    $8509.17
            Total expenses December:                $3259.14
            Net income:                                          $5489.95
Kim also reported that we have a preliminary surplus of $17,000 for the 2022 operating period. The board or a subcommittee will need to review what amount in our checking account should be moved to saving and earmarked for capital projects. She will verify the amount we must have in our money market account as a prudent reserve for operating expenses. She also recommended that the Board consider a new policy to clearly identify a minimum reserve amount, as well as the year-end review of cash flow to determine if a transfer and earmark must be made.
Motion 2023-2  Rich Miles moved that we approve the treasurer’s report as submitted; Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Officer Approval of Directors and Past President appointees
Katie Haugse reviewed the slate of new Directors and noted that the Volunteer Coordinator is actually the Volunteer Director.
Barbara Halvorsen and Pat Jenkins - Co-Education Directors
Rich Miles - Technology and Data Management Director
Anne Billeter - Library Director and Past President
Margaret Clark-Mayfield - Membership Director
Jim Seagraves - Finance Director
Lynne Hunter - Volunteer Coordinator
Motion 2023-3 Vote by Directors (Chris Mason, Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Chris Galligan, and Cathy Ullrich) approved the slate of officers.
Rich Miles needs a tech coordinator for hardware assistance. PR coordinator position open (but may have a volunteer) and building maintenance coordinator also empty.
Conflict of Interest Statements
Board Members completed Conflict of Interest Statements and were collected by Margaret Clark-Mayfield and filed in Katie Haugse’s box for recording and filing.
Credit Card Approval
Kim Thurman proposed removing MJ Medcraft as a signatory from the Banner Bank account. Four signers are required per standing rules and they currently are:  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Anne Billeter and Rich Miles. Kim will draft a resolution from the Board and advise Banner Bank to remove MJ Medcraft.
Discussion about credit cards limits ensued to whit:  Skeeter Ramirez (who has stepped down as assistant on Data Management) line will be canceled; Anne Billeter allotted $1000 for library; Rich Miles $5000 for tech expenses including Owl cameras purchase, Zoom and Vimeo; Kim Thurman will absorb MJ Medcraft’s account of $4500. Kim will update the cards.
Kim will propose an update to the standing rules at the next Board meeting to document that the following positions will be issued a credit card on behalf of the Society: Treasurer, Technology Director, Office Manager and Book Committee Chair.
Motion 2023-4 KimThurman made a motion to increase technology credit limit to $5000; Jim Seagraves seconded. Motion carried.

OWL Equipment
Rich Miles discussed the upcoming Owl installation. Proposed to have both Owl units mounted and one on a rolling desk for versatility. The Owl is controlled by a phone app so a suggestion to explore purchase of an inexpensive smartphone to operate it.  A smartphone could also be used to scan QR codes for equipment inventory, use with books for Amazon, etc.
Motion 2023-5 Kim Thurman made a motion to authorize Rich Miles to spend $2689.00 to cover costs of Owl and ancillary expenses; Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
Contract Requirement for Speakers
Kim Thurman proposed that all paid speakers be required to sign both a contract and complete a payment form upfront. A copy of the signed contract and the completed payment form to go to the treasurer. Since some speakers are shared with ORCAL, ORCAL should be apprised of our contract content. Pat Jenkins will distribute a copy of our speaker contract at the next ORCAL meeting.
Motion 2023-6 Lynne Hunter made a motion that all paid speakers be required to sign a contract and payment form up front; Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Policy Review
Anne Billeter reported that 12 of our 17 policies have not been reviewed since 2016. Katie Haugse stated that the Conflict of Interest forms may have been updated in 2020 and will confirm. Expense/reimbursement form reviewed and Kim Thurman suggested this be updated to a fillable online form. We will review the Like Groups Policy and the RVGS and SOHS Reciprocity Agreement.
Work Calendar
Kiwanis requested a speaker in February or March. Anne Billeter will follow up. Remainder of discussion tabled until February.
Unfinished Business

Grant Update
Chris Mason stated that we are still seeking $3000 of grant funding to upgrade our classroom for hybrid use after the $1000 grant we received. (Owl is a better platform for meetings.) Kim Thurman will reach out to organizations conducting hybrid events to discuss their technology.
Anne Billeter addressed how we can streamline our calendars. Master paper calendar maintained by reception desk. Discussion about utilizing a google calendar/Outlook format was discussed. Rich Miles requested that registration for the events calendar be complete with links and attachments before submitting.
Members Dues Request Policy
Kim Thurman raised the question of what to do for members with an inability to pay dues. Chris Mason suggested we use a case by case basis and Kim Thurman will track donations for such with a line item in membership.
Gutter Cleaning
Katie Haugse asked for recommendations for cleaning the gutters. Anne Billeter will ask her handyman to give an estimate and see if gutter guards are required.
A. Executive

President - no report
Vice President - report submitted - SWOT - requested the Board to look over and add/delete items by 1 Jan for a meeting on 13 Feb.
Trustee - trustee report is online
Past President - Review Like Groups policy and RVGS-SOHS policy for Feb meeting.
Director Reports
Finance - Jim Seagraves discussed meeting with Katie Haugse and Kim Thurman to switch RVGS to a new accounting firm as RVGS won’t be renewing with Cramer and Associates. Discussion to seek business that is familiar with volunteer-run non-profits. Jim Seagraves will send out a list of potential firms to look over and reply to him by 13 Jan with comments.
Volunteers - Lynne Hunter reported that we need a tech support person. We may have a candidate for PR. Volunteers to act as Zoom facilitators are needed. Suggestion was made to invite Zoom class attendees to aid with this. Katie Haugse mentioned the need of 5 volunteers to support the OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) class commencing 26 Jan. Two board members volunteered to assist with OLLI.
Library - Anne Billeter reported there were many volunteers to help in the annual inventory of 25,860 online library materials.Over 1500 microfilms were added to our collection from the Jackson County Library.
Education - Pat Jenkins stated we had 24 classes last year and $975 was spent on them. The “Intro to Genealogy Camp” format that was planned for the spring was not well received. 
Membership - Margaret Clark-Mayfield reported five new members, three returning members and 19 deleted members, for a total of 627 individual members.
Technology and Data Management - Rich Miles said that he moved the website statistics to a Google spreadsheet as of November. Board members are being added to the Dreamhost platform with new email accounts, but due to clunkiness, will be migrating to either Google or Outlook. He mentioned the possibility of uploading videos of non-paid speakers and charging a fee to view.

Committee Reports
Public Relations - no report
Maintenance - vacant
NGS Delegate - no report
eNews deadline 20th of month - Rich Miles requested short bios of new Board Members. Chris Mason asked for a Board Member Roster.
Rogue Digger - vacant
January 17th member meeting will be via Zoom, and will be the installation of appointed Directors.
Pat Jenkins asked if any Board member had “Skeletons in the Closet” to contribute to the Members Meeting.
Lynne Hunter wondered if anyone had an interest in or had responded to the “Finding Your Roots” promotional.
Anne Billeter reminded the Board that the OLLI class will be using the computers from 11 - 12, so plan accordingly.
The next Board Meeting is February 13 at 9:30 am.
Adjourned by Katie Haugse at 12:01 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ullrich, secretary

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