Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, November 14, 2022

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2022
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:47 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker. Marijo Medcraft, Lynne Hunter, Barbara Halvorsen, Pat Jenkins, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, and Rich Miles via Zoom. Guests present:  Chris Mason, Chris Galligan, Mary Tsui, and Mary Robsman.
Motion 2022-42.  Pat Jenkins moved that we approve the October 10, 2022, Board minutes as presented.  Marijo Medcraft seconded. Motion carried.                    
 Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Reports for the periods ending October 31, 2022. 
                        General Income                                               $  2,322.00
                        Program Income                                                  1,345.75
                                                            Total Income                    3,667.75
                        General Expenses                                                  973.62
                        Program Expenses                                              4,289.38
                                                             Total Expenses                5,263.00
                        Interest                                                                         6.55
                                                              Net Income                $  -1,567.12
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft noted that we had 25 paid memberships this month, two of which were new.  The annual fund drive has netted $1,252, including several large donations of $200, $250, and $500.  Online and library research netted $300.  Education brought in $770, subtracting the $275 paid to the instructor, we netted $495.  We paid $1,500 in scholarship money to the University of Oregon.  It was noted that we should make sure this money comes out of the monies set aside for scholarships.
Motion 2022-43.  Katie Haugse moved that we approve the October 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report as submitted.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield seconded.  Motion carried.
Landscaping service for the library.  Kim Thurman announced that we have had a volunteer to fill our Maintenance position.  His name is Lynn Taylor and he is a brand-new member.  Kim went on to discuss the possibility of hiring a landscaping firm quarterly to take care of the large things.  Katie Haugse suggested that we need to investigate someone to clean our gutters.  Marijo Medcraft questioned our liability insurance—what does it cover?  It was also suggested that we set dates in advance for pruning parties twice a year.  Kim Thurman will talk to Lynn Hunter about finding a couple of members to work with Lynn to find a landscaping service and review our liability insurance.  Barbara Halvorsen volunteered to meet with Lynn regarding these matters
2023 Officer election slate.  At tomorrow’s member meeting, Kim will present the candidates for the 2023 year.  She does not have a commitment for President or Treasurer at this point.  When she presents this slate, she plans to let a good amount of time go by before proceeding hoping that someone from the membership will step forward.  If there are no volunteers, Katie Haugse will be nominated for President, and Kim Thurman will be nominated for Treasurer.  Kim asked Margaret Clark-Mayfield to prepare a list of members who live outside our local area so that Kim can prepare a questionnaire asking if we stopped providing free access to the websites would this affect their membership.  Lynne Hunter noted that if we do stop this access, we will lose members; she pointed out that we are seeking more members.  It was further noted that we can now accommodate in-house members for our meetings.
Oregon BottleDrop Holiday Give.  This bottle drop promotion runs from November 15 through December 1.  All funds raised for RVGS through donated cans and bottles during this time will be matched 20% by Oregon BottleDrop!  Start saving those bottles and cans!
Finance Director nomination.  Kim Thurman reported that she received positive feedback by members who met with Jim Seagraves on November 7th..  Based on this feedback, Kim would like to appoint Jim Seagraves as Finance Director for the remainder of the year so he can attend next month’s Board meeting. The elected officers voted to approve his appointment as Finance Director, effective immediately.
Member Dues Request.  Kim Thurman noted that we had received an inquiry from a recently-lapsed member regarding the possibility of a reduced membership fee based on need.   There was a discussion regarding this.  This is a delicate matter.  Among other suggestions was to ask our membership if they could would be willing to donate toward a fund to help those who are struggling.  This opens lots of doors.  Kim will contact her to see what she might be comfortable paying.
Calendars.  Rich reported that there has been some confusion about classes on the Cozi calendar.  Anne has suggested that we stop using the Cozi calendar and put everything on the web calendar of events that is public.  We could start officially on the first of the year and then start phasing out the Cozi.  Rich will need all the special groups and committees to let him know what months they will meet (Quilt, Education, OR-CAL, etc.)  For our information, Rich said that when things are cancelled, there are three places he needs to correct.  Barbara Halvorsen will provide Rich with a list of the SIG meetings.
2021 Taxes & Accounting firm.  Kim Thurman reported that she had not heard from Brenda this morning and our taxes are due tomorrow. 
Motion 2022-44.  Marijo Medcraft moved that Kim Thurman be authorized to sign the 990 form for the 2021 taxes for RVGS.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion carried.
Kim Thurman noted that Brenda has already filed an auto-request for an extension of our taxes next year.  It is noted that this firm has been late on billings to us this year; for the past two years they have filed our taxes in November at the extension deadline; and we didn’t get the draft of this year’s filing until Friday night.  There are concerns regarding their ability to support us. .  Chris Mason, Barbara Halvorsen, and Margaret Clark-Mayfield will give Kim the names of firms they believe could do a good job for us. Kim and Katie will explore other possible firm options.

Research Request Pricing.  Chris Galligan reviewed the handout she provided to the Board.  It was agreed that the document fees need more review.  Kim and Chris will meet to go over these items; it was also agreed that it would be helpful to have input from Anne Billeter and Rich Miles.  Kim agreed that the hourly fee should be increased because Chris spends a good amount of time and puts in a lot of hours doing this research.  It was agreed that $25/hour is reasonable.
Motion 2022-45.  Marijo Medcraft moved that we increase our hourly research fee to $25.   Lynne Hunter seconded.  Motion carried.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for class collaboration.  Pat Jenkins reported that this group will be meeting on November 21 and will vote on the MOU.  Once all parties have signed, they will be ready to fly as of January 1, 2023.  Kim explained that three of these group leaders are also members of RVGS.  There was a question asked if these persons could/would host these meetings; Kim said yes if they are willing to be trained as such.  Each member of this group will pay a percentage of the speaker fee but will keep any funds their society collects.  This agreement will be in effect for one year. 
Motion 2022-46.  Pat Jenkins moved that we approve the OR-CAL Cooperative Memorandum of Understanding.  Lynne Hunter seconded.  Motion carried. 
2023 Budget Adjustments.  Kim Thurman stated that the budget had been presented to the membership at the October members meeting.  Adjustments have been made to add an expense for Rogue Disposal trash collection, for a total of $535 for the year and $1,050 for Judy Russell.  The Board agreed with the changes Kim made.  Members Mary Robsman and Mary Tsui are here at the meeting to find out how we can get the hybrid classes going.  It was explained that there are two line items in our budget for the entire cost of this equipment including monies set aside for upgrades needed. 
A.    Executive
  1. President—Kim reported that she gave a beginning genealogy class at the Manor recently, assisted by Katie Haugse and Lynne Hunter..  From this class seven people are coming to our library for a tour and some more will be coming in individually to work on their genealogy.
  2. Vice President—Nothing additional.
  3. Trustee—Report submitted.  Ann Baraker has agreed to chair the Volunteer Luncheon again this year.  It will be Saturday, December 10, from noon to 2:00 p.m.  We have 69 volunteers and she will prepare for 48 to show up.  This year it will be for volunteers only, no guests, except for possibly our large donors.  Katie Haugse will send out the invitations.  Luncheon will not be a buffet this year.  We will need volunteers to serve and wear gloves and masks; $400 should be sufficient to take care of this.  Set up will be on Friday with food set up early Saturday.
Motion 2022-47.  Katie Haugse moved that we approved spending up to $400 for our 2022 Volunteer Recognition Luncheon.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion carried.
4. Past President—Nothing additional
B.    Directors
  1. Finance—vacant.
  2. Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total October 821 hours—; Board member hours—274.5; number of volunteers--74; Total hours for 2022—7,604.  She noted that some people have not reported their hours. 
  3. Library—Report submitted.
  4. Education—Report submitted.  Pat noted that Joe Hunter’s class had 30 people attending via Zoom and seven in the library, hosted by Katie Haugse.  Brian Rhinehart will present a Fold3 class next month and she is looking for someone to do a presentation on the Revolutionary War.
  5. Membership—Report submitted.  Margaret and Loretta Barker met and have resolved the discrepancies in membership numbers.
  6. Technology—Report submitted.  Rich noted that he needs to get a clarification of Skeeter’s role
C.   Committee Reports
  1. Public Relations—No report
  2. Maintenance—Lynn Taylor.  He is brand new on the job.  Kim will talk to him about submitting a report to the Board.
  3. NGS Delegate—Katie Haugse.  No report.  Looking for someone to replace Katie on this board.
  4. Editors
    1. eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. 
    2. The Rogue Digger—Suspended until a new Editor can be found.

  1. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for December 5, at 9:30 a.m., at the library.
  2. Program & Member Meeting is November 15, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. 
The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 p.m.

Loretta Barker, Secretary

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