Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2022
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 10:10 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker. Marijo Medcraft, Lynne Hunter, Anne Billeter, Barbara Halvorsen, and Margaret Clark-Mayfield. Guests present: Cathy Ullrich and Chris Mason.
Motion 2022-39. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the September 12, 2022, Board minutes as presented. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Reports for the periods ending September 30, 2022.
General Income $ 3,277.00
Program Income 733.92
Total Income 4,010.92
General Expenses 2,541.79
Program Expenses 2,202.46
Total Expenses 4,744.25
Interest 0.00
Endowment Fund Income 9,862.56
Rewards Income 425.79
Net Income $ 9,338.61
Marijo reported that we had a very generous donation of $5,998.50 from Diane Brenner which is to be moved to our endowment account. Spectrum internet charges have increased from $144.97 to $159.98 per month; in addition, we pay $39.95 for business voice. American Ancestors was renewed for $270. Katie Haugse purchased and installed a new outdoor lock box for $44.98. Southern Oregon Signs was paid $540.50 to create and install our new building sign. The Mail Tribune electronic subscription was renewed for $103.48. National Genealogical Society membership was renewed for $135.
It was agreed that Diane Brenner should be given a Life Benefactor membership for her donation.
Motion 2022-40. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the September 30, 2022, Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
In-Person & Like Group Restrictions. Anne Billeter stated that we need to increase the number of people coming in to our library. At present we are at medium COVID level. The DAR would like to start meeting here again as they used to do. Are we at a point where we want to open our library to outside groups? We could keep the same restrictions that we now have in place for our own groups meeting in person at the library, which is 14 people in the meeting room. If our county moves to a Low level of COVID community risk per the CDC for two consecutive weeks, we will review this matter. Lynne Hunter volunteered to monitor the CDC website for us. Kim Thurman called for a hand-vote on this matter. Six approved and one opposed. We will open our library to outside groups with our restrictions.
Status of 2023 Officer Candidates. Kim is disappointed in the response to the call for officers next year. She has only heard from three members who are willing to step forward and serve our society as officers (Vice President, Secretary, and Trustee). She reminded us that we cannot operate unless we have, at a minimum, a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Work Party for Outside of Library. Katie Haugse asked that anyone and everyone available to help clean up our outdoor areas come to the library on Sunday, November 6, at 10:00 am. They are wanting to weed whack the parking lot and then trim the bushes. They are in need of a truck and/or a trailer to haul away the clippings. Please contact Katie if you are able to help and please bring eye protection.
Bookkeeping Service. Marijo has had some challenges with Cramer & Associates. They have not billed us since April. Kim and Katie will be meeting with Marijo after this meeting to try to clear this up. Chris Mason has given Kim another contact for a bookkeeping service. Barbara Halvorson also has a recommendation for a bookkeeping service. Kim and Katie will check these out.
Research Request Pricing. Continue until the November meeting.
Proposed 2023 Budget. Kim reviewed this with the Board. Rogue Disposal needs to be added to our budget. She said that we need to talk about moving the surplus income from 2021 into our Restricted Funds account. $20,000 for the Scholarship fund is already in the Restricted Funds account.
Motion: 2022-41. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the budget as presented with the addition of the Rogue Disposal costs. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
MOU for Class Collaboration. This document was given to the Societies in this collaboration and they are to take it to their groups for review. They have agreed upon a name: OR-CAL Genealogical Co-Op. Pat will be bringing us an update next month.
Hybrid Class Equipment Updates. A grant application has been submitted to OCF for half the estimated project cost. There is no further update. Rich Miles needs to get updated estimates.
Rebranding Committee Updates. Nothing new to report. If you do see our old logo somewhere, please send the URL to Rich Miles so he can get it updated. Barbara Halvorsen is taking some of our rack cards to the hotels in the area.
A. Executive
- President—Nothing additional.
- Vice President—Nothing additional.
- Trustee—Report submitted
- Past President—Nothing additional
B. Directors
- Finance—vacant.
- Volunteer—vacant. Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total September hours—974; Board member hours—457; number of volunteers--74; Total hours for 2022—6,742.
- Library—Report submitted. Anne did not receive the My Heritage hours this month. She will speak to the Soroptimist group in Medford on Wednesday and will do Windows in Time in May. We have doubled our open hours beginning October 3, 2022.
- Education—Report submitted. It was noted that, unfortunately, we did not get a lot of new members after Genealogy Week.
- Membership—Report submitted. Loretta Barker brought up the question of the inconsistencies in the number of members. Loretta and Margaret will meet to try and solve this problem.
- Technology—No report.
C. Committee Reports
- Public Relations—No report
- Maintenance—Vacant. Still looking for a maintenance person.
- NGS Delegate—Katie Haugse. No report
- Editors
- eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.
- The Rogue Digger—Suspended until a new Editor can be found
- The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 14, at 9:30 a.m., at the library.
- Program & Member Meeting is October 18, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:22 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary