Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2022
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:32 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker. ,Marijo Medcraft, Anne Billeter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, and Rich Miles. 3Guests present: Jim Seagraves, Chris Mason, and Chris Galligan.
Motion 2022-34. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the August 8, 2022, Board minutes as presented. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Reports for the periods ending July 31, 2022, and August 31, 2022.
Statement of Activity 31 August 2022
General Income $ 1,737.00
Program Income 378.00
Total Income 2,115.00
General Expenses 1,983.65
Program Expenses 396.43
Total Expenses -265.08
Interest 2.57
Rewards Income 49.45
Net Income $ -213.06
Marijo reported that in July large expenses were $2,247.50 for Project A, Find My Past $995; Genealogical Forum of Oregon, $244.45; Garon Lee Sound, $1,800.00, Chamber of Commerce $400; and Management Indemnity Insurance $555. $2,042 was received for the Annual Fund; Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative, $1,000 towards Annual Fund; Classes and workshops earned $275, and an endowment donation of $500. August had 29 memberships paid three of which were new, one of which was a family membership. Annual Fund donations totaled $500; and classes and workshops earned $70. Pacific Power expenses increased significantly in July and August. Marijo told the Board that Banner Bank is charging us extra amounts for bill pay. She is trying to get this matter corrected.
Motion 2022-35. Rich Miles moved that we approve the July 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Motion 2022-36. Pat Jenkins moved that we approve the August 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Proposed 2023 Budget. Kim Thurman reviewed the 2023 Budget and led a discussion of the proposed expenses. The proposed budget will be approved by the Board in October and submitted to the members at the October member meeting. Members will vote on the budget at the November member meeting.
December Member Meeting. The suggested date is December 10, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., with a luncheon. The Library is closed the day of the luncheon. December Board meeting will be moved to December 5, switching with the Education Committee meeting. The library will be closed December 19-24, reopening on the 27. Closed again on December 31, reopening on January 2, 2023.
September Member Meeting/Celebration. Our celebration will be about the past ten years. Katie Haugse will present a program that Andrea Patterson originally designed; Anne Billeter will talk about the library; Rich Miles will talk about the computers/servers/etc.; Sue Waldron will talk about the quilt group. Katie has come up with a web-site scavenger hunt; forms for the Scavenger Hunt are available at the Library; completed forms are due October 12, 2022.
2023 Class Schedule. Pat Jenkins says the Education Committee is well on its way for 2023 with 13 classes already scheduled. Concentration will be on regions for next year especially the Great Lakes area. The medical terms genealogy class was canceled because Kate Eakman is no longer doing presentations. Jane Neff Rollins will pick up this class later next year.
Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) for Class Collaboration Group. Pat Jenkins noted that the names as shown on this draft will need adjusting. This will be taken care of at the next meeting of this group. Pat has requested that everyone review this and get back to Pat if they find suggestions/corrections. There was a suggestion to open our in-house speakers to this group at no charge. All Societies should be willing to build classes for the membership. The Education Committee will next meet on Thursday, September 15, at 10:30 a.m.
Budget Committee update. Kim Thurman noted that the Budget Committee will be meeting August 24, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. in the library. Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Anne Billeter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, and Marijo Medcraft plan to attend. Rich will be out of town but will submit tech information. There was a discussion about the chart of accounts and what goes into each account.
Increasing Library hours. Anne Billeter proudly stated that she has filled the library hours for Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the following exceptions: first Saturday morning, and two fourth Saturday mornings. Our expanded hours will begin on Monday, October 3, 2022. She did note that her ability to fill all these slots is because of our wonderful new librarians.
Trash Service. Kim Thurman said that she spoke with our cleaning people and they are willing to put our trash cans out on the street on every other Sunday (the days they clean the buiilding). This service will cost the Society $40.95/month, billed every other month.
Motion 2022-37. Katie Haugse moved that we start trash service with a 65-gallon bin at the cost of $40.95/month, billed every other month. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Research Request Pricing. Chris Galligan reviewed about 15 different Society price lists and our costs were significantly lower than those. Rich Miles will need to change our information on the website and some of the PayPal websites. Kim Thurman requested that Chrisbring back to our October meeting a spreadsheet showing the costs of other Societies. Chris agreed to do this.
Updated Speaker Contract. The corrected Speaker Contract was reviewed by the Board. Anne Billeter noted that we will need to have the speaker’s website information on this form.
Motion 2022-38. Katie Haugse moved that we approve the Speaker Contract; Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Update on Speaker Collaboration. Three classes have been scheduled per the groups’ request: 1) Mayflower Society, 2) DAR, and 3) Researching Eastern Europe by Pam Vestal.
Hybrid Class Equipment Updates. Kim Thurman and Rich Miles noted that there is no update at thistime.
Rebranding Committee Updates. Kim Thurman and Rich Miles proudly produced our new “Rack Cards” with our new logo. Guests were sworn to secrecy until the Member Meeting later on this month.
A. Executive
- President—Maureen Battistella and Kim Thurman will be on Jefferson Public Radio (JPR) tomorrow morning a little after 8 a.m. discussing the genealogical side of heritage. Kim noted that the front (west) and south sides of our building have been power washed (greatly needed). A battery operated power washer is needed to continue this on the north and east sides of our building. Please contact Kim if you have one.
- Vice President—Nothing additional.
- Trustee—Report submitted
- Past President—Nothing additional
B. Directors
- Finance—vacant.
- Volunteer—vacant. Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total August hours—787; Board member hours—309.5; number of volunteers--94; Total hours for 2022—5,645.
- Library—Report submitted. Rene Forncrook emailed Anne the list of volunteers that she was working from. She asked that Anne remove any names that were no longer active.
- Education—Report submitted.
- Membership—Report submitted. Loretta Barker brought up the question of the inconsistencies in the number of members. Loretta and Margaret will meet to try and solve this problem.
- Technology—Report submitted. The new logo is ready to be launched on our website the day after our member meeting. At the member meeting, members will get to see our wonderful new logo!
C. Committee Reports
- Publicity—No report
- Maintenance—Still looking for a maintenance person.
- NGS Delegate—Katie Haugse. No report
- Editors
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.
The Rogue Digger—Suspended until a new Editor can be found.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for October 11, at 9:30 a.m., at the library.
Program & Member Meeting is September 20, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. This will be our big 10-yr in our building celebration as well as the new reveal of our logo and library sign, and the announcement that we are expanding library hours effective Oct. 3.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary