Rogue Valley Genealogical Society & Jackson County Genealogy Library |
Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: August 8, 2022
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:40 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Lynne Hunter, Anne Billeter Pat Jenkins (via Zoom), Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, and Rich Miles.
Motion 2022-29. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the June 13, 2022, Board minutes as presented. Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Report for the period ended June 30, 2022.
Statement of Activity
General Income $ 15,175.00
Program Income 7,734.85
Total Income 22,909.85
General Expenses 2,532.22
Program Expenses 2,254.79
Total Expenses 4,787.01
Interest 1.61
Endowment Fund Income
Interest & Dividends 371.48
Realized Gain/Loss on Investment 897.59
Unrealized Gain/Loss on Investment 2,594.99
Rewards Income 1.00
Endowment Fund Expense
Investment Management Expense 95.59
OCF Fees 121.82
Net Income $ 21,772.10
Twenty-nine memberships were paid in June, 6 were new and 2 were family memberships. The Annual Fund Drive brought in $13,315 and there was one donation of $4,000 and two donations of $1,000 each. We refunded eight paid class registrations due to cancellation of the class.
Motion 2022-30. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft is on vacation, so the Treasurer’s Report for July will be approved at the September Board meeting.
Budget Committee update. Kim Thurman noted that the Budget Committee will be meeting August 24, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. in the library. Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Anne Billeter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, and Marijo Medcraft plan to attend. Rich will be out of town but will submit tech information. There was a discussion about the chart of accounts and what goes into each account.
Speaker Collaboration update. Pat Jenkins said this group has met twice and the others are very receptive to a collaboration; the next meeting will be August 17. Klamath, Toledo, Grants Pass, Shasta, Yreka, and RVGS are in this group at the present time. They are working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It is suggested that we evenly share the cost of national speakers; each society will provide a co-host for Zoom. If a society charges for their members to attend they will keep their fees. A few days before each class, societies will forward their class lists to RVGS. There was a concern about societies that do not charge. They also discussed Zoom training for co-hosts. It was agreed that RVGS will hold the speaker contract. Each society will pay RVGS. A suggested name for this group is Jefferson Genealogical Collaboration.
“Permanent” administrator for account listings. Kim was recently working to increase Anne Billeter’s limit on her credit card and discovered that Barbara Shrewsberry had not been removed and Marijo Medcraft had not been added. Kim suggested leaving at least one past president on the account to help alleviate this problem. It was noted that the Capital One account and the Secretary of State needs to have this current information. It was agreed that Kim Thurman will be our “permanent” administrator.
Motion 2022-31. Lynne Hunter moved to increase the Book Committee’s credit limit from $500 to $1,000. Margaret Clark-Mayfield seconded Motion carried.
Mask Requirements in Library. It was noted that the CDC recommends that people “should” wear masks when the risk level is medium. It was decided by the Board that the RVGS policy will change to “Masks Highly Recommended.”
Research Request Pricing. Continued until the September Board meeting at Chris Galligan’s request.
Sept 7 LOC Virtual presenter hybrid class proposal. At this time, it has been decided to go virtual ONLY (no hybrid class).
Hybrid class equipment update. Kim Thurman and Rich Miles reported that there is no change in this project. It is on hold indefinitely.
Rebranding Committee updates. Rich Miles said that the updating with our new logo is proceeding. New logo will be presented to the membership at the September Member meeting.
Rack card quote approval. Rich Miles showed us a mock-up of our proposed new rack card. He will send it out once again to the Board for review and updates.
Motion 2022-32. Katie Haugse moved that we purchase 1,000 rack cards at the cost of $220. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Sign quote approval. Katie Haugse reported that we will have a totally new sign out front on our building. It was suggested that to try to cover the sign we now have will cause problems in the future as the sign ages.
Motion 2022-33. Lynne Hunter moved to approve a new exterior sign on the library not to exceed $750. Barbara Halvorsen seconded. Motion carried.
Email vote for upgrade of Internet Services. Kim Thurman noted that the Board took an email vote for the upgrade of our internet services in July when the Board did not meet. The Motion number is 2022-28.
A. Executive
1. President—No formal report. Kim Thurman did a class on genealogy at the Manor with 25 people in attendance; we received three new members from this class. We also received two volunteer applications. There was also a discussion regarding our trash problems—we need librarians and volunteers to take home our trash to put in their own trash cans. It was also noted that many volunteers cannot take large quantities at one time and that our trash should be put into smaller bags.
2. Vice President—Katie Haugse has been attempting to do some work on our grounds since we do not have anyone to do that; however, with restrictions in place she cannot weedwack.
3. Trustee—Lynne Hunter noted that she had not received numbers from our Researcher or from the Colonial SIG.
4. Past President—Anne Billeter asked that the Board members please review our policies.
B. Directors
1. Finance—vacant.
2. Volunteer—vacant. Volunteer hours for June as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total June hours—770; Board member hours—287; number of volunteers--94; Total hours for 2022—4,234. Hours reported for July are: Total July hours—595; Board member hours—156; number of volunteers—94; and Total hours for 2022—4,832.
3. Library—Anne Billeter said that we are back on with OLLI for five weeks (January 27—February 24), 10-12 p.m. in our library. Anne was contacted by Cicly at the Family History Center in Medford—they are getting rid of all of their books. Anne and Diane picked them up. There was a short discussion as to what we might remove from our library to make room for these new acquisitions. Anne will explore with the librarians whether or not they are willing to work increased hours or maybe more shifts to see if we can once again open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. She also stated that she did not receive a My Heritage report for July.
4. Education—June report submitted—no meeting in July. It has been decided that Education Week will be all virtual. We will go “live” on Facebook for our member meeting to disclose our logo and library sign.
5. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield will check the member numbers as they do not seem to add up correctly. She will report back in September.
6. Technology—See Rich’s submitted report.
C. Committee Reports
1. Publicity—No report
2. Maintenance—Still looking for a maintenance person.
3. NGS Delegate—Katie Haugse. No report
4. Editors
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.
The Rogue Digger—Suspended until a new Editor can be found.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for September 12, at 9:30 a.m., at the library.
Program & Member Meeting is September 20, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. This will be our big 10-yr in our building celebration as well as the new reveal of our logo and library sign.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:02 p.m.
A BIG thank you to Anne Billeter and Katie Haugse for taking minutes for me when I had wrist problems.
Loretta Barker, Secretary