Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, June 13, 2022

Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  June 13, 2022
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:41 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Marijo Medcraft, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, and Rich Miles.
Motion 2022-24.  Anne Billeter moved that we approve the May 10, 2022, Board minutes as presented.  Lynne Hunter seconded. Motion carried.
Loretta Barker read a thank you letter from Celeste Guillory of the Grants Pass Genealogical Society thanking Rich Miles for presenting a program for their society.  They also donated $100 to our Society.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Report for the period ended May, 2022.
Statement of Activity 
            General Income                                                $   3,297.00
            Program Income                                                       868.27
                                                     Total Income                 4,165.27
            General Expenses                                             $   2,109.58
            Program Expenses                                                   293.02
                                                 Total Expenses                 -2,402.60
            Interest                                                                           1.67
                                                  Net Income                $   -1,764.34
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft noted that 57 renewing memberships were paid in May and seven new; memberships.  $602 was received for our Annual Fund Drive.
Motion 2022-25.  Pat Jenkins moved that we approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.  Anne Billeter seconded.  Motion carried.
Scholarship Committee 2022-2023.  Kim Thurman reported that Marilyn Ayres has suggested that we increase our scholarship donation from $1,500 to $2,000.  She also said that we need to keep any eye on these funds to make sure they remain available.  Rich Miles suggest that we put a “place holder” of these funds and verify with Treasurer each year to make sure these funds are actually available.  There was a discussion regarding the increase in the scholarship amount as we need to be careful not to run out of funds.  Kim will recommend to Marilyn that this item be put on the June timeline to verify the scholarship amount for the year. 
Indigenous people land policy.  Anne Billeter said that she has been attending the Windows in Time program and at the beginning of the program they read a lengthy statement about indigenous people.  She suggested that we work towards developing a policy and put it on our website and post it in the library but not read it at every event.  Kim Thurman questioned whether we should include other backgrounds—black, Hispanics, etc.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield read a CNN statement regarding these statements.  OSU does a land acknowledgement statement.  Anne said the book committee has been working to get more books for blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans.
It was suggested that Donna Rae Hayes might have very good input on this.  Anne Billeter will investigate this and also check with Donna Rae.
Research Request Pricing.  Continued until the August Board meeting at Chris Galligan’s request.
Sept 7 LOC Virtual presenter hybrid class proposal.  Barbara Halvorsen has spoken with Katie Haugse and Rich Miles and she has come up with some ideas to do this:  1) There must be a librarian on duty from 9:30 am to 1:00 .pm to make sure those arriving late can get in the building without disturbing the presenter.  2) Librarians will take reservations for in-person participation and take payment for the class.  3) Librarian on duty during the class will be responsible for distributing the class handouts.  4) Rich Miles said that everyone could register on Zoom but someone would have to monitor the in-person registration so he can close in-person when it’s full.  5)  There is no way to close in-person registration.  5)  We have set the room limit at 14, so deducting the persons needed to facilitate the presentation, no more than 12 should be allowed to attend in person.
The room will need to be configured for each meeting so someone would need to set up the tables.
Kim recommended that this go back to the Education Committee to be discussed at their June 27 meeting.
Motion 2022-26.  Lynne Hunter moved that we support the planning of in-person attendance at Zoom presentations with a limit of 12 persons.  Marijo Medcraft seconded.  Motion passed.
Hybrid class equipment update.  Kim Thurman and Rich Miles reported that there is no change in this project until the work on the SharePoint project has been completed.
Rebranding Committee updates.  The Rebranding Committee  has narrowed down our new logo design from  Diane West of West Designs.  Rich showed us the design for the logo and letterhead. The Board was pleased with the end product. Rich will continue to refine the letterhead and business card samples and bring them back to the next Board meeting.
Motion 2022-27.  Katie Haugse moved that we approve the logo presented today.  Lynne Hunter seconded.  Motion carried.
A.  Executive
  1. President
  2. Vice President—No additional report
  3. Trustee—Lynne has submitted her report noting that May research requests were down.
  4. Past President—Anne Billeter noted that Board members need to know what policies we have in place.  She asked Board members to go to the website and review the policies posted there.  Kim Thurman said that during the summer she will be following up with Board members about their own job descriptions.
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—vacant.
  2.  Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours for April as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total April hours--661; Board member hours—268.6; number of volunteers--95; Total hours for 2022—3,466.
  3. Library—Anne Billeter noted that our May numbers were down; causes could be weather, graduations, vacations, etc.  She noted that we have an official gift form for the two pictures on the right side of the east wall of the meeting room.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield will look into the payment issue on eBay.  It was also noted that we can look at NewspaperArchive usage on Google Sheets.
  4. Education—Report submitted.  Kim Thurman noted that the check request form needs to be used for every speaker.  Please do not send emails to MJ for payments.  Pat Jenkins said that she needs a form for donations.  The question came up as to how we deal with payments to Kate Eakman now that she is a member of RVGS.  It was noted that she became a member after her speaking engagements; we need a policy review.  Kim will review this.
  5. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield said there were five new, four rejoining, and 18 deleted, and one deceased.  She is considering doing a member drive and would like to have something to give to new members as an incentive.  Rich explained to the Board what steps he follows when he receives a “deleted” list.
  6. Technology—Report submitted.  Rich noted that there have been troubles signing in the FindMyPast and American Ancestors at the library.  He said to use the website credentials to log in.  Rich noted that putting videos on our website is a lot of work and few people look at them.   Rich said he has worked on our problem log.  Regarding the electronics sign out front, Rich has emailed SignsNow to request that they come and check it out.  We need to determine what the problem with this sign is.  Regarding SharePoint, Jeff is working on this.  He had a couple of conversations regarding how it is set up.
C.     Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—Pam Sasseen has been released from any work at this point.
  2. Maintenance—Still looking for a maintenance person.
  3. NGS Delegate—Katie Haugse.  No report
  4. Editors
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. 
The Rogue Digger—Suspended until a new Editor can be found.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 8, at 9:30 a.m., at the library.   The July Board meeting has been canceled.
Program & Member Meeting is June 21, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. 
           The meeting was adjourned at 12:52 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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