Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, March 14, 2022

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: March 14, 2022 via Zoom
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:31 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Marijo Medcraft, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, and Rich Miles. Guest was Barbara Northrop.
Motion 2022-10.  Pat Jenkins moved that we approve the February 14, 2021, Board minutes as written.  Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Loretta read a note from Diane Brenner thanking the Board for the flowers that were sent to her after her husband passed away.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Report for the period ended February 28, 2022.
Statement of Activity 
            General Income                                    $   9,040.00
            Program Income                                        1,151.70
                                                Total Income        10,191.70
            General Expenses                                $   1,998.28
            Program Expenses                                        719.84
                                                Total Expenses        2,718.10
            Interest                                                                1.51
                                                Net Income         $   7,475.11
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft noted that we received $5,000 from the Horton Family Foundation.  She spoke to Craig Horton and he said he was interested in hearing from us about how we are spending this money.  Anne Billeter pointed out that there is a problem with the Budget vs. Actual columns—they have been divided over 12 months.  We need to see the actual budget numbers.  The income shown for each month does not reflect what happens each month because bills for speakers, etc. are often paid in the following month.
Motion 2022-11.  Anne Billeter moved that we approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
Mask Policy and in-person meetings at library
There was a discussion by the board members who each indicated their preferences in going forward with masks/no masks.  There was a consensus that we would proceed with a “Mask Optional” policy at this time.  It was suggested that librarians be conscious of people with special needs.  Librarians could suggest computers to be used that are away from others.  Also, if necessary, the librarians could use their masks when such people are in the library.  There was also a consensus that small meetings in the library would be allowed again.  No outside groups at this time.  A maximum number of people for meetings will be established and distancing will be encouraged.  Kim Thurman and Anne Billeter will meet later in the week to determine maximum number of persons per room.  It was agreed that the German Interest Group could meet in person at  the library per their request.
Motion 2022-12.  Anne Billeter moved that we make masks optional in the library.  Marijo Medcraft seconded.  Motion carried.
It also was agreed that groups wishing to meet in person outside library hours should contact either Anne Billeter or Kim Thurman to make sure whoever is in charge is aware of the opening and closing procedures for the library.  Kim will draft a short instructional memo to Special Interest Group leaders regarding these procedures.  Board members will approve this memo via email.
Consider Expanding library hours
Anne Billeter said that she actually has a librarian ready to train but she does not have a shift for her to work at the present time.  She also has another member who has already worked a bit as a librarian who will be retiring from teaching this spring.  Anne will survey the librarians again.
Purchase of hybrid class equipment.
Kim Thurman noted that Jeff Bales proposal from last fall was about $8,500 for what we need to have quality hybrid meetings.  It was suggested that we use the Horton Family Foundation donation of $5,000 and acknowledge this donation as we use the equipment.  Last year our finances ended in the black so we are in good shape financially.  Rich Miles will go back to Jeff Bales to find out if there are any changes in this proposal.
Door for Society office.
Kim Thurman said there is a need for privacy in the Society office.  Kim believes that we can cap this project at not to exceed $700 for the purchase/installation/hardware.
Motion 2022-13.  Barbara Halvorsen moved that we have a door with a glass panel installed in the Society office not to exceed $700.  Lynne Hunter seconded.  Motion carried.        
Society speaker collaboration
Pat Jenkins has been contacting other Societies in Oregon to see if they would be interested in sharing costs for national speakers.  They will need to figure out how this cost sharing would apply—this might be difficult.  Most of the Societies are interested because they have lost members during COVID.  Pat Jenkins and Barbara Halvorsen will check this out in more detail.
Great Lakes, Colonial America Special Interest Groups (SIG) approval
Pat Jenkins noted that Kim Thurman has agreed to lead a Great Lakes SIG which would meet on Thursdays every other month.  Jeanne Hoadley has agreed to lead a Colonial America SIG. 
Motion 2022-14.  Pat Jenkins moved that we expand our Special Interest Groups to include the Great Lakes, starting in June, and Colonial America starting in April.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion carried.
Date of Family History Library trip
Pat Jenkins asked Ann Baraker when the next trip to the Family History Library would be so it can be put on our calendar and avoid conflict with classes.  Pat will ask Ann to survey our members and find out who might be interested in another trip.
Google Calendar for Board
Kim Thurman said she had uploaded a calendar to Google calendar for board members to use to indicate the dates they will be out-of-town/unavailable.  If anyone would like to have a session with Kim to learn how to use this, please contact Kim directly.
RVGS/JCGL business name discussion
Tomorrow at the member meeting this item will be presented to the membership for a vote.  Kim will ask Anne Billeter and Rich Miles to help her explain this to the members.  The name suggested will be Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Library, dropping Jackson County Genealogy Library as our DBA.  Barbara Northrop wanted to know if we have estimated the expense involved in this change.  She thinks the name change is not necessary and it will be a burden to change all the records that will need to be changed.  Kim thanked her for her input and addressed her concerns.  She also invited Barbara to put her thoughts out to the membership tomorrow at the meeting.  If the change is approved tomorrow then a red-lined copy of the Bylaws will be presented to the membership at the April member meeting and will be voted upon at the May member meeting.
Speaker contract revision request by Education Committee.
Barbara Halvorsen presented a red-lined copy of our present speaker contract to be used with speakers for classes.  There is still a need to address recording presentations.  It was also discussed that we need contracts for in-person and virtual sessions.  It was agreed that this contract needs to go back to the Education Committee for further revision and then presentation to the Board again.  Rich Miles said that we now have the capability to have fillable PDF files.
New Board Member Letter draft
This item was tabled until the May Board meeting because of the impending name change and Bylaws change.  There was a discussion regarding needing calendar information on the letter. Rich will add this and will put the draft back on Google docs so we can input items.
Approval of revised Honorary Life Membership Policy
Motion 2022-15.  Katie Haugse moved to accept the Honorary Life Membership Policy
striking the word “active” in the second paragraph and striking the entire second sentence in the second paragraph.  Anne Billeter seconded.  Motion passed.
Rich Miles will do the final formatting of this document.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No additional report.
  2. Vice President—No additional report
  3. Trustee—Report submitted.  Membership report was submitted this morning.  Lynne will add the numbers for the Quilt and Education committees.  She would prefer to have these numbers on the paper calendar in the library if possible; if not, please submit them by email to Lynne.
  4. Past President—Anne Billeter submitted her report.  Kim asked that Board members please read her report on hybrid presentations.
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—vacant.
  2. Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours for February as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total February hours--672; Board member hours—240.5; number of volunteers--94; Total hours for 2022—1,414.
  3. Library—Report submitted. 
  4. Education—Report submitted.
  5. Membership—Report submitted.  We currently have 673 individual members.  Margaret noted that there were 17 deletions from November 2021, which is a sizable number.
  6. Technology—Report submitted. 
C.     Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—No report
  2. Maintenance—No report.
  3. NGS Delegate- Report submitted.  The meeting was about volunteer motivations.  Katie didn’t believe she got many new ideas from this; we seem to have done most of what they talked about.
  4. Editors
  • eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.  Rich always welcomes articles.
  • The Rogue Digger—Kim noted that she has not received any volunteers for this position.  They need to have editing and layout skills.  We presently use Adobe Publisher but could look to using another program if needed.
  • The next Board Meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., via zoom.
  • Program & Member Meeting is March 15, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. 
The meeting was adjourned at 1:07 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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