Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, February 14, 2022

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: February 14, 2022 via Zoom
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:37 a.m.; a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Marijo Medcraft, Lynne Hunter, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.
Motion 2022-05.  Anne Billeter moved that we approve the January 10, 2021, Board minutes as submitted.  Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft submitted the Treasurer’s Report for the period ended January 31, 2022
Statement of Activity 
            General Income                                                      982.00
            Program Income                                                  1,602.06
                                                Total Income                    2,584.06
            General Expenses                                                2,511.61
            Program Expenses                                               2,236.45
                                                Total Expenses                 4,748.06
            Interest                                                                         1.67
            Rewards Income                                                       22.95
                                                Net Income                  $ -2,139.38
Treasurer Marijo Medcraft noted that she paid $1,753.00 to NewspaperArchive for our initial subscription.  An additional $150 was paid to Cramer and Associates for preparation/mailing of 1099s. The Society received $685 for 5 new and 11 renewal memberships.  $1,220 was received for participation in classes and seminars; and $100 was donated by members for the Oregon Digital Newspaper Project 2022.
Motion 2022-06.  Katie Haugse moved that we approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.

Agreement with RSVP of Jackson County
Kim Thurman said that Community Volunteer Network’s RSVP connects volunteers to groups.  She was contacted about our MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) that had expired and was asked if we wanted to continue our association with RSVP.  There was a discussion among the board members—they might be able to find a financial director/coordinator or a volunteer coordinator for us.  Anne Billeter said that the main advantage to RSVP was the mileage reimbursement for members who lived far away from the library.  Katie Haugse expressed concern about new people not understanding our all-volunteer organization.  Kim will contact AmeriCorps to see if they are able to assist with recruiting a volunteer coordinator who would manage this program and then we would sign up for the program again.  Kim will ask them to clarify the supervisory process.
Maintenance Chair nominee
Jack and Andrea Patterson contacted Kim Thurman to say they had found a possible replacement for Jack as Maintenance Chair.  They recommend John Chapulsky, who is married to Diane Rasmussen, our cleaner.  Jack has gone over all the responsibilities of this position with John.  However, John is not a member of our Society.  After a discussion it was decided that we would first look to our membership to find a replacement, and if one is not found, we will then consider John.
2022 SCGS Genealogy Jamboree conference partnership
Kim discussed the SCGS (Southern California Genealogical Society) exhibit hall requirements with the Board—it costs us nothing to participate.
Motion 2022-07.  Anne Billeter moved that we participate in the SCGS Jamboree.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion carried.
Kim Thurman will email Margaret Rutledge from SCGS to let her know we will participate again.
RVGS/JCGL business name discussion
A task force has been formed and met recently. They discovered that the cost to change our name will be minimal if we decide to do that.  It was suggested that if we change our name it would be a good time to look into our branding.   Rich has contacted a number of local graphic designers and has received three quotes with a fourth one due soon.  We can shed the Jackson County connection which is causing confusion among people searching our website and social media sites.  It would be nice to rethink our color scheme and logo coming out of COVID-19.  The Board agreed to the following schedule:
March--Place an article in the eNews letting members know about the possibility of a name change and announcing a member vote on the matter during the March 15th member meeting.
April 19--Provide members access to a red-lined copy of our ByLaws for their review at the member meeting.
May 17—Vote on ByLaws changes at member meeting.
Motion 2022-08.  Rich Miles moved that we propose to our membership that we drop the name Jackson County Genealogy Library from our ByLaws and rename the library the Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Library.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion carried.
SIG (Special Interest Group) cross promotion with GFO
Kim Thurman talked to our SIG leaders and no one had any problems with cross promoting their group.  Also, there was strong support for the Board’s decision to drop the $5 fee for non-members. Laurel Smith, Acting President of GFO, never followed up with their group leaders therefore it was never discussed at GFO.  After discussion it was decided to limit our relationship to GFO groups at this time.
Proposed revisions to Library Closure Policy.
Anne Billeter had submitted her policy revision to the board for review before the Board meeting.
Motion 2022-09.  Pat Jenkins moved that the revisions to the Library Closure Policy dated February 14, 2022, and last revised on October 8, 2018, be approved.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion carried.
Speaker contract revision request by Education Committee.
Barbara Halvorsen will have this ready for the next Board meeting in March.
New Board Member Letter draft
This item was tabled until the April Board meeting because of the possibility of our name change.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No additional report.
  2. Vice President—No additional report
  3. Trustee—Report submitted.
  4. Past President—Anne Billeter submitted the Honorary Life Membership requirements to the Board for review.  Kim Thurman will post this on Google Docs for review.  The Board is requested to review and get back to Anne with any changes or corrections.
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—vacant.
  2. Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total January hours--717; Board member hours—276; number of volunteers--94; Total hours for 2022—717.
  3. Library—Anne Billeter has submitted her report.  Anne stated that she is now receiving a usage report from NewspaperArchive and that the usage in January was great.
  4. Pat Jenkins reported that there were 23 people at the Potpourri Seminar presented by Jane Neff Rollins.  At our member meeting on 2/15 Barbara Northrop will present Chasing Jasper; 2/17 is the Jewish Research class by Ann Baraker; 2/21 is the NewspaperArchive class which is free to everyone (librarians are encouraged to attend); and on 4/2 is our Seminar on the 1950 Census.
  5. Membership—Report submitted.  We currently have 680 individual members.
  6. Technology—Report submitted.  Kim reviewed the Subscription & Membership document on our website and noted that we should let Rich know if there are any changes.
C.     Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—No report
  2. Maintenance—Jack noted that the fan is still an open item—this is on his radar.
  3. NGS Delegate- No report. Katie has a meeting on February 22, 2022.
  4. Editors
    1. eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. 
    2. The Rogue Digger—Kim noted that this publication is considered paused until we are able to find a new editor.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., via zoom. Program & Member Meeting is February 15, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. 

The meeting was adjourned at 12:08 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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