Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, December 06, 2021

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: December 6, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:56 AM; a quorum was declared. Kim Thurman thanked Rich Miles for hosting our December meeting at his home. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Pat Jenkins (via Zoom), Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles. Guest present was Lynne Hunter.

Motion 2021-49. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the November 8, 2021, Board minutes with the correction of the number of members to 703. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Statement of Activity
            General Income                                                   1,941.90
            Program Income                                                    724.67
                                                Total Income                    2,666.57
            General Expenses                                               3,018.63
            Program Expenses                                              1,793.58
                                                Total Expenses                 4,812.21
            Interest                                                                        1.62
            Rewards Income                                                      83.70
                                                Net Income                 $ -2,060.32
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that we received $131.90 from the Bottle Drop account (4310); this was for two months. She also paid $1,500 for our Scholarship winner this month.
Motion 2021-50. Rich Miles moved that we approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Barbara Shrewsberry will submit the December report; she also reported that in January Marijo Medcraft will begin working with Cramer & Associates, but that she will provide backup for Marijo.
Review of December 11th member meeting agenda
Kim said that the Installation of Officers will come first so that Ruth Wade can do the installation from the Phoenix Historical Society. Barbara Halvorsen and Pat Jenkins are working on the program. Katie Haugse will do a PowerPoint Christmas related presentation. There will be Zoom member sharing about Christmas as well as volunteer recognition.

Board Authorization for Treasurer turnover
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that there are a number of items that need to be taken care of to allow Marijo to be a signer on our bank accounts. She will follow through on these items.
Banner Bank account
Motion 2021-51. Rich Miles moved that we authorized Marijo Medcraft to sign on all Banner Bank accounts effective 13 December 2021 upon her successful swearing in as Treasurer. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
First National Bank of Omaha credit cards
Motion 2021-52. Katie Haugse moved that we authorize Marijo Medcraft as a First National Bank of Omaha credit card holder with the credit limit of $4,500.00. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion carried.
Motion 2021-53. Barbara Northrop moved that we increase the overall limit of First National Bank of Omaha to $15,000. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Review of annual inventory tasks
Anne Billeter has already started the inventory of the library collection. The tech inventory is on Rich’s list; he is going to move this inventory list to Google Sheets. The non-collection assets inventory is the Vice President’s responsibility. Kim will help Katie do this and will also put the inventory on Google Sheets.
Key Volunteer openings for 2022
Kim Thurman asked that everyone keep their eyes and ears open for volunteers of any and all kinds. We are in need of a Volunteer Director and a Finance Director. Rich Miles suggested changing Finance to Development. Barbara Northrop thinks that the Volunteer position is too broad and that it needs to be broken down. The Volunteer Director needs to get in touch with our members, have recruitment skills, and be friendly. Jack and Andrea Patterson will be moving to central Oregon in the spring; therefore, a maintenance person is also needed. This person does not need to have the skills to do our repairs, but the skill to find the people needed to do any such work needed; someone with contacts! The Rogue Digger editor has also resigned. We need to find someone with an editor’s eye and who is comfortable with computer use.
Result of Oregon Heritage Grant application
Unfortunately, we did not receive this grant for our hybrid equipment. Stephen Kazar did a lot of the work for this grant ahead of time and Kim, Katie, and Rich finished the work. We were very close—just not close enough.
No one spoke negatively about our grant during the evaluation session.  We missed funding by only three spots! Even though we did not get this grant, we believe this should be a priority for our society. We need to stay on the cutting edge of technology—there are societies and people who are very interested in what we are doing and how we are doing it. RVGS now has members from all over the world due to our efforts over the past year and a half on Zoom. We will continue this conversation to January 2022 about going ahead with this project on our own. We would have received $4,160.00 from the grant and would have come up with $4,484.20 on our own. We might consider using the $5,000 donation from the Horton Family Foundation. Our Annual Fund Drive was at 68% at the beginning of December.
Request by German Interest Group to meet in person
Motion 2021-54. Barbara Northrop moved that we allow the German Interest Group to meet in person on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, for their Christmas celebration. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Status of 2022 ODNP/Ashland Tidings digitization
Our Society agreed to fund the digitization of this project in the total amount of $3,000 – $1,000 from the Society, $1,000 from Maureen Battistella, and $1,000 from a group of members who pledged to this project. According to Kim, Maureen believes this project may come in under budget. The gaps for issues of the Ashland Tidings are from 1893-1911 and 1923-1925. After discussion, there was a consensus that any monies left over from the original project be directed to these gap areas.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No additional report.
  2. Vice President—No additional report
  3. Trustee—Report submitted.
  4. Past President— vacant. Anne Billeter will volunteer for this next year. The Policies are not getting reviewed with this position open.     
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—vacant.
  2. Volunteer—vacant. Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total November hours--610; Board member hours—290; number of volunteers--94; Total hours to date 2021—7,084
  3. Library—Anne Billeter has submitted her report. She also noted that she bought another book cart.
  4. Education—Pat Jenkins reviewed the report that was submitted. We are waiting to hear from OLLI about our classes being in-person. The reason our classes must be in person is there is a hands-on lab component to several of the classes, and we want to have the students in the library so they can see the resources available to them as members.
  5. Membership—Report submitted. Rich Miles stated that he will be moving the membership lists onto Google Sheets. If anyone has any ideas about what information might be included in the membership list, please let Rich know.
  6. Technology—Report submitted. Rich Miles noted that Ancestry remote access is going away as of the first of January. An email will go out to members regarding this change. We will need a help sheet for people to get started with NewspaperArchive. Rich has given the map project to Jeanne Hoadley. She is now making sure that map names will be done consistently and is cleaning up the indexes. Cost to access maps for members and others will remain the same at $10 or we can set our own prices for accessing these maps.
C.     Committee Reports
         1.   Publicity—No report
         2.   Maintenance—The fan in the ladies restroom is still waiting for repair/replacement.
         3.   NGS Delegate- No report.
         4.   Editors
            eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.
The Rogue Digger—An editor is needed here. We will consider the RogueDigger suspended until a new editor is found. This publication is published at irregular times throughout the year.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., via zoom. Program & Member Meeting is December 11, 2021, at 1:30 p.m..
            The meeting was adjourned at 12:26 pm.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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