Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, November 08, 2021

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  November 8, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman at 9:42 AM via Zoom; a quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.  Guest present was Lynne Hunter.
Rich Miles walked the board through the procedures of editing documents in Google Docs.
Motion 2021-44.  Anne Billeter moved that we approve the September 13, 2021, Board Minutes, Final-1 version.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion passed.
Motion 2021-45.  Rich Miles moved that we approve the October 11, 2021, Board minutes version 2021.10.11-Final 2.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
            General Income                                                   2,380.50
            Program Income                                                    823.78
                                                Total Income                   3,204.28
            General Expenses                                              2,025.96
            Program Expenses                                                340.16
                                                Total Expenses                   838.16
            Interest                                                                        1.56
            Rewards Income                                                         5.91
                                                Net Income                      $  845.63
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that costs for printing two sizes of envelopes for membership was just under $200.  We had $60 of in-house book sales this month. 
Motion 2021-46.  Pat Jenkins moved that we accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion passed.
Approval of 2020 990 and CT-12 tax forms           
Kim Thurman pointed out that comparing the numbers from the tax forms to the 2020 year-end Treasurer’s report, we are not able to determine the correctness of these reports.  This is due to classification adjustments that occur after the year-end report is issued. Deadline for submitting these reports is November 15 and there are changes that need to be made. 
Motion 2021-47.  Katie Haugse moved that we approve the 2020 990 and CT-12 tax exempt forms with changes that have been submitted by Kim Thurman to Cramer & Associates.  Anne Billeter seconded.  Motion passed.
Review of 2022 Officer Elections procedures for Zoom on November 16 
Kim Thurman noted that we have one contested position for our Board elections—Trustee.  Our Bylaws state that we need a written ballot; that is going to be hard to do via Zoom.  Kim has asked Marilyn Ayres to present the Trustee position first; one proposed method is to have each member send their vote to Marilyn via a private chat, which she can then tally for the results.  There was a discussion as to how this vote should be taken.  Please send any thoughts you may have via email to RVGS Board.  The other offices are running unopposed, unless there are nominations from the floor.  It was noted that it might be necessary to delay the results of this election until the December member meeting if a method to vote is not determined in time.

Restricted Funds
Kim Thurman, Rich Miles, and Katie Haugse reviewed the Restricted Funds account at Barbara Shrewsberry’s request, which includes grant funding, Connie Miller Fund, memorial donations with no designation, and money designated for capital expenditures.  The Board needs to decide where memorial donations go if there has been no designation by the donor.  It was suggested that we add a line to our yellow income form to help classify these funds.  As a note, Connie Miller was never actually our Treasurer; she was elected but never formally took office as she became ill and then passed away.  Her husband set up the fund in her name.
Approval of October 2022 Seminar budget
Pat Jenkins said that Natalie Bodle is a genealogist, tour guide, and educator connected with Roots Revealed based in Ireland.  She will present three one-hour sessions for a fee of 200 Sterling (approximately $275 U.S. dollars.)
Motion 2020-48.  Katie Haugse moved that we approve the sum of approximately $275 for Natalie Bodle of Roots Revealed for a workshop titled Getting a Grip on Irish and Scots Irish Research on October 15, 2022.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion passed.
There was a discussion as to how we budget for seminars, workshops, and classes.  Barbara Halvorsen asked for a group to be convened to define workshops and make sure that they are classified correctly in the budget. Currently, workshops are grouped with classes in the budget, but we take the expense from the Seminars budget. 

Collection Inventory
Anne Billeter is hoping that the collection inventory can be completed this year especially since it was not done last year due to COVID.  She will check to see if we have enough volunteers; she will also check to see if some might like to start early (because the library is closed during morning hours).  Kim Thurman encouraged Anne to give this a shot; it would be nice to have the inventory completed by the end of December.  It was also noted that the assets and the equipment inventories need to be done.
NewspaperArchives.  It was noted that if the membership approves our budget next week, we will have the monies for this subscription.  Kim Thurman will check with Micaela Coleman to see if we can have a free trial in December, with our subscription to begin in January 2022.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.

A.  Executive
  1. President—No report.  The Oregon Historical Society is offering their affiliate members a program to give an annual family membership ($80 value) to new members joining the affiliate organization.   Is this something our Society should pursue?  After discussion it was decided that because these were historical societies and not genealogical societies, it was not to our advantage to participate.
  2. Vice President—No report.  Katie will be attending the NGS affiliate meeting next week. 
  3. Trustee—Report attached.  Barbara Northrop reported that the Financial Review Committee met on November 3, 2021, and completed the financial reviews for the years 2019 and 2020.  Committee members were Al Ayres, Dorothy Cotton, and Barbara Northrop.  Treasurer Barbara Shrewsberry was also present.  Barbara also stated that recommendations were made to outline responsibility areas that did not seem clear to the Committee members.  Rich Miles said that he is in charge of the equipment and the Finance Director (vacant now) monitors the list of grants.
  4. Past President— vacant.               
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—vacant. 
  2. Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are:  Total October hours--698; Board member hours—285.5; number of volunteers--94; Total hours to date 2021—6,473
  3. Library—Anne Billeter pointed out that MyHeritage is getting a lot of use which is really good.
  4. Education—Pat Jenkins and Barbara Halvorsen have been doing some work to revise our speaker contract.  They are looking into having a Beginning Genealogy Camp—one-hour classes for five days in a row; then those finishing will be recommended to the Newbies Interest Group.  This will take place in the spring because going an entire year without anything for our very newest members is difficult for them.  Barbara Northrop has agreed to take over the position of Seminar Chair with Andrea Patterson as a backup.  Sherri Zucker is unable to take over our beginner’s DNA classes.  There was a discussion about partnering with other societies for DNA interest groups; Kim Thurman will check with Laurel Smith at GFO to see if this might be a possibility.  If anyone knows of someone qualified to lead this interest group, please contact Pat or Barbara H.  Pat Jenkins also stated that there will be classes next year taught by Dina C. Carson on writing our genealogy.
  5. Membership—Report submitted.   Margaret Clark-Mayfield reported membership is at 703 this month.  Next week she hopes to start moving the membership card information to the database.
  6. Technology—Report submitted.  Rich Miles said that there might be a possibility of getting a usage report from Ancestry such as we receive from MyHeritage.  He will follow up on this.
C.     Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—No report
  2. Maintenance—A new Dyson vacuum has been purchased to replace the one that wasn’t working.  The fan in the ladies’ restroom is still on the to-do list.
  3. NGS Delegate- Katie Haugse said that there is a general meeting for delegates next Tuesday, November 16, 2021. 
  4. Editors
    1. eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.  Rich Miles said that the eNews is in need of articles.  If you have something of interest, please submit it to
    2. The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis-Jacobson.  Her request for articles continues.           
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2021, via zoom.  Note that this is a week earlier than usual.   Program & Member Meeting is November 16, 2021. 
The meeting was adjourned at 12:37 pm.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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