Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, October 11, 2021

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  October 11, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by Vice President Katie Haugse, at 9:33 am via Zoom; a quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.

Minutes of the September 13, 2021, Board meeting will be approved at the November meeting.  There was no correspondence.


Statement of Activity
General Income                7,127.00
Program Income               1,016.82
Total Income          8,143.82
General Expenses            3,131.64
Program Expenses              872.94
Total Expenses       4,004.58
Interest                                      1.59
Endowment Fund Donation 50.00
Life Membership                   500.00
Net Income    $  4,690.83

Barbara Shrewsberry said that she paid for a new drum for a Brother printer.  She also noted that at this point in time we are $5,027 short of attaining our goal for the Annual Fund Drive.
Motion 2021-41.  Anne Billeter moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for June 2021 as submitted.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed. 
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that we still do not have the 2020 State and Federal tax forms completed by Cramer and Associates.  Barbara stated that she is not impressed with this accounting company.  Someone there should have picked up Brenda’s work while she was out ill.  These need to be approved by the Board and filed by November 15 2021.


Use of library for non-RVGS group meetings.  Anne Biller was approached by the Sons of the American Revolution; they asked if they could use our meeting room as they had before the pandemic.  There would be a maximum of six persons.  Anne mentioned to them that they would have to meet during our hours of operation.  There was a discussion regarding outside groups using our meeting rooms.  
Motion:  2021-42.  Anne Billeter moved that the Board agree to restrict the use of the library meeting rooms to RVGS groups until COVID restrictions are not in place.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion approved.

October 22 NewspaperArchive demonstration.  Katie reminded everyone that the demonstration of NewspaperArchive is this coming Friday at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom.

JCHA Research Reciprocity Agreement approval.  Katie Haugse stated that this agreement has been sent to Dorothy Cotton for JCHAS.  This motion was done electronically and approved.
Motion 2021-43:  Rich Miles moved that we ratify the vote approving the  JCHA Research Reciprocity Agreement that was done electronically.  Anne Billeter seconded.   Motion passed.
Nominating Committee.  Pat Jenkins asked if we actually had a nominating committee, especially because we desperately need a Treasurer and Trustee next year.  Katie Haugse and Kim Thurman have been getting in touch with people to join the Nominating Committee  and support those who have come forward to accept positions.  We need to present nominees to the membership at the October member meeting and then vote for them in November.  Anne Billeter suggested that we take nominations from the floor and then present the people that have come forward.  

2022 Proposed Budget.  We need to get the proposed budget on our website because it will be voted upon at the November member meeting.

REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.

A.    Executive 
  1. President—No report.
  2. Vice President—No report
  3. Trustee—Report attached.  Barbara Shrewsberry said that Barbara Northrop needs to call the Financial Review Committee together and complete this review.
  4. Past President— vacant.  All policy revisions are on hold at present.
B.    Directors
  1. Finance—vacant.  Katie Haugse, Rich Miles, and Kim Thurman have been working on the Oregon Heritage Grant using Google Docs.  Kim submitted our grant proposal for review.  It is due October 20.  This is the matching funds grant for our hybrid meeting equipment.  It will be submitted electronically on October 20 2021.
  2. Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are:  Total September hours--843; Board member hours--341; number of volunteers--96; Total hours to date 2021—5,601
  3. Library—Anne Billeter wanted to point out that it is important that we are open the same hours, six days a week.  Variable hours are difficult for librarians and also our researchers.  She noted that MyHeritage is really being used.
  4. Education—Pat Jenkins noted that there are four classes and programs scheduled until the end of the year.  She is working on next year, in particular, Natalie Bodle for an Irish Seminar.  Cathy Wallace will present Cemetery Superstitions at our member meeting on October 19, 2021.  Genealogy week went well even though we had fewer people in attendance than last year.
  5. Membership—No report.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield is on vacation.  Katie Haugsenoted that we are holding at 701 members.  The Board noted that it would like to have deceased members shown on this report each month.
  6. Technology—Rich Miles noted that the server is not down—it is working.  They are changing the way we access it.  Rich has added the non-members who took our classes to our mailing list.  He noted that if people unsubscribe from Constant Contact, they will not be able to get Zoom links for our classes.  Pat Jenkins noticed that we have two Facebook pages.  Rich is aware of this problem—someone quite some time ago started a Facebook page for our Society and we are unable to remove it because we do not have the password.
C.    Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—No report
  2. Maintenance— Electricians have taken care of the fan in the men’s restroom.  Jack was reminded about the fan in the women’s restroom.  According to the cleaning people, the vacuum still is not working.  Anne will send Kim the details of what the vacuum is doing.
  3. NGS Delegate- Katie Haugse said the NGS meeting will be in Sacramento, CA, in person, May 24-28, 2022.  There will be recognition for youth writing.  
  4. Editors
    1. eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.  Rich Miles reminded us that the eNews is in need of articles.  If you have something of interest, please submit it to
    2. The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis-Jacobson.  Cara is getting close to putting out the next issue.  Anne Billeter said to make sure to read the article by Dave Horton in the current issue.  If you know of anyone who has an article that could be used in this publication, please let Kim Thurman know.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2021, place to be determined.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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