Rogue Valley Genealolgical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: July 12, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by Vice President, Katie Haugse, at 9:35 am at the Society library, a quorum was declared. Those present were: Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.
Katie noted that today is our grand re-opening day. The library will now be open 1-4 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Motion 2021-32. Anne Billeter moved that the June 2021 minutes be approved with the insertion of the words “is hoping” in place of “was happy” under the library section. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
General Income 3,381.50
Program Income 953.00
In-Kind Contributions 314.98
Total Income 4,650.48
General Expenses 2,216.10
Program Expenses 298.95
In-Kind Expenditures 314.98
Total Expenses 2,830.03
Interest 0.95
Endowment Donations 500.00
Rewards Income 33.53
Net Income $ 2,354.93
It is noted that the library was closed the entire month of June 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2021-33. Anne Billeter moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for June 2021 as submitted. Barbara Halvorsen seconded. Motion passed.
Oregon Heritage Grant proposal team. Kim Thurman is tasking Stephen Kazar to head a three-person team to write this grant proposal. He will be joined by Katie Haugse and Rich Miles. Rich has spoken with someone who has reviewed our equipment and will give us an estimate for the “owl” equipment.
PayPal fee increase. This fee increase will be effective August 2, 2021. Rich Miles and Barbara Shrewsberry are aware of this. Since we’re classified as a Charity, our current rate (regardless of transaction type) is 2.2% plus a fixed fee based on currency. USD is the usual currency for us so that’s 0.30. The new rate will be decreasing to 1.99%, but the current fixed fees are pretty much increasing (except for the Czech koruna and Swiss franc). Our new fixed fee for USD will be 0.49. There was a discussion about using Event Brite which is part of Facebook. Margaret Clark-Mayfield said she uses Quick Books.
Seminar spending approvals. Pat Jenkins requested approval for Sarah Scribner’s four classes on the 1950 Census in April 2022. The cost will be $600.00.
Motion 2021-34. Pat Jenkins moved that we approve $600.00 for the 1950 Census classes in April 2022. Stephen Kazar seconded. Motion passed.
The Education Committee is looking into classes with Tina Beaird on Irish/Scottish heritage; Jane Neff Rallins – Genealogy Potpourri; and a two-hour workshop on Eastern Europeans.
2022 Budget Committee. The budget committee last year was comprised of Stephen Kazar, Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Barbara Shrewsberry, and Tracy Baird. This year the committee will include Stephen Kazar, Barbara Shrewsberry, Katie Haugse, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, and Kim Thurman. Barbara Shrewsberry will ask Brenda from Kramer & Associates if she would like to join this group. First meeting will be July 23, 2021, at 10 a.m., at the library. Budget items should be submitted to Stephen Kazar.
December Member Meeting. In the past our December Member meeting has been a luncheon; installation of new officers; and holiday celebration; silent auction, etc. There was a discussion of what our December member meeting should look like this coming year. It was decided by a consensus of those present that we will meet on December 11, 2021, 1:30 p.m. and will be a Holiday Celebration Reception with cake and beverages. Reservations will be required. We need to make sure that the Horton and Eccleston family members are invited. The Board will meet on December 6, 9:30 a.m. at the library.
2029 990 and CT-12 tax forms. These documents still have not been completed by Brenda, Kramer & Associates. She did file an extension which is good until November 15, 2021. Anne Billeter asked what was the responsibility of her employer to see that this gets accomplished. Barbara Shrewsberry will discuss this with Brenda and ask that these be completed before our next Board meeting.
Rogue Disposal Trash Service. There was a discussion regarding this trash service. If we agree to this service, we will have to have the trash can up the driveway near the curb on Monday mornings. This problem remains unresolved at the present time. We will continue taking trash home to our own trash cans.
Annual Financial Review. It is the responsibility of the Trustee to hold an annual financial review with three members who are not on the Board. Last year Ron Baraker, Al Ayres, and Dorothy Cotton served. Barbara Shrewsberry will also attend these meetings.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
President—Nothing more.
- Vice President—Nothing more.
- Trustee—Barbara Northrop added some numbers to her report which were not available at the time she sent in her report.
- Past President— vacant
- Updated Policy – Library Collection Development (Anne B)
Motion 2021-35. Anne Billeter moved that we approve the revised Library Collection Development policy. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
B. Directors
- Finance—Stephen Kazar, nothing more.
- Volunteer—vacant. Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total June hours--666; Board member hours--308; number of volunteers--93; Total hours to date 2021—3,228. Kim Thurman noted that we are still in need of a Volunteer Director especially now that we are getting ready to open the library. We need someone who works well with others and has some computer knowledge. Needs Enthusiasm!!
- Library—Anne Billeter showed us an absolutely beautiful 1916 wedding announcement that was donated to the library. Anne also told us that the Charlotte Anne Water District (of which we are a part) is planning to merge with the Phoenix water district. We are not allowed to vote on this because we don’t reside in our building.
- Education—Pat Jenkins reported that she is working on 2022 classes and has a commitment for five classes at this time. Barbara Northrop reported on Genealogy Week; there will be two classes a day plus evening classes on Tuesday and Thursday. The evening classes will be 6:00-7:30 p.m. and cover researching the 1950 census. At this time nothing is scheduled for Saturday the 18th. All classes will be virtual. Barbara Northrop will be teaching classes on the book Albion’s Seed and a beginner’s genealogy group.
- Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield will redo the June report and forward it to the Board members. She did have a problem with a returning member’s number but was able to resolve the problem.
- Technology—Rich Miles noted that our server is still down. Skeeter was trying to update our hard drive on the server and he noticed it was not up; he has been working for two weeks to get it fixed. He is copying everything to our Microsoft account.
C. Committee Reports
- Publicity—Katie Haugse is submitting information on our classes to Conference Keeper and other societies. Rich Miles is posting to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
- Maintenance—
- eResearch—Chris Galligan
- Editors
- eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. Rich Miles.
- The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis-Jacobson.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 9, 2021, at the library.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Loretta Barker