Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: June 14, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Kim Thurman, at 9:34 AM at the Society library, a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen (via Zoom), Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles. Guest present was Pam Sasseen.
Motion 2021-27. Anne Billeter moved that the May 2021 minutes be approved as presented. Stephen Kazar seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
General Income 455.00
Program Income 609.78
Total Income 1,072.78
General Expenses 1,640.98
Program Expenses 1,995.49
Total Expenses 3,636.47
Interest 0.97
Rewards Income 33.88
Net Income $ -2,529.81
It is noted that the library was closed the entire month of May 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2021-28. Pat Jenkins moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for May 2021 as submitted. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion passed.
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that our revenue is down this month but overall, we are still in good shape financially. She paid the MyHeritage bill in the amount of $1,570. She also said that we received a new lifetime member this month. Katie thanked the Education Committee for accomplishing so much over the past few months and getting us on track for the future.
Reciprocal membership for McKee Bridge Historical Society.
Kim Thurman stated that we had been approached by Laura Ahern of the McKee Bridge Historical Society about having a mutual research agreement. We would not charge their members to use our library or make copies and they would do the same for our members. We have such an agreement with Southern Oregon Historical Society, which is filed with our Society policies. After some discussion it was agreed that it would be a good idea to have such an agreement in place with all Jackson County Historical Societies. Kim Thurman will contact Dorothy Cotton, our representative with the Jackson County Historical Association, to work this out.
NGS Delegate Council, SLAM, and Focus on Societies reports.
Katie Haugse reported on the Delegate Council Collaboration and Communication session. There is a representative who will take materials directly to the NGS Board. There is good collabora tion with NGS. It is nice to see us up in the “big leagues,” based on our size. Over 200 people attended this meeting. They will meet again in August. Barbara Northrop reported on SLAM. There were reports from the top NGS picks about what they are doing . These libraries are being very creative in meeting the needs of their community in all regions. They are digitizing everything and are on YouTube. They are thinking outside the box! Kim Thurman reported on two sessions of Focus on Society. First, there was discussion about email potential. Rich Miles said that he now has a complete email roster of our members. The second session Kim attended was about getting more young people involved in genealogy. We should consider adding activities to get them interested. Katie Haugse attended the Focus on Special Groups session. She gave kudos to our Education Committee because they’re doing the hard work and getting these groups going. It was suggested that Societies encourage interest groups to join with other similar interest groups. Some groups are digitizing large scrapbooks; they utilize a large “camera” which can scan large scrapbook pages. Anne Billeter reported on Shout Outs from specific societies. There are very interesting things going on: Cobb County, Georgia, has a photography and genealogy interest group. There are lots of interesting things that we might like to follow up on. Rich Miles said that the session he attended confirmed that we are really doing well. There were sessions on branding and calendaring out our events so we make sure everything gets out to our members. Social media sessions were pretty basic. There is a website,, where you can get free graphics. Rich plans to get a free account for the Society. Barbara Northrop said the main thing she took away from this conference was not to get stuck in a rut. Think “outside the box” and have as many interest groups as we can support. Everyone who comes to one of our events will talk to someone else about it and in turn they will talk about it to someone. Kim Thurman noted that this was a worthwhile activity to have attended. Next year the NGS Conference will be in Sacramento, CA, hopefully in person. The dates are May 25-28, 2022.
Fall grant discussion.
Kim Thurman said that Maureen Battistella had approached us about writing a grant for a new scanner for our library which would include paying someone to come in and set it up. Rich Miles said he read about an “OWL” which would be used for our hybrid meetings. The OWL follows voices and videos the speaker which would allow our presenters to move about the room. After some discussion it was agreed that equipment for hybrid meetings would be the focus for our fall grant. Stephen Kazar has identified a grant that will be available in the fall. He would like to have groups assist in writing grants.
Reopening of JCGL
Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, and Anne Billeter have met regarding the reopening. The code for the key box and the alarm system is being reset today. Anne explained the boxes on the racks in the reading room. She also said that she has 30 librarians on the roster but has not heard from everyone yet. Some are unavailable now but may be at a later time. She has one new librarian. The librarian calendar is on the website.
Research fees for offsite records.
Kim Thurman stated that Chris Galligan said that she did not feel that a $10 fee was enough when someone was required to go to the County Recorder and pull the copy. After discussion, it was decided that Kim would talk to both Rich Miles and Chris Galligan about this and try to come up with a solution.
Annual Fund Drive.
The draft of the Fund Drive letter was reviewed. It was agreed that it needs to be one page; 8 ½ x 14 will be good for the letter and the tear off payment form. Kim will edit the letter again.
Xerox copier update
The new copier has been installed and it is very similar to our old one. Kim stated that we do need more instructions, especially regarding the email function. The email seems to go immediately but we have no confirmation. This machine will copy both sides of a document in one pass. Barbara Shrewsberry stated that she has not received a bill as yet.
2020 990 and CT-12 tax forms status.
Barbara Shrewsberry stated that these forms have not been filed as of yet due to illness of our bookkeeper, Brenda. She did say that Brenda has filed an extension for us.
Rogue Disposal trash service
Kim Thurman has not heard from Pat Carnahan yet; we need to contact Rogue Disposal to determine where our pick-up point would have to be in order to decide if we want to initiate trash service.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
1. President—Kim Thurman said that she had called members who had not rejoined in February 2021. She had a couple of very nice conversations. Margaret Clark-Mayfield will send out a list of non-renewals. We need to look beyond the Board for volunteers to do this. Kim will reach out to Ruth Wade.
2. Vice President—Katie Haugse is working on a system for the Education Committee, to put together payments via PayPal and payments made in person at the library.
3. Trustee—Barbara Northrop submitted her report. One correction--the total number of members is 702. Kim Thurman noted that we want to show how many people are actually members in our report, not just total memberships.
4. Past President— vacant
1. Updated Policy – Library Collection Development (Anne B) This second revision includes a Quilt section. She will send out the final version next week.
2. Updated Policy – Credit Card Policy (Barbara S).
Motion 2021-29. Pat Jenkins moved that we accept the Credit Card Policy as revised. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion passed.
3. Updated Policy – Expense Reimbursement Policy (Barbara S.)
Motion 2021-30. Katie Haugse moved that we accept the Expense Reimbursement Policy as revised. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion passed.
B. Directors
1. Finance—Stephen Kazar stated that the editing and rewriting of the Strategic Plan is moving along nicely. Education has had the most changes.
2. Volunteer—vacant. Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are: Total May hours--541; Board member hours--280.5; number of volunteers--96; Total hours to date 2021--2,562. Kim Thurman noted that we are still in need of a Volunteer Director especially now that we are getting ready to open the library. We need someone who works well with others and has some computer knowledge. Needs Enthusiasm!!
3. Library—Anne Billeter was happy to see the jump in the My Heritage usage the month after Kim’s class. She would like to stop reporting on circulating library materials now that we are reopening. Consensus was that she should stop reporting this. The collection is being moved again!
4. Education—Pat Jenkins reported that Barbara Northrop would like to start a book interest group on Albion’s Seed. Everyone would need their own book and maybe the study guide that goes along with it. She would also like to do a beginners genealogy group. Pat reported that the Irish Interest Group will be starting again with Barbara Halvorsen as chair. Kim Thurman will ask Bruce McGarvey for his sign-in sheets so Barbara will be able to contact previous members. Kim’s class on My Heritage was very successful; however, the Finding Your Native American Ancestors with Kate Eakman was poorly attended with only nine registered for the class. In fact, Kate Eakman donated her presentation in-kind to our Society because of the low attendance. We will send her a thank you signed by each board member (perhaps flowers?) Barbara Halvorsen and Pat Jenkins have reworded their job description
Motion 2021-31. Pat Jenkins moved that we approve a Book Interest Group; a Beginners Genealogy Interest Group; and a Great Lakes Interest Group. Anne Billeter seconded. Motion passed.
5. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield reported that we have 702 current members. She asked for assistance in calling non-returning members.
6. Technology—Rich Miles stated that he has updated the Constant Contact email list He sold some of our outdated equipment at his garage sale. He has also added some items to Facebook MarketPlace.
C. Committee Reports
1. Publicity—Pam Sasseen submitted her report and let us know that she is now in a position to participate with the Board, if deemed necessary.
2. Maintenance—No report. Katie Haugse questioned whether the fan in the ladies restroom has been repaired. Jack is on vacation.
3. eResearch—Chris Galligan
4. Editors
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. Rich Miles.
The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis-Jacobson
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2021, at the library.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:24 p.m.
Loretta Barker