Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date: May 10, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Kim Thurman, at 9:34 AM via Zoom, a quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.
Kim Thurman announced to the Board that Karen Asche has resigned her position as Past President due to her health. Kim reached out to Andrea Patterson to see if she might complete the term but she declined. Kim proposes that we leave the position open and if we need a tie vote of officers broken, we will call on Anne Billeter for a proxy vote.
Motion 2021-24. Pat Jenkins moved that the April 2021 minutes be approved as presented. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
General Income 1,259.00
Program Income 1,452.94
Total Income 2,711.94
General Expenses 2,604.61
Program Expenses 1,167.99
Total Expenses 3,772.60
Interest 0.94
Endowment Fund Income 300.00
Net Income -733.06
It is noted that the library was closed the entire month of April 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2021-25. Katie Haugse moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for April 2021 as submitted. Barbara Halvorsen seconded. Motion passed.
Barbara Shrewsberry has paid some big bills this past month. MyHeritage will be due next month in the amount of $1,500.00. We will be receiving a credit on the insurance for the storage shed.
Rich Miles asked when our annual fund drive is scheduled to start. Kim Thurman requested Steven Kazar draft a letter to the members for the annual fund drive. Steven said he would come up with a draft and forward it to Kim. Barbara asked about looking into corporate funding for our library. Anne Billeter said this has not been done before; she further stated that Andrea Patterson tried to do this years ago to get corporate funding for a seminar. We do have slots at the bottom of our website where we could run corporate ads.
Barbara Shrewsberry said that she will be transferring the money that we have received from the Oregon Community Foundation. She further stated that we have received $258.48 from BottleDrop Oregon. She will transfer this money into our account every other month.
Xerox Copier Lease. There was a discussion about purchasing our current Xerox machine or leasing a new machine.
Motion 2021-26. Rich Miles moved that we continue our lease with a new machine based on the proposal from Superior Office Systems. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion passed.
When the new machine is installed, it is hoped that we can have multiple people learn how to run it. Please let Kim Thurman know if you would like to be trained on the new machine.
New NGS Delegate for RVGS. Kim Thurman stated that Katie Haugse has agreed to take over this position. Katie will be attending the Council Meeting on May 17. Katie said NGS will be doing a round table on the COVID issues affecting the societies.
Oregon Community Foundation Annual Meeting. Steven attended the May 6 Annual Meeting; there were 1,000 attendees statewide. They talked about COVID responses; moving into new programs; where will their funding go—especially to the arts and humanities; race opportunities and belonging in Oregon; climate change; wildlife recovery; and great opportunities to rebuild around the state. The need is huge! He received a lot of good information.
Oregon Grant Funders Opportunities Program. Steven also attended this event on April 26. There were 100 participants. It was a very informative meeting. Our society fits into two areas for recovery funding: 1) The Oregon Heritage grant is between $3,000-$20,000. It is a matching grant and will be giving awards for the 2022 calendar year; there is no specific deadline yet; and 2) The Oregon Cultural grant will be available in December; there are no specific details yet. Under this grant we could target our cemetery project. Rich Miles met the person running the Eastwood Cemetery. Anne Billeter noted that we have a huge collection of digitized maps which is a very big resource that we need to make available to our members. This is a need we have and it would be wonderful if we could get a grant to finish this project. Kim Thurman asked that anyone who might have an idea for a project using these grants to please let her know. Also, there are cemeteries that have not been photographed.
2020 990 and CT-12 Tax Forms. Barbara Shrewsberry stated that Brenda has had health issues and we are filing an extension. It is hoped to have these done by our meeting next month.
Banner Bank Account. After a discussion regarding continuing with Banner Bank or not, it was decided that we would continue with this account. Barbara Shrewsberry noted that our eBay sales are now going into our account.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
1. President—Kim Thurman stated that many people are asking/pushing for reopening the library. We are still following guidelines that Jackson County is suggesting. Kim suggested that we look at starting with appointments only so we can control matters. Anne Billeter said we need to look at the rules set out for an employer by OSHA. Only one-third of Oregonians have been vaccinated. We need a smaller group to discuss the reopening. Barbara Northrop stated that she was at the public library the other day and that libraries are not limiting time in the library, they are limiting the number of people in the library. People were moving about the library freely. She also said that a number of societies are opening up to a limited number of people. Kim will reach out to other Oregon genealogy societies to see what they are doing.
2. Vice President—No additional comments.
3. Trustee—See report attached.
4. Past President— Kim said we will review the policies listed in the Agenda next month. Rich stated that the changes to these policies are being circulated using Google Docs and that when making corrections we should use the Suggesting mode. At our next meeting Rich will train us on Google Docs.
B. Directors
1. Finance—Stephen Kazar mentioned that technology has crept into all parts of the Strategic Plan and they now need to address this issue.
2. Volunteer—vacant
3. Library—Anne submitted her report but noted that she had not yet received the report from MyHeritage. She will forward it to the Board as soon as she receives it.
4. Education—Pat Jenkins reported that the Diana Elder seminar was a success. We had 35 people in attendance and cleared $1055 . There is a possibility for an Irish Research seminar in January or February 2022.
5. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield reported that we have 710 individual members. The drop from last month was caused by finally removing those people who have decided not to continue their memberships. We still need to call those people who are recent non-renewals. If you are willing to help with this, please contact Kim Thurman.
6. Technology—Rich Miles said that we are beginning to think about recording classes. Kate Eakman has encouraged us to record her workshop so we will use it as a learning opportunity to practice the process.
C. Committee Reports
1. Publicity—Katie Haugse is still working on public relations for Pam Sasseen. We need to find someone to take over this position. Is there someone on the Education Committee who might be willing to do this?
2. Maintenance—No report. Kim is not sure if the things needing to be done in the library have been completed. She will follow up with Jack prior to reopening.
3. eResearch—Kim Thurman is filling in for Chris Galligan while she is out of town.
4. Editors
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.
The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis-Jacobson.
Anne Billeter stated that she had received a huge compliment for the phone tree we had after the Almeda fire, where we checked on our members to know they were safe. Kudos to Katie Haugse for this!
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2021.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Loretta Barker