Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, April 12, 2021

Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  April 12, 2021

The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Kim Thurman, at 9:32 AM via Zoom, a quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Rich Miles, and Anne Billeter. 

Motion 2021-18.  Barbara Halvorsen moved that the March 2021 minutes be approved as presented.  Stephen Kazar seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
            General Income                                                            4007.00
            Program Income                                                           1811.24
                                                Total Income                             5818.24
            General Expenses                                                         2220.79
            Program Expenses                                                          247.51
                                                Total Expenses                          2468.30
            Interest                                                                                 1.16
            Endowment Fund Income                                               25.00
                                                Net Income                                3376.10
It is noted that the Library was closed the entire month of March 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. 
Motion 2021-19.  Rich Miles moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for March 2021 as submitted. Stephen Kazar seconded. Motion passed.
Discussion followed regarding Bottle Drop funds.  Board concluded Treasurer should draw funds every other month. 
Board made aware of problems with PayPal but are close to being resolved.
SCGS Genealogy Jamboree – Exhibit Hall opportunity.  President Kim Thurman introduced a request from SCGS Genealogy for RVGS to participate in the Exhibit Hall during their June 4-13, 2021 Jamboree.  She explained the different opportunities for us to choose from.
Motion 2021-20. Anne Billeter moved that we take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the Exhibit Hall during the SCGS Genealogy Jamboree June 4-13, 2021, with a door prize of a non-member ticket to our September 2021 Seminar with Patricia Oberndorf.  Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
SCGS Genealogy Jamboree – door prize for giveaway. President Kim Thurman reviewed the offer from SCGS to provide us with a Certificate for one standard registration for the SCGS Jamboree. 
Motion 2021-21.  Rich Miles moved that we accept the SCGS Certificate for one standard registration for their Jamboree to be used as a door prize at RVGS Diana Elder Seminar April 24, 2021.  Barbara Halvorsen seconded.  Motion passed.
Heirloom Genealogy monthly events (Class vs Program.)  Anne Billeter requested that the Heirloom Genealogy present their ‘case studies’ as free programs beginning in September 2021.  For the 2021-22 sessions 4 programs are non-quilt related.  
Motion 2021-22.  Barbara Halvorsen moved that beginning September 2021, Heirloom Genealogy will be offered as free programs.  Anne Billeter seconded.  Motion passed.
December Volunteer luncheon & installation date.  Barbara Halvorsen stated the current date for the December 2021 Membership meeting would fall on December 21st and asked if the Board wanted to change to a Saturday meeting as in previous years for the installation of officers and volunteer luncheon. She also suggested the Board swap meeting dates with the Education Committee for December.   Following discussion the Board agreed to have the Board meeting on December 6, Installation of 2022 Officers on Saturday December 11 (unsure at this time if in Library or virtual), Education Committee Meeting on December 13, and the Library will close for the holidays December 20-26.


REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No additional comments.
  2. Vice President—No additional comments. 
  3. Trustee—Barbara Northrop stated that she likes the new excel format and suggested we continue the following years within the same spreadsheet with a new tab for each year.
  4. Past President—Karen Asche
                                    a.  Updated Policy – Nondiscrimination and Safety. 
Motion:  2021-23.   Karen Asche moved that we accept the changes presented for the Nondiscrimination and Safety Policy.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed.
The following policies will be reviewed in May 2021 with recommendations from those noted by each policy:
                           b.  Policy Review – Library Collection Anne Billeter
                           c.  Policy Review – Credit Card   Barbara Shrewsberry
                           d.  Policy Review – Expense Reimbursement   Barbara Shrewsberry
                           e.  Policy Review – Connie Miller Memorial Fund  Karen Asche
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—Stephen Kazar stated the Strategic Plan reviews are going well and will present when the draft is complete.  He will be attending the Oregon Cultural Trust meeting on April 26 regarding upcoming grants and another meeting in May.
  2. Volunteer—vacant. Rene reported total volunteer hours for March: 511; Board: 211; Volunteers: 100; total to date for 2021: 1562.
  3. Library—Anne Billeter submitted a report to the Board, numbers were up for My Heritage usage.  She has begun to poll the volunteer librarians to see who may return to volunteering.  To date some may be available after May 2021 to open 3 or 4 hours a day (except Sundays), but we need to see what the State rules will be and when.
  4. Education—Pat Jenkins said the Education Committee has scheduled numerous classes and programs but are currently working to fulfill Fall 2021-Winter 2022.
  5. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield was unable to attend and will submit membership report via email to Board.
Technology and Data Management—Rich Miles is continuing work with Project A on the website and stated ProQuest has not forwarded any updates regarding changes to the subscription websites.
Discussion about renewal of D&O insurance, how to record motions by email and sign updates followed.  D&O insurance will be renewed, motions by email will be noted with next motion number and added to the motion log, Kim & Rich will review how to make updates to the electronic sign.
 C.      Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—Kim reported that Pam Sasseen has been ill and Katie Haugse will be assisting with some of the publicity for classes and events.
  2. Maintenance—Kim stated that Jack is obtaining quotes to replace the interior security lighting and add a ceiling light outside the kitchen door.
  3. Editors:
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. 
The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis Jacobson. 
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2021 via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Katie Haugse

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