Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, March 08, 2021

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Kim Thurman, at 9:31 am via Zoom, a quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen,  and  Anne Billeter.  Guest was Maureen Battistella.
Motion 2021-12.  Anne Billeter moved that the January minutes be approved as presented.   Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion passed.

Motion 2021-13.  Pat Jenkins moved that the February minutes be approved with the correction of the spelling of Barbara Northrop’s name.  Karen Asche seconded.  Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT                                   
Statement of Activity 
           General Income                                                               2,273.00
           Program Income                                                              1,883.30
                                                           Total Income                    4,156.30
                        General Expense                                               2,308.78
           Program Expense                                                              733.00
                                                           Total Expense                 3,041.78
           Interest                                                                                   1.26
           Endowment Fund Income                                              175.00
           Rewards Income                                                                 43.74
                                                           Net Income                $  1,334.52
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of February 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2021-13.  Anne Billeter moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for February 2021, as submitted.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion passed.
  1. 2020-2024 Strategic Plan Review Process.  Stephen Kazar  reported that the process is going well.  He has received drafts from Kim Thurman and Katies Haugse and has had a conversation with Pat Jenkins about the Education Committee.  He is waiting for Rich Miles’ input and will be reaching out to Margaret Clark-Mayfield.  He also said he is having fun doing this.
  2. Oregon Community Foundation.  Stephen has spoken with Stephanie LaPierre from the Oregon Cultural Trust  There is an opportunity to use some of the money received possibly for our Scholarship.  She would also like to come and give us a presentation.  She would prefer to do this when it would be possible to do it in person.
  3. Conference Keeper Donation.  There was a discussion about how many referrals we receive from Conference Keeper.  Kim Thurman stated that Rich Miles had suggested that we add Conference Keeper to our “How did you hear about this” on our class registration form before we make a donation.  The consensus was to add this to our class registration and then see how many referrals we are receiving
  4. Newspaper Digitization project request.  Maureen Battistella has been  advocating for this project.  They are running into a budget problem and are looking for $1,500/$2,000 hoping to finish this project next year.  Funds donated would not have to be paid until the work is completed.  Jackson County Library has stopped their support of this project.  Maureen would like RVGS to act as the Fiscal Agency for this project.  Stephen Kazar asked where the exposure for RVGS would be recognized.    It was noted that at the top of each digitized page there would be a notation as to which organization has paid for the digitization.  Anne Billeter noted that this would be a good way to get our name out there and known.  These records could be viewed by people all over the country/world.    Maureen needs a commitment by April 1 in order to get into the queue for 2022.  Maureen left the meeting at this point to the Board could continue their discussion. 
Motion 2021-14.  Stephen Kazar moved that we commit $1,000 from RVGS funds for next year and donate them to the Southern Oregon Digital Newspapers Project.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion passed.
Anne Billeter made a personal commitment of $500 to add to our donation.  If anyone else would like to donate to this cause, please let Kim Thurman know.  The Board agreed that we would pass on the Fiscal Agent duties for now.

  1. Trash Service for the Library.  Barbara Halvorsen did not talk to Rogue Disposal but she said there is a lot of information on their website. We are not in the City of Medford but in the County.  She found prices for various sizes of trash containers:  $52.63 per month for a 95-gallon container; $37.30 for a 65-gallon container, with billing every other month.  At present Katie Haugse is taking the trash home to put in her own trash container.  It was agreed that we would table this matter until the library opens again.

NGS 2021 Virtual Conference.  Kim noted that registration needs to be done this week!  Make sure to get your desire to attend to Kim.  She will follow-up on this.   
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No additional comments.
  2. Vice President—No additional comments. 
  3. Trustee—Barbara Northrop stated that she has changed the form and will be following the previous forms’ content. 
  4. Past President—Karen Asche
a. Funds and Investment policy.  In B3 Karen Asche added in how much money we should have in our reserves.  Another significant thing was that Kim Thurman suggested we use a percentage rather than a definitive number.  There was a discussion regarding B2 and our temporarily restricted funds.
Motion:  2021-15.   Katie Haugse moved that we accept the changes presented by Karen Asche; Anne Billeter seconded.  Motion passed.
b.  Computer Use and Internet Access policy.  Karen Asche noted that Rich Miles had made these changes/corrections to this policy.
Motion:  2021-16.  Anne Billeter moved that w accept the Computer Use and Internet Access policy as presented.  Stephen Kazar seconded.  Motion passed.
c.  Library Collection Development policy.  Anne Billeter will send this out to the Book Committee for review.
d.  Nondiscrimination and Safety policy.  Karen will send this out to the Board for review so this can be approved at our next Board Meeting.
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—Stephen Kazar will reach out to Margaret Clark-Mayfield regarding the Strategic Plan.  He further stated that we need to be thinking of what criterion  we will have when we reopen.  The biggest issue will be that our volunteers are in the vulnerable category.  Stephen said Stephanie LaPierre, Associate Program Officer for the Oregon Community Foundation,  is working on things like, what kind of training will we will need before we reopen.  We may not be able to reopen same number of hours we were open previously.  Will we have enough volunteers to open that many hours?    We hopefully will be able to continue our Tuesday evenings.  He suggested that we come up with a policy on reopening.
  2. Volunteer—vacant
  3. Library—Anne Billeter has added a section to her report regarding how many people are checking out books.
  4. Education—Pat Jenkins said the Education Committee was pleased with the turn-outs for Rich’s class and the Civil War class.  They have scheduled a class on the War of 1812 for November 11, 2021 (Veteran’s Day) from 2 – 3:30 p.m.
  5.  Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield reported that there are presently 638 memberships and 744 members.  She noted that Shannon Stewart has been given a member number but she has been unable to locate a payment.
  6. Technology and Data Management—No additional comments
C.      Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—Kim reported that Pam Sasseen is busy advertising our classes, and seminars.
  2. Maintenance—Kim stated that Jack reported that Baumer has completed their first maintenance visit on the air conditioning unit.
  3. Editors:
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. 
The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis Jacobson.  Cara has the next issue almost ready.  It should go out the middle of this month.      
 The next Board Meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2021 via Zoom.
 The meeting was adjourned at 11:29 a.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary


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