Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: February 8, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Kim Thurman, at 9:31 am via Zoom, a quorum was declared. Those present were: Katie Haugse, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrup, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.
Minutes for January 2021 were not available at this time and will be reviewed at the March 2021 meeting.
Statement of Activity
General Income 7,480.00
Program Income 975.72
Net Income 8,455.72
General Expense 2,084.54
Program Expense 643.36
Net Expense 2,727.90
Interest 1.39
Gross $ 5,727.82
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of January, 2021, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2021-08. Pat Jenkins moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for January 2021, as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
2020-2024 Strategic Plan Review & Update. Stephen Kazar reviewed the plan for updating the Strategic Plan. He will be sending the existing plans and goals to each director for review. He is asking for them to review and revise the plan as two segments: reasonable and achievable goals, and to summarize and or combine current plans. He stated he is available to assist anyone with this process and there is not a deadline at this time. Board also agreed to review the Strategic Plan on a quarterly basis.
NGS 2021 Virtual Conference. Kim Thurman presented the brochure for the NGS 2021 Virtual Conference in May 2021. The conference is broken into multiple areas focusing on assisting Genealogy Societies with the new strategies, resources and suggestions to encourage growth and development. There was an enthusiastic discussion about the presentation and desire to attend.
Motion 2021-09. Rich Miles moved that we authorize at least the $100 charge for 5 members to attend the Focus on Societies portion of the conference, not to exceed $200 if more members would like to attend. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion passed.
Motion 2021-10. Katie Haugse moved that we authorize at least one member (Barbara Northrup) to attend the SLAM portion of the conference at a cost of $25. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
Trash service for the library. It has been brought to our attention that the volunteer who normally removes the trash from the library has fallen ill. Discussion on looking into cost of Rogue Disposal weekly service contract for when the library reopens. Barbara Halverson will bring cost for this service to the March board meeting for further review.
Membership for Cramer & Associates. Barbara Shrewsberry opened the discussion that a complimentary membership was given to Tracy Braid when she became our bookkeeper. She has since cancelled the membership as that contract is complete. Barbara wondered about offering the same to Cramer & Associates. Discussion followed summarizing that membership will not be offered at this time as we are in a business agreement with the company but welcome anyone to join.
Account Balances. Barbara Shrewsberry commented there is a substantial amount in our checking account and would like to transfer some to the Money Market account. She stated six thousand is a sufficient operating capital and currently only one subscription website may be up for renewal: “Find my Past” but no invoice has been received. This item was tabled until after the review of the Funds and Investment Policy is completed.
BottleDrop account balance. Anne Billeter noted Nancy Roberts brought to her attention we have approximately $700 in our BottleDrop account. It was noted Barbara Shrewsberry does not have information on their policy for transferring funds and Anne Billeter will work with Nancy Roberts to obtain this information. Discussion on what account these funds should be deposited into. Conclusion they should go into our Donation account.
Review of Conflict-of-Interest Forms. Kim Thurman noted she has received the board and directors’ forms and will sign the approval of them with today’s date: February 8, 2021. She will scan and send to Rich for filing on the server and take the paper copies to the library.
Standing Rules. Two items, #2 and #16 of the Standing Rules had minor revision in order to finalize. Review of these two rules were made.
Motion 2021-11. Rich Miles moved that we approve the revisions of item 2 and 16 as presented and approve the Standing Rules. Karen Asche seconded. Motion approved.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
1. President—No additional information.
2. Vice President—No additional information
3. Trustee—Barbara Northrup asked for review of her report as submitted. Board noted we would like to have the e-research hours and total volunteer sign in from the library book included. Rich Miles will assist Barbara in setting up a format. Further discussion on how to present this information to members and purpose of collecting was noted. Noted valuable information from this report is used for grant writing and tax filings. Informal report to members either through the eNews or Membership meeting may be done going forward.
4. Past President—Karen Asche had asked everyone to review two policies: Funds and Investment Policy and Computer Use and Internet Access Policy. Upon further discussion it was concluded the Endowment Fund should included under B) Fund Description in the Funds and Investment Policy including language regarding the deposits into this fund. Request for any updates or changes to this policy should be sent to Karen Asche.
Request for any updates or changes to Computer Use and Internet Access Policy be sent to Rich Miles.
Please review these two policies so they can be finalized at the March Board Meeting. When the policies have been updated and approved they will be printed on the new letterhead with new approval dates noted. Rich Miles showed everyone where all RVGS policies are located on the website so the board can become more familiar and review. Two policies will be reviewed each month to bring them all up to date. Stephen Kazar and Karen Asche will work together researching the possibility of moving our accounts to Peoples Bank or Rogue Credit Union.
B. Directors
1. Finance—See notes above under Strategic Plan.
2. Volunteer—vacant
3. Library—In addition to her report, Anne Billeter noted she will be doing two outside presentations this month. Rich Miles also noted he will be doing a class for Grants Pass Genealogical Society.
4. Education—Pat Jenkins commented she is putting together a comparison of attendees between Zoom and in-house presentations. Only 21 have signed up for the Seminar on Feb 20, and 18 for the next Civil War Ancestor class. Andrea Patterson did a phone survey of a few members and consensus is they do not wish to attend an all-day Zoom seminar. Pat & Barbara Halverson mentioned they are looking forward to making new goals and plans for the education committee. Rich suggested we utilize the half-day workshop concept in lieu of full-day seminars.
5. Membership—report submitted
6. Technology and Data Management—report submitted. Rich Miles explained the updating of all current and former accounts and e-mail login credentials. He is putting all the information into one spreadsheet for easier accessibility.
C. Committee Reports
1. Publicity—no report
2. Maintenance—no report
3. Editors:
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.
The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis Jacobson
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2021 via Zoom.
Board agreed to send Colleen Eccleston a living plant in memory of Chuck who passed away in February. Pat Jenkins volunteered to place the order. Anne Billeter is writing a memorial for the March eNews. Please submit your memories to her.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Katie Haugse for Loretta Barker, Secretary