Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: January 11, 2021 – Via Zoom
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by Vice President, Katie Haugse, at 9:36 am via Zoom, Katie is standing in for President Kim Thurman who will be joining the meeting later. A quorum was declared. Those present were: Kim Thurman, Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.
Motion 2021-01. Pat Jenkins moved that the Minutes be approved with the corrected spelling of Chris Galligan’s name, Anne Billeter seconded. Motion passed.
There was no correspondence.
Statement of Activity
General Income 3,521.00
Program Income 1,426.82
In Kind Contributions 37.12
Net Income 4,984.94
General Expense 1,973.98
Program Expense 1,648.56
In Kind Contributions 37.12
Net Expense 3,659.66
Interest 1.65
Gross $ 1,326.93
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of December, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic and the devastating fires in the Rogue Valley in September. Barbara Shrewsberry mentioned that she is working with Brenda at Cramer & Associates.
Motion 2021-02. Rich Miles moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for December, 2020, as submitted. Charlotte Wirfs seconded. Motion passed.
Family History Guide. There was a discussion regarding this Guide. The site is pretty overwhelming. It was agreed to put this link on our Genealogy Links page on our website.
Lorita Cushman, credit for teaching. There was a discussion about giving those who teach classes credit towards classes/seminars/etc. they may like to attend. After some discussion it was decided to ask Lorita if she would co-host classes which she might like to attend. Anne Billeter will contact Lorita.
Pricing for Kate Eakman June classes. Kate’s workshop has been scheduled for June 12, 2021, 10:30 to 3:00. It will be on Finding Your Native American Ancestors. There was a suggestion to poll our members to see what tribes they are interested in. The price has been set at $25/$35
Member Survey from Education Committee. Sheila McGinnis is working on a membership survey to find out what classes members are looking for. She would like approval of the Board to do the survey. After a discussion of the matter, it was the consensus of the Board that the survey should be limited to the Education Goals in the Strategic Plan.
Review of the 2020/24 Strategic Plan. Stephen Kazar made some good suggestions for this document. We need to have a smaller group of members reviewing this.
Motion 2021-03. Katie Haugse moved that Stephen Kazar head the review of the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and break it down into sections with Board and Committee chairs. Karen Asche seconded. Motion passed.
Credit Card Limits. Barbara Shrewsberry said that she thinks the credit card limits for members holding such cards should be reviewed. After a discussion and a review of the limits on these cards, it was agreed that they should be left as is.
Conflict of Interest Forms. Kim Thurman asked Board members to read through this Conflict of Interest Policy and on the back page there is a form to sign. She asked that these be signed and returned to her, either by email or by placing a copy in her box at the Society office, by the end of the month.
Officer Approval of Directors for 2021. First of all, Kim reported that Terrie McCoy is stepping down from the Volunteer Director position. President Kim Thurman presented the following slate of Directors to the Board for approval. Finance: Stephen Kazar; Education: Pat Jenkins and Barbara Halvorsen; Membership: Margaret Clark-Mayfield; Library: Anne Billeter; and Technology and Data Management, Rich Miles. The Volunteer position will be filled as soon as possible.
Motion 2021-04 Katie Haugse moved that the Slate of Directors as presented be approved. Motion passed.
Selling Books on eBay and payment method. Margaret has recruited Bob Korth who has volunteered to take on this job. She asked if there was a way to identify the payments as they come in. Rich will check this out. Margaret, Rich, and Barbara Shrewsberry will work together to get this figured out.
Standing Rules – Changes and Approval. Karen Asche submitted the Standing Rules. The only change was under the membership procedure.
Motion 2021-05. Anne Billeter moved that the Standing Rules be accepted as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
Life Member Certificate. Margaret Clark-Mayfield submitted a draft of a Life Member/Life Benefactor certificate to the Board for approval. Katie thanked Margaret for taking over this task.
Motion 2021-06. Katie Haugse moved that we accept the draft submitted by Margaret Clark-Mayfield. Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion passed.
RVGS Speaker Contract.
Motion 2020-07. Kim Thurman made a motion that we accept the Speaker Contract as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
1. President—No additional report.
2. Vice President—No additional report.
3. Trustee. Charlotte Wirfs thanked the librarian for going over the numbers. The Trustee reports are organized and she left them on the bottom shelf in the Research Office. Anne Billeter told Charlotte that we owed her a big thank you.
4. Past President—No additional report.
B. Director Reports
1. Finance—No additional report.
2. Volunteer—No report. Rene reported total December hours were 379; Board member hours, 149; number of volunteers 99; Total hours to date for 2020, 8, 202.
3. Library—Anne Billeter submitted a drawing of proposed layout changes to the library. The Board agreed with her changes.
4. Education—Pat Jenkins noted that there were 24 people in attendance at the Education meeting last Friday.
5. Membership—No additional report. Pat Jenkins thanked Margaret for help with members who had not rejoined. One of these people rejoined due to Margaret’s help and kindness.
6. Technology and Data Management—Rich and Skeeter met and worked on updating Windows. This is all done! Reinstalling Deep Freeze was not entirely successful. Kim thanked Rich and Skeeter for their work.
C. Committee Reports.
1. Public Relations—Katie has been in contact with Pam regarding publicity for our classes and programs.
2. Maintenance—No report.
3. Editors:
eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. Rich Miles has taken over the eNews and will give it a new look.
Rogue Digger—Cara Davis-Jacobson.
4. Research—Chris Galligan has agreed to be the Board person in charge of research requests. She has been getting some hourly requests.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2021, 9:30 a.m., via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:56 a.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary