Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Board Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2020
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:34 am via Zoom, A quorum was declared. Katie welcomed everyone to the last meeting of 2020 and noted that she looked forward to better times in 2021. Those present were: Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles. Guest was Barbara Northrop.
Motion 2020-50. Pat Jenkins moved that the Minutes be approved as written. Stephen Kazar seconded. Motion passed.
Statement of Activity
General Income 1,820.00
Program Income 892.52
Net Income 2,712.52
General Expense 2,804.09
Program Expense 2,559.53
Net Expense =2,651.10
Interest 2.61
Rewards Income 53.42
Gross $ -2,597.68
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of November, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic and the devastating fires in the Rogue Valley in September.
Motion 2020-51. Rich Miles moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for November, 2020, as submitted. Charlotte Wirfs seconded. Motion passed.
Heirloom Genealogy. There is going to be a class on how to document quilts. A question was presented as to whether or not to charge $5 for this class. The consensus was that this class should be free.
Membership Meeting December 15. There was a discussion of the Member Fair Affair. Newly elected officers will give a short presentation of how/why they became interested in genealogy. Ruth Wade will do the installation of officers.
Standing Rules. Moved to January 2021 meeting since not all Board members have seen this. There was a discussion regarding how changes are noted in the document. Barbara Northrop suggested that the date of change be put beside each item changed.
RVGS Speaker Contract.
Motion 2020-52. Kim Thurman made a motion that we accept the Speaker Contract as submitted. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
Tracking ZOOM payments. Kim Thurman will train Katie Haugse to find double-payments for classes.
Legacy Tree. Rich Miles noted that Legacy Tree Option 1 is that our members can receive a discount of $50 and our Society would receive 10% back to us.
Motion 2020-53. Anne Billeter moved that we accept Option 1 from Legacy Tree where our members will receive a $50 discount with 10% returned to the Society. Rich Miles seconded. Motion passed.
ProQuest. Kim Thurman will take a look at the list and see what UO’s Historic Oregon Newspapers website has. Anne Billeter recommended that we go ahead with this.
Motion 2020-54. Kim Thurman moved that we add Oregon Collection to our subscription. Margaret Clark-Mayfield seconded. Motion passed.
Rich will contact Dawn and let her know we are proceeding with this.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A. Executive
- President—Katie thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication this past year.
- Vice President—Kim stated that she would be calling Directors, Coordinators, committee chairs, and others to confirm their willingness to serve in 2021. She is looking forward to taking the “baton” from Katie.
- Trustee - Charlotte Wirfs will do the Trustee report for December. Charlotte and Barbara Northrop will get together to discuss the Trustee’s duties.
- Past President—Karen Asche commended Katie for leading us through the worst year ever for RVGS. She did a fantastic job. Kim has great energy and expertise and she will do a fine job.
B. Directors
- Finance—Stephen Kazar said he has a personal goal for the Finance position to try to give the members information in a format they hopefully will understand.
- Volunteer—No report. Rene reported 7,813 volunteer hours to date. November hours, 441; Board Member hours, 151; number of volunteers 98.
- Library—Anne Billeter made a correction on her report. Under Book Sales November should be substituted for October.
- Education—Pat Jenkins thanked Katie and Rich for helping to figure out their problems with the spreadsheet, etc., they have been a real asset to the Education Committee. There was a discussion about hybrid classes when we are able to reopen again.
- Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield is attempting to straighten out Libby Watson’s membership. Supposedly her membership was paid through her husband’s account. She will figure this out. She also stated that because of our Zoom classes our membership is rising again.
- Technology and Data Management—Rich asked the new members of the Board for pictures.
C. Committee Reports
- Publicity—No report
- Maintenance—No report.
- Editors:
- eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month. Rich Miles has taken over the eNews and will give it a new look.
- Rogue Digger—Cara Davis-Jacobson
4. Research—Chris Galligan has agreed to be the Board person in charge of research requests. She has been getting some hourly requests.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2021, 9:30 a.m., via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:28 a.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary