Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, October 12, 2020

Society Board Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2020
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:35 am via Zoom,  A quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.  Guest was Marilyn Ayres.

Motion 2020-39. Kim Thurman moved that the Minutes be approved as submitted.  Stephen Kazar seconded.  Motion passed.
Loretta reported that we had received a thank you card from Signs Now for calling them for our sign needs.
Statement of Activity  
General Income                  2,675.00             
Program Income                   865.28             
Net Income              3,540.28
General Expense                2,397.21
Program Expense                 376.35
Net Expense             2,773.56
           Interest                                        2.66
          Endowment Donations         500.00
Gross                    $  1,269.38
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire months of August and September 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and the devastating fires in the Rogue Valley in September.
Motion 2020-40. Anne Billeter moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for August 2020 as submitted.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed.
The Treasurer’s Report for September will be approved at November’s meeting because Board members did not receive a copy for review prior to this meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m. to go into Executive Session.
Meeting was called back to order by President Katie Haugse at 10:21 a.m.


Nominating Committee.  Marilyn Ayres, speaking for the committee of Chloe Sternola and Mary Robsman, submitted the following slate of officers:  President:  Kim Thurman; Vice President:  Katie Haugse; Secretary, Loretta Barker; Treasurer:  Barbara Shrewsberry; Trustee:  Barbara Northrop; and Past President:  Karen Asche.  Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the November General Meeting.  Officers will then be elected by the members of the Society.  Installation of Officers will be done in December.   
Seminars.  After seeing how many people from various parts of the world attended our Genealogy Week presentations, it was agreed that we should continue to do Zoom classes along with in-Library classes as soon as we are able to reopen because we are able to attract a wider audience.  We had class members from Australia, Poland, Canada, Germany, as well as from all across the United States.
Fire Fund:  Kim Thurman contacted Non-Profit Association of Oregon (NAO) regarding a Go-Fund Me page for our members who have lost everything.  She was advised that this was not a good platform for us as a non-profit.  Stephen suggested that we ask those members who have lost everything to let us know what they need.  We should also come up with a list of what our members have that they would be happy to donate.  This might help our members be able to set up their new living quarters more easily.  There was a discussion about dues for members who lost everything.  Anne Billeter mentioned that people will need things after they find new housing.
Motion 2020-41.  Rich Miles moved that we waive dues for one year for those members who have lost their homes in the Almeda Fire.  Pat Jenkins seconded.  Motion passed. 
Electronic New Member packet.  Rich Miles suggested that we begin sending packets to new members electronically, as opposed to mailing the new member packets, so they can get the information and their Member Number more quickly in order to sign up for classes and seminars.  It was agreed that a copy of the Member Card with their number could be sent in the mail afterward.  We will still keep some packets in the office to hand out to new members who come in to the Library (whenever we get to reopen!).  Rich will come up with a Google-Sheets page for membership that will be available to all librarians to be able to assign member numbers.  Rich and Margaret will work on the new procedures for this.
Holiday Closures.  The Society office will be official closed Wednesday, November 24 through Saturday, November 28, 2020, for Thanksgiving.  We will also be closed December 21 through December 26, and January 1 through January 3, 2021.  These closures are noted in case we will be able to open the Library before the end of the year.
Members Meetings/Programs.  At the November Members Meeting we will present the budget for 2021 and vote on officers for 2021.  At the December Members Meeting we will vote on the budget and install the officers.
2021 Budget.  The Budget Committee  (Katie, Kim, Barbara S., and Stephen) will meet to finalize the 2021 Budget for presentation to the membership at the November Members Meeting.
Membership Renewal Letter.  Margaret will send her revised letter to the Board for review.
Annual Fund Drive thank you letter.  Barbara S. will gather the name of the donors and send them to Rich to publish in the eNews.  Barbara S. said that she has a letter that can be used to send to donors.
RVGS Speaker Contract – postponed.  Rich will send the draft that he has to Katie and Kim.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
 A.  Executive
1.   President—No additional information.
2.   Vice President—No additional information
3.   Trustee—No report
4.   Past President—No additional report
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—See notes above under Budget.
  2. Volunteer—No report.  Rene reported September hours as follows:  Board Members – 141;  Volunteers – 99; Total Hours for September – 449; Total Hours to date – 6,616.  Rene did note that some board members haven’t reported hours at the time of her report.
  3. Library—Anne let us know that the library has purchased two copies of Research Like a Pro, and both are circulation copies.
  4. Education—The evaluations from Genealogy Week are very favorable.  Facebook and digital areas are where we can encourage more people to join our classes.  Rich needs help with class registration.
  5. Membership—Pat Jenkins made phone calls to members who had not renewed their memberships and was successful in getting some to rejoin.  After some discussion it was decided that at this time if a member had not paid dues through June 2020, they will be taken off the active roll and will not have access to our programs at their homes.
  6. ​Technology and Data Management—Rich mention that he had dealt with two members who were unable to log on to Ancestry from our site.  He received a reply from Zoom and discovered that we can do add-ons.  A webinar would cost $40 a month.  He also stated that King County, Washington, is going to publish our class/group/seminar information on their website.  It might be a good idea for us to reciprocate with them and other societies.
C. Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—Pam is getting some things out.  She will be putting the information regarding Kate Eakman and Annette Burke Lyttle classes/seminar on Conference Keeper.
  2. Maintenance—Jack will send out a maintenance list.  He is looking for a cover for the XXXXX  Rich said he received an email from someone regarding the bush at the front of our building.  It is an extremely flammable plant; what if it caught fire?  We need to address this plant.
  3. Editors:
  •  eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.  Rich Miles has taken over the eNews and will give it a new look. . 
  • Cara Davis-Jacobson, Digger
  • Rich submitted a report from Constant Contact about our usage and clicking rate.
4. Research—Kim noted that research numbers have dropped off.  She will put an article in the eNews.  The traffic in the Virtual Exhibit Hall has been fairly slow.  We need to determine if this was worth our $35.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November  9, 2020, 9:30 a.m., via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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