Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, August 10, 2020

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  August 10, 2020
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:35 am via Zoom,  A quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Julie Goodwine, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.  Guests present were Pat Jenkins and Barbara Halvorsen.
Motion 2020-33. Anne Billeter moved that the Minutes be approved as submitted.  Kim Thurman seconded.  Motion passed.
Loretta reported that we had received a thank you card from Signs Now for calling them for our sign needs.
Statement of Activity 
General Income         10,815.00                               
Program Income             444.18                               
Net Income      11,259.18
General Expense          2,821.53
           Program Expense           535.60
Net Expense      3,357.13
Interest                                 2.71
Gross              $  7,904.76
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of July 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2020-34.  Kim Thurman moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report as submitted.  Stephen Kazar seconded.  Motion
Barbara Shrewsberry noted that she has submitted the Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Endowment Fund of Oregon Community Foundation report for the Board’s review.

FGS Virtual Conference Exhibit Hall.  Kim Thurman presented her email regarding the FGS Conference for 2020.  For $15 we can get a “booth” in the 2020 FGS Virtual Conference Hall.  This would be a great way to promote our Society and get our name out there to a wide variety of people and societies.
Motion 2020-35  Rich Miles moved that we spend $15 to get a booth in the 2020 FGS Virtual Conference Hall.  Stephen Kazar seconded.  Motion passed.
NOTE:  The $15 price was incorrect; it should have been $35.  Kim Thurman polled the officers and it was agreed to increase the price to $35.  (See email attached).
Speaker Contract: Diana Elder. Anne Billeter noted that Diana Elder wants to review publicity that we do before it goes out.  Pam Sasseen has been concerned about this previously.  We need to clarify if we can post her program and charge for it.  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, and Andrea Patterson will have a meeting with Diana Elder to clarify some points in her contract before we pay the $300 deposit in October.  We also need to know how many people we are getting through Sneak Preview.  It  is quite expensive if we aren’t getting participants from them.
Motion 2020-36  Kim Thurman moved that we pay the $300 deposit for Diana Elder.  Julie Goodwine seconded.  Motion passed.
Nominating Committee.  Katie Haugse stated that she has appointed Marilyn Ayres, Chloe Sternola, and Mary Robsman to serve on this committee.  Marilyn will be Chair.

Budget.  There was a discussion as to how we can bring in more revenue.  Rich Miles notes that we have barely scratched the surface of our new website.  Kim Thurman and Barbara Shrewsberry will check on the income from online research; there seems to be a discrepancy.  Anne Billeter brought a number of items to the attention of the budget committee.  The committee will review all these items and bring an updated version of the budget to the next Board meeting.
Brainstorming:  Dick Eastman’s article.  Katie Haugse discussed Dick Eastman’s article.  She would like to see us move forward with offering classes virtually.  Even when we are able to open the library, this could be another source of revenue if we can reach people who do not live in our area.  There were comments that we are already doing a number of the items he discusses in this article.  Kim Thurman will send Katie Haugse a list of groups available online.
Genealogy Week.  At the last Education Meeting, Barbara Northrop presented an Education Week Schedule.  It was discussed that we offer one free class and then charge for the following classes.  Anne Billeter stated she would be willing to teach her OLLI class on Beginning Genealogy. 
General Meetings.  Kim recommended that we have General Meetings in September, October, and November.  Anne Billeter noted that we need to contact the speakers already scheduled in September and October to see if they are willing to present their programs via Zoom.
Bylaw Changes.  Karen Asche has written a summary of the changes that will be posted with the proposed Bylaw changes.  The Bylaw changes will be present to the membership at the October General meeting.  There will be a deadline for the time to vote.
Motion 2020-37.  Rich Miles moved that we approve the final changes to the Bylaws.  Karen Asche seconded.  Motion passed.
Dues.  Karen Asche asked about increasing the dues to $40 instead of $35.  There was a discussion regarding this.
Motion 2020-38.  Karen Asche moved that we approve raising the membership fee to $40 for a membership/$15 for an extra person and that it become effective after a vote by the membership.  Kim Thurman seconded.  Motion passed.
Motion will be presented to the membership at the September General Meeting.  If this motion is not passed by the membership, the Board will consider implementing a step-increase.
Speaker contract (postponed until a later date) 
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No additional information.
  2. Vice President—See RVGS membership fee history submitted.
  3. Trustee—See attached report.
  4. Past President—No additional report.
B.   Directors
  1. Finance—See notes above under Budget.
  2. Volunteer—No report.  Rene reported July total hours – 758; Board Member hours – 288; Number of Volunteers, 99; Total Hours to date 2020 – 5,465.
  3. Library—Anne Billeter submitted two items for consideration:  acknowledging donations and communicating with members who do not have internet.  After a discussion there was a consensus that we should proceed with these two items.  Barbara Shrewsberry will review the acknowledging donations letters with Stephen Kazar to come up with a final letter that will be sent out by Barbara through Quick Books to those providing us their email and by regular mail to those who have chosen not to provide us their emails or do not have email.  Rich will send Anne his edits of the letter communicating with members who do not have internet.
  4. Education—Julie Goodwine submitted minutes of the Education Committee on 20 July and 3 August 2020.  She also submitted an estimate for the April 2021 seminar speaker and copies of events scheduled from August through November 2020
  5. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield has sent out letters to those people who had not paid their dues with a request that they please do this.
  6. Technology and Data Management—Rich Miles noted that managing Zoom is becoming a bigger job.  He is preparing a form for people to request a class/meeting be put on Zoom.  He shared this with the Board and has asked for suggestions/changes. Rich also submitted a copy of the comments from those taking his Zoom Find A Grave classes.
C. Committee Reports
  1.  Publicity—No report submitted.
  2.  Maintenance—Anne Billeter reported that the air conditioner in the library has been replaced and is working.
  3. Editors: ​​eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.  Rich Miles has taken over the eNews and will give it a new look. Rogue Digger.  Cara Davis-Jacobson
  4. Research—Report submitted.
D. Annoucements
 The next Board Meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2020, 9:30 a.m., TBA (Zoom or Library?)

The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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