Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, July 13, 2020

Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  July 13, 2020

The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:33 am via Zoom,  A quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Karen Asche, Stephen Kazar, Julie Goodwine, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.  Guest present was Pat Jenkins.
Motion 2020-28. Rich Miles moved that the Minutes be approved as submitted.  Kim Thurman seconded.  Motion passed.
There was no correspondence.

Statement of Activity 
           General Income           3,670.00                               
           Program Income             361.15                               
                            Net Income   4,031.15
           General Expense           3,776.70
           Program Expense             143.10
                             Net Expense: 3,919.80
           Interest                                    2.62
                               Gross         $    113.97
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of May 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2020-29.  Kim Thurman moved that we accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.  Stephen  Kazar seconded.  Motion passed.
Anne Billeter questioned the numbers on the Profit & Loss Comparison Sheets, stating that the numbers as shown do not agree with the numbers for the same period last year.  Barbara Shrewsberry stated that this form had been prepared by Tracy Baird and she will check with her regarding the numbers.

Barbara also stated that the 2019 CT-12 return had been prepared, signed, and filed in May 2020.
Bylaw Changes.  There was a discussion regarding the changes made in Article XV Endowment Fund.  It was the consensus of the Board that the Board controls the Endowment. 
Motion 2020-30.  Anne Billeter moved that we accept the By-Laws as submitted.  Kim Thurman seconded.  Motion passed.
Endowment.  There was a discussion of the Past President’s Report to the Board—July 2020.  It was discussed how and where to post notice of the changes to the Bylaws.  It was agreed that the notice would be posted at the Society library.  It will also be placed in the eNews and Rich will further send it out via Constant Contact.  It was agreed that there may be times when we will be contacting members electronically.  It is the member’s responsibility to keep the Society notified of their current email address. 
Motion 2020-31.  Karen Asche moved that the 2016 revision of Resolution #1-2007 be permanently removed from our records for the reasons described in the Past President’s report and that the Society maintain a permanent file on the server of the “history” of our Endowment Fund.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed.
COVID-19 closure-update.  Katie noted that she is nervous about opening the library in light of the fact of increased cases in Jackson County and it would be horrible if someone came down with COVID after visiting our Library.  We want to continue to encourage members to check out books and get our online classes going.  Rich suggested that perhaps we could open by appointment only; everyone wearing masks.  Katie liked the idea of appointments and masks but noted that we need to make sure we have librarians willing to do this.  It was reiterated that we should not open while COVID numbers are rising. It was agreed that if anyone on the Board was contacted by a member wanting to come into the Library, Katie should be contacted.  We agreed not to advertise appointments a this point in time.
Speaker contract (postponed until a later date)  Rich will sent out the latest version.
Air Conditioning unit replacement.  Katie noted that we had received four bids to replace the air conditioner in the main library:  Advanced Air, Baumer’s Heating and Air, Metal Master’s Heating and Air, and Southern Oregon Heating & Air.  It was agreed that we should ask Advanced Air about their warranty and ask the other companies about the cost of replacing the second air conditioning unit.  We need to ask all companies about their service warranties and maintenance plans.  Pat Jenkins suggested that we ask someone to blow out the second unit to help maintain it for the present time. 

Budget.  Stephen Kazar reviewed his report on the Library Budget and Effects of the Virus/Shutdown on its Revenue Streams.  The first thing he noted that it was greatly to our advantage that we have no mortgage!  He also noted that members are contributing to the Annual Fund Drive in addition to paying their annual dues.  Katie asked everyone to review the Budget worksheet she forwarded and submit any budget items by the end of the month.  The budget report will be sent to Stephen Kazar by the end of the month.  Budget committee consists of Katie Haugse, Barbara Shrewsberry, Kim Thurman, Tracy Baird, and Stephen Kazar.
September General Meeting and Program.  Katie asked Julie Goodwine and the Education Committee to come up with a program for our September meeting.  This meeting will need to be a Zoom meeting on our regularly scheduled date, September 15, 2020.  Julie said the Education Committee will meet on July 20 and she will ask who might like to do a program that day.  Julie will let the Board know the outcome of the Education meeting.

Nominating Committee.  Katie will contact last year’s nominating committee to see if they will serve again; if not, she will appoint a new committee.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.

 A.  Executive         

1.   President—See Katie Haugse’s submitted report.

2.   Vice President—Kim Thurman reviewed her report with the Board regarding member dues.  Kim suggested that we make a decision to increase our dues because they seem to be less than other societies around us.  Anne Billeter noted that we do have a number of members who would not be able to pay an increased sum; it is only about 15% of our members who donate to our Annual Fund Drive and many of these are our Lifetime members; an increase in dues may cause members to fall away.  A discussion was held regarding increased dues and a way to assist those members who might not be able to afford the increase.
Motion 2020-32.  Karen Asche moved that we increase our annual membership fee to $35 effective August 1, 2020.  Charlotte Wirfs seconded.  Motion passed.
3.   Trustee—See submitted report.

4.   Past President—See submitted report. 

B.   Directors

1.  Finance—See notes above under Budget.

2.  Volunteer—No report.  Rene reported June total hours – 590; Board Member hours – 285; Number of Volunteers, 99; Total Hours to date 2020 – 4,709.

3.  Library—Anne Billeter noted that the Southern Oregon Historical Society has reopened by appointment only on Tuesday and Friday, 1-4 p.m.  Grants Pass Family History Center is open again.  There will be new sign-in sheets for members and volunteers which will show times entering and leaving the library.  She reminded everyone that materials are available for check out and look-ups are being done. Anne gave us a virtual tour of the library showing the new plastic dividers between rows of computers and at the Librarian Desk.

4.   Education—Julie Goodwine noted that the Education Committee met July 6 via Zoom.  They would like to test doing Brick wall classes with Zoom.  Andrea Patterson has spoken with Dr. Colletta and he is not willing to do the seminar on Zoom.  She will contact others to discuss their schedules for upcoming Seminars.  Rich Miles purchased a webcam for the library and will be teaching others how to teach via Zoom.

5.   Membership—No report

6.   Technology and Data Management—.See submitted report and notes under Education.
C.      Committee Reports

1.  Publicity—No report submitted

2.  Maintenance—Jack Patterson has contacted heating and air companies regarding our air conditioning unit in the main library.  See notes above under Air Conditioning Unit Replacement.    It was noted that there is a black widow spider living in our furnace closet.  Katies said she would take care of this pest.

3.   Editors
eNews.  Due the 20th of each month
Rogue Digger.  Anne spoke to Cara, she has enough material to go ahead with the Rogue Digger scheduled to be published September 15, 2020.
4.   Research—See submitted report.

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 10, 2020, 9:30 a.m., TBA (Zoom or Library?)
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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