Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, May 11, 2020

RVGS Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  May 11, 2020
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 9:34 am via Zoom,  A quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Karen Asche, Julie Goodwine, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.  Guests present were Steven Kazar and Tracy Baird.
Motion 2020-23. Kim Thurman moved that the Minutes be approved as corrected.  Char Wirfs seconded.  Motion passed.
There was no correspondence.
Statement of Activity 
General Income 2,115.00
Program Income 94.24
 Net Income 2,209.24
General Expense 2,210.29
Program Expense -150.99
Net Expense 2,059.30
 Interest 3.46
Gross                          $    153.40
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of April 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Motion 2020-24.  Rich Miles moved that we accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.  Karen Asche seconded.  Motion passed.
Next month the Board will review the CT-12 and 990 reports. Tracy Baird noted that it will be to our advantage to approve the 990 soon as there are grants available.  Rich thanked Tracy for donating back her monthly salary.
By-Law Changes.  Rich submitted a new revision of the By-Law changes.  Karen Asche is still looking into the endowment language.  In Article 6, do we need to address virtual meetings?  Rich will once again resend the updated By-Laws to the Board.
COVID-19 closure update.  On Friday, May 15, 2020, the State will move into Phase 2 of reopening.  We need to determine what the public libraries are doing.  There was a discussion about moving Genealogy Week from the end of September into October due to the coronavirus.  Julie will talk to Barbara Northrop about this.  Steven Kazar questioned whether seniors would feel comfortable coming in to our library and said he feels we need to let our membership know what we are doing to keep them safe.
Speaker contract.  Katie asked that everyone review this contract.  This matter will be postponed until later in the year.
Stephen Kazar was appointed Finance Director unanimously by the Officers.  He will take over many of the duties of the Finance Officer along with working with grants.  The position description will be rewritten and updated.
Annual Fund.  The monies from the annual fund go into the Society’s operating funds.    Steven has lots of good ideas for our Annual Fund Drive.
Insurance Application – Philadelphia Insurance Co.  Katie asked if everyone had looked at this application. She would like to get one more quote besides Philadelphia.  Barbara will talk to Terry Friend and Skeeter Ramirez about DNO.  Katie will try to reach Skeeter about whether we should keep up the DNO policy until we make a decision on a new company.
REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
1.   President—A discussion was held regarding joining the Non-Profit Association of Oregon (NAO).
Motion 2020-25.  Anne Billeter moved that we join NAO.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed.
2.   Vice President—No report
3.   Finance—this position has been filled and is being moved under Directors.
4.   Trustee—Char Wirfs asked if she should move ahead with the Finance Committee meeting.  It was decided to hold off on this for now.  Char has requested that when groups hold a meeting (virtual for now) that she receive a copy of the email so she can keep track of these for her monthly report.
 5.   Past President—Karen Asche says that the 990 report is good.  She reports that the Quilt Committee will not have any more talks for rest of this season.  They will try to come up with a list of talks for next season.  The raffle for the quilt will continue and they will keep adding items to the website 
B.   Directors
1. Volunteer—Katie stated that the plans for the Volunteer Year Pins have been put on hold until such time when we can all meet together. 
2. Library—Anne Billeter noted that our members are able to access our paid websites from their homes.  She noted that all of the telephone books we received have been shelved.  Katie thanked Anne & Steven Hoolko for all the hard work they have been doing.
3. Education—Julie Goodwine stated that the Education Committee did not meet in April.  She is keeping track of speakers that have been postponed so she will be able to reschedule whenever we’re able to do so.  Rich Miles offered to help Julie set up a Zoom meeting for the Education Committee.  Julie thanked Rich for the offer. 
4. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield will be sending out renewal letters this week.
5. Technology and Data Management—Rich Miles reported that he still does not have the uploader due to Project A problems.  He has updated our member brochure and asked that Board members read it over to check for errors.  He has included Andrea Patterson in these communications.
  C.      Committee Reports
1. Publicity—No report submitted.
2. Maintenance—No report submitted.
3. Editors: eNews.  Due the 20th of each month
                    Rogue Digger.  No report.
4. Research—Kim Thurman noted that E-Research has been very slow.  Anne Billeter said she has been handling these requests.  There was a new request today.  Kim said there was an inquiry about an hourly researcher.  She will contact Chris Gallagher and write something up to let people know that we are still doing research during our library closure.
 The next Board Meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2020, 9:30 a.m., TBA (Zoom?)

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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