Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, April 13, 2020

RVGS Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  April 13, 2020

The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President, Katie Haugse, at 10:20 am via Zoom,  A quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Kim Thurman, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Charlotte Wirfs, Karen Asche, Julie Goodwine, Margaret Clark-Mayfield, Anne Billeter, Rich Miles, and Terrie McCoy.

Motion 2020-20. Anne Billeter moved that the Minutes be approved as corrected.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed.
There was no correspondence.


Statement of Activity 
General Income 860.00
Program Income 1,165.32
Net Income 2,025.32
General Expense 3,899.48
Program Expense 2,045.82
Net Expense 5,935.30

Interest 4.24
Gross      $  -3.915.74

It was noted that the Library has been closed since 16 March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. 
Motion 2020-21.  Kim Thurman moved that the Treasurer’s Report be approved with the addition of  an item to the Treasurer’s Notes regarding the financial loss for March.  “Due to the Coronavirus the library was open only 82 hours in March.”  Terrie McCoy seconded.  Motion passed.
Financial Review Committee.  Charlotte Wirfs noted that there are three members of this committee plus Barbara Shrewsberry.  It is Char’s responsibility to call the meeting. There was a discussion about how to handle this meeting; it is believed that it will be impossible to do the meeting virtually due to the material that needs to be covered.  Katie Haugse said this meeting needs to be postponed until after the Covid 19 quarantine has been lifted.  Char will notify the members of this committee.
Loretta Barker asked if the Board were going to address the insurance packets that Barbara Shrewsberry emailed to the Board.  It was agreed to continue paying our current insurance policy while investigating other options.  Anne Billeter stated that she has determined the value of our collection and it’s much higher that we are currently insured for.  This needs to be taken into consideration.
Seminar.  Katie asked Barbara Shrewsberry how many people have requested a refund for the Seminar which was cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic; Barbara stated that there were only a few.  Katie will email those who signed up for the Seminar and ask them to clarify if they wish to donate this money to the Society or have it returned to them.
By-Law Changes.  There was a discussion about Article 4 and whether we should remove the word “Officers.”  We will need to check the Endowment Fund wording; we need to go back to the original document establishing this fund which was in 2002/03.  Barbara Shrewsberry will look this up and forward it to the Board.  There was a discussion regarding changes.  The Bylaws need to be consistent with Society membership.  This item was continued to the May Board meeting.
Sign Update.  Our new street side sign is working.  Rich Miles will meet with Skeeter Ramirez to see how we update this.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield noticed that some of the colors are not as bright as others.  We do not want to advertise on the sign that we are closed due to the homeless couple that frequents the outside of our building.  Katie Haugse talked about the estimate to paint the exterior metal and wood sign assembly presented by Jack Patterson.  It was agreed that we need to approve this estimate and get this painting done.
Motion 2020-22.  Anne Billeter moved that we approve the painting of the sign for the amount estimated.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield seconded.  Motion approved.
Salt Lake Trip.  The trip that was approved for the end of March was canceled due to the coronavirus; it has now been rescheduled for October 4 through the 10.  Ann Baraker has reserved 15 rooms at the Plaza and scheduled our complementary seminar for Sunday, October 4, at 6:30 p.m.  The topic chosen was “Think Like A Genealogist.”
Covid-19 Closure.  Katie does not see an end to our closure at this point
Annual Fund.  Katie Haugse suggested that the letter going out to members list some of the large items, with their cost, that need to be done here at the library.  The State of Oregon is recommending quarantine through October at this time.  Rich is sending a letter to all our subscription sites asking that our subscriptions be suspended due to the Covid-19.
New Stationery.  Rich Miles submitted a sample of an updated stationery letterhead.  The Board liked the new look and approved it unanimously.
Kate Eakman.  The consensus of the Education Committee was to let this presentation go until everyone who wants to attend could be there in person.  Julie Goodwine thanked Rich for putting everything on the website so we can keep people interested in what we have to offer.

REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.
A.  Executive
  1. President—No report.
  2. Vice President—No report.
  3. Finance—this position remains open. 
  4. Trustee—No report.
  5. Past President—No report.
B.   Directors
  1. Volunteer—Terrie McCoy submitted her report and had nothing to add.  Volunteer Hours reported by Rene Forncrook were 705 hours for March.
  2. Library—Anne Billeter submitted her report.  She noted that because of the change of dates for the Salt Lake City trip, the OLLI class will need to move one week to October 16.
  3. Education—Julie Goodwine stated that she has kept a file of the speakers that we had to put off during this time and she will keep in contact with them.  There was a suggestion that we offer more classes during June and July (if we’re able to reopen).
  4. Membership—Margaret Clark-Mayfield submitted her report.  All renewal letters have gone out.  Renewal letters for May will go out this week.
  5. Technology and Data Management—Rich Miles submitted his report.  At the present time Rich cannot upload any new indexes or correct data errors because Project A has been dealing with their server crashing.  He will keep on top of this. 
 C. Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—No report submitted.
  2. Maintenance—Jack Patterson noted that we will continue to keep our cleaning crew on their regular schedule and payment amount of $325 a month because people are using the library.  They will be asked to pay particular attention to light switches and door handles.  Cleaning the carpeting was discussed.  It was agreed that we need to have it done by a professional carpet cleaner.  It was suggested to ask our cleaning crew if they had someone they would recommend.
  3. Editors: eNews.  Due the 20th of each month, Rogue Digger.  No report.
  4. Research—No report.  Rich Miles noted that soon we will have the ability to fill requests for obituaries, etc. before our books are published.
  5. Quilts—No report.
Katie Haugse said that the Annual Fund Drive letter needs to be send out.  She will contact Steve Kazar to see if he’s interested in working on this fund drive and also to see what he might be interested in doing that falls under the Financial Director’s duties.  Steve Kazar has done grants previously and would like to help Barbara MacMillen.  Barbara will check to see if Steve would like to take over this position.  She said there are grants related to Covid-19.

Katie noted that Chloe Sternola submitted a report regarding what projects were going on.  Chloe has updated the Tech Manual and is working on the Library Manual. 
Barbara MacMillen will check to see if the Oregon Community Foundation will allow us to reallocate the funds they have donated to us for the Seminar.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m. 
Loretta Barker, Secretary

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